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I think you're just projecting your own beliefs onto him.

That's fair; my statement was pretty strong. But I think we can agree that by comparison Biden cares more about it than his opponent, a known insurrectionist.

Yes, because he actually cares about what the Constitution stands for, not just some adversarial power game. Claim the paradox of tolerance all you want, but fighting fire with fire here is just participating in the same race to the bottom that's destroying our democracy here in the USA.

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Unless you're willing to claim we're in a civil war, then I'm not willing to call Republicans "the enemy" ... That's that the real enemies of America want of us: to divide and conquer from within.

There are only two hard problems in distributed systems: 2. Exactly-once delivery 1. Guaranteed order of messages 2. Exactly-once delivery.

Martin Fowler has a pretty good collection of these.

cherry trees and cherry blossoms are two different trees

Do you mean "ornamental" cherry trees and "fruiting" cherry trees? A "cherry blossom" (or "sakura") refers to the flower of a cherry tree, usually of the "ornamental" variety. The article seemed fine to me.

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This reads a lot like the Indiana Pi Bill. Granted, that one never passed, but it's a pretty old story: politicians think they know better than experts.

I switched to Duck Duck Go and Firefox and have never looked back.

Brave always seemed kinda scummy to me, like they're robbing Peter to pay Paul.

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Both kinds of trees have blossoms. Granted, people do call ornamental cherry trees "cherry blossom trees" ... but, technically speaking, a "blossom" is literally the flower of any stonefruit tree.

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Turns out there's a lot of historical context. Also, whether it was God or Satan who influenced David is somewhat ambiguous thanks to quirks in translation.


I'd rather establish licensing/training requirements for light truck operation. Nobody likes it when someone takes away their stuff. But convince them that the only people allowed to operate such heavy machinery are "elite" and they'll gladly take pride.

Normal passenger car driver's licenses in most of North America have such a comically low bar because people need them for life. You lose your license, you can't live. It's not just harder. You physically cannot get to work, get food, meet friends, etc. It's bonkers. Solving that problem is hard. But making sure that people who really absolutely shouldn't be driving something as dangerous as a truck can't get one "just because it's cool" is a different, much easier solved problem.

Can't be going and adopting kids all willy nilly, or else the adoption factories might ramp up production!


You mean someone will exchange $10k for something as worthless as dusty old grape juice? Seems rather charitable of them...

For those of us still naive ... Why does Lemmy say "Ubuntu bad" now?

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It is.

I display a clock at work that I proudly label as "Standard Time" year-round. Screw daylight stealings.

I was homeschooled through middle school because the public school administration wanted to put me on Ritalin despite the school psychiatrist's objections.

Public schools aren't perfect either.

If you've been alive for more than 30 seconds, it's not just anecdotal. But to appease the challenge, anyways: https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2020/demo/p60-269.pdf There's a massive imbalance between custodial fathers and custodial mothers. Even worse is the imbalance in child support negligence.

Can we please just admit that there are normal biological/social/economic/perceived/identity differences between men and women? That's not to say all of those differences are good or desirable, or that they are without variation, but can we at least recognize the state of our world without shunning those with different viewpoints?

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I think it would depend on the books.

Isn't that the whole argument for banning some books and not others?

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The daytime is basically our employer's time anyway, I'd rather not waste any more precious daylight on that part of the day.

I feel like this strikes at the heart of the whole DST vs. ST argument. As I mentioned in a sibling thread, it boils down to how much control we have over our own schedules. Instead of a mutualistic relationship, we've sold our souls to our employers. Shifting to permanent DST may be a temporary solution, but if we can't figure out a way to form healthy relationships and boundaries with work/school/etc, even those gains will eventually get optimized away from us.

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Agreed. However, something has to be said for the fact that a lot of American society and economy has shifted value away from "dangerous" or otherwise physically demanding labor (e.g. coal mining, farm field work before automation) towards jobs that don't depend on how much muscle mass you have or other expressions of sex hormones. That value system was encoded into cultural norms and media, which, without the corresponding environment, just became a caricature.

The problem of focusing too much on the culture is that we miss what shaped it in the first place: a need to feel valued. If men aren't valued for their physique (or, to be frank, their biological expendability), then what's their value? The Left was too afraid of ruining their Feminist credibility to offer any serious solutions. Meanwhile, the Right leaned in to that caricature, and offered a solution full of misogyny and arrogance. When presented a choice between an awful solution and no solution, it's no wonder so many men fell prey to toxicity.

We need more non-toxic masculinity.

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You're right that keeping European Honey Bees (Apis mellifera), even though they are introduced/invasive to North America, isn't usually detrimental to native pollinators. However, Apis is in no way in danger; they are an agricultural livestock.

Point is, saying you're "saving the bees" by keeping honey bee hives is like saying you're "saving the birds" by keeping chickens. Weird flex, but okay.

The opposite. For northern latitudes, the time switch is actually somewhat beneficial. People generally don't love waking up and going to work/school/whatever in the pitch black. DST doesn't magically "save daylight." The total amount is daylight is the same for either.

The only real solution is permanent Standard Time. Local businesses and governments already shift their business hours as they see fit for other reasons, so keeping "summer hours" and "winter hours" is totally reasonable.

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The point they're making is that homeschooling is far more flexible (for better and for worse) than most public education in the USA. Admittedly, it's a bit of a patch to fill in the gap, but for some kids it's incredibly beneficial. I was in a very similar situation: elementary school sucked and was extremely boring; despite the school psychiatrist's objections, the administration wanted to put me on Ritalin instead of proposing any real solutions. So my parents homeschooled me through middle school. I didn't actually follow much of the formal material, and instead of followed an "unschooling" approach. It was extremely beneficial compared to getting medicated.

The USA needs education reform, for sure, but kids can't wait for our value systems in the States to finally figure out good, flexible, and diverse pedagogical techniques.

Yes, they are, which is why the gifting of cherry trees is such a strong symbol of friendship! Experiencing Sakura is uniquely Japanese.

The transience of the blossoms, the extreme beauty and quick death, has often been associated with mortality; for this reason, sakura are richly symbolic...


Disclaimer: I am an EV owner.

EVs are quite a bit heavier when comparing within size class. From checking just a couple curb weights across similarly-sized vehicles, you can expect between 15% and 30% heavier.

But, to your point... if you instead compare between vehicles with a similar pricetag, EVs are about 15% lighter. When people go to budget a new vehicle, I expect many people are less willing to do the math to realize that trucks are extremely expensive to fuel and maintain, and so they're lured in by the "utility" they provide, when in reality it's substantially cheaper to rent one for the 10 days a year they need it.

With that said... you know what's even better for humans than EVs? Trains. Buses. Diverse transit infrastructure!

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Neat article. It's a bummer pumped hydro doesn't get the love I think it deserves. Hopefully it gets a bit more soon.

But now I have a new pet peeve: when an author defines initialisms that are never used more than once outside of their definition.

Harsh words. After all, Rankine is best.

Do you mean to say that crypto is based on crypto? Crazy!

I work at a father son activity centre...

That's great!

...you would be shocked at how few women I see spending time with their own children!

I'm not at all shocked. Selfish behavior isn't exclusive to men. Women are also deeply flawed humans.

These are US based and based on separated parents.

I provided non-anecdotal evidence, and you shit on it? What are your priorities?

Selectively observing statistics doesn't give a good representation of real life, but shitting on other people for selectively observing statistics doesn't help, either.

Crash tests indicate native guardrail system can't handle heavy electric vehicles

Fixed that headline for anybody who doesn't read the article (which is better at explaining some of the nuance). AP is good, but not totally immune to clickbait titles.

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Ahh, okay, so nothing new under the sun: Hipsters hate normies and September never ended.

Although I'm under the impression that Mint and Pop have taken a bite out of the "beginner desktop" market, Ubuntu is most of what I observe in the office when everybody else is booting Windows.

I can understand selecting for novelty; I'm usually in that camp. But novelty shouldn't come at the expense of an argument to IT departments that they should support at least one Linux distro.

Well, yea, that's the problem. I shouldn't have to "learn" a UI, things should be apparent and obvious.

Counterpoint: vim is very well liked for it's UI, but there's a very steep learning curve.

To your point, though, the learning process ideally ought to be seamless and linear; each new thing you can do with the application should be mostly obvious given what you already know about the UI, not force you to learn everything from scratch or do work to learn it (unless you're into that kind of thing). I don't think Discord is the worst offender of this rule, but they could make it better.

Suggest reporting post for breaking community rules:

Rule 3: Opinions articles, or Articles based on misinformation/propaganda will be removed. Sources that have a Low or Very Low factual reporting rating or MBFC Credibility Rating will be removed.

Looking at their comments here, I don't think OP is interested in playing by the community rules.

Propaganda is insidious.

Maybe it's a sign we need less dependency on oil...

Ugh, don't get me started. By "American Christians" I assume you mean "Christian Nationalists" ... Christian Nationalism is about as Christian as the moon is made of cheese:

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ...

Sure, but "alt-right" means something specific, and I was missing the jump of reason ... but this thread has gotten pretty heated, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised people were weirdly upset by what I thought was an innocent question.

Oh well, it's the internet, after all.

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Well said. We all spend a lot of time criticizing, and not enough time building up. Here are a few more (rather heavily paraphrased) ways to be a good person that I feel strongly about:

Admire people who recognize their insufficiency, mourn, show humility, seek justice, are merciful, have a pure heart, work for peace, or are oppressed for doing the right thing.

Understand you're incapable of perfection, and so is everybody else.

If you're angry with someone, call them an idiot, or curse them, beware of the consequences.

Settle conflict with others quickly before it escalates.

Be faithful to all your vows in both thought and action.

Resist the urge for vengeance; flip the script by going above and beyond for those who take advantage of you.

Give to those who ask for help or want to borrow what you have.

Stand out from the crowd by showing kindness and compassion to those who hate you.

Aye, didn't want to accuse you of advocating for censorship. Just a friendly reminder that even the most "dangerous" texts are that way because of context, not content.

Also I was today years old when I learned about The Turner Diaries. Yikes.

Care to elaborate?