Map: The states in favor of daylight saving time all year long to – 220 points –
What’s in the way of making daylight saving time permanent

In the past six years, 19 states have made efforts to move to year-round daylight saving time. So what’s in the way?


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The opposite. For northern latitudes, the time switch is actually somewhat beneficial. People generally don't love waking up and going to work/school/whatever in the pitch black. DST doesn't magically "save daylight." The total amount is daylight is the same for either.

The only real solution is permanent Standard Time. Local businesses and governments already shift their business hours as they see fit for other reasons, so keeping "summer hours" and "winter hours" is totally reasonable.

I don't mind dark mornings, since I'm already at work by 7am each day. But not being able to walk/bike in a park safely each afternoon, not being able to cook outside, or hang out with friends in the daylight is a bit sad. And also SAD as in the disorder since we are now inside during the only hours of daylight...

This right here is the reason I call for permanent DST.
I'm at latitude 42N and having less daylight time in the evenings during the warm months would be awful.