
0 Post – 79 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

They want it to be difficult to cancel. Shit like this should be illegal.

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Us common folks may not have flying cars or jetpacks yet but this shit is pretty dope.

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I would LOVE to see more of this. Looking at you GATORADE, with your half-inch-deep plastic rim on the bottom and new hourglass bottle shape. 32oz sized bottles are 28oz now and MORE expensive. Fuck shrinkflation to death.

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This is the best summary I could come up with:

“Shocking cunt shocks with yet more cuntery!”

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It’s honestly fucking hilarious how hard Musk has Trumped this company.

People are still going to call it twitter and tweeting because it’s usable in a sentence. Calling it “x” is a thoroughbred-mouthbreather move. For example:

“Twitter tweeted an announcement that it would add disclaimers to tweets with misleading and false information regarding voter fraud”

“X x’d an announcement that it would add disclaimers to x’s that american elections are rigged and Trump and Musk are totally not the swamp they complain about”

Blaze your glory!

At a certain point it’s not trolling, you’re just being a retard.

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I’m in NC and one of my (voting age) coworkers heard me ranting about how republicans keep fucking everything up with evil, unamerican legislation at all levels of government and she was so surprised to hear something bad about republicans instead of democrats that she said:

“Wait, which one is which? I think democrats were.. the ones I don’t like..

What’s the difference?”

As fucking made up as this sounds I swear to god this is as close to verbatim as I can recall. The conversation started with the plastic bag ban in the outer banks that fucking supermajority cuntpublicans overturned— and how everyday republicans consistently vote to destroy the planet, only to benefit some rich cunts and the profit margins of big companies that they have zero vested interest in. It’s unreal how fucking stupid these people are.

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Disney’s desperation is showing—just look at their stock price the past 2 years.. down 50%

I’m honestly surprised they didn’t raise their subscription fees sooner. Unfortunately for them it’s a double edged sword, which will cause a lot of people to cancel and quite possibly harm them in the long run.

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“Eat the rich” is honestly where we’re headed. And I don’t mean literally eat I mean TAKE THEIR WEALTH.

Until billionaires are made illegal, and “real estate investment” (i.e. predatory price gouging on homes/apartments) is made illegal, everything is gonna continue getting more fucked. It’s too little too late though, greed has destroyed our planet. We’ve got front row seats to the downturn of human civilization.

I’m stocking up on canned food, and I’ve never been the doomsday prepper type. Honestly I think we’re about to enter a protracted global depression that makes ‘08 look like a speedbump.

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Nevermind all the birds and insects dying, the crop and literal drinking water shortages. We’re gonna have front row seats to the collapse of civilization as we know it. What a fucked up time to be alive for anyone like me who cares deeply about nature. This shit is ruining my mental health.

Humanity does not deserve to exist. It has been decided, greed is our great filter. If there were 100 people to blame for all of this I could go out and kill them, but 100 million? What the hell can any of us do about that?

We still have the whole republican party denying climate change.. these people are hopelessly fucking greedy and stupid.

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He’s not having a hooker shit on his chest through a hammock though, might not be him.

Swap coffee and energy drinks. Energy drinks are def the most braindead of the bunch—I know, I used to buy them.

Also where is the “100mg adderall” option?

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Trump couldn’t pass a 4th grade SOL

His rise to presidency highlights failures at every level of our system. He’s always been a crook and a liar and a fraud, but you appeal to the dumbest base and hold up a bible upside down and they can overlook all that.

I bet jar jar dinks has a massive fucking hog. Lookin like a giant chinese salamander.

I bet he pounds with that retard strength.

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I remember when Bush was president and I thought “wow it can’t get much dumber/worse than this” — and now every single day i’m confronted with this absurdity.

I’m scared to even say it out loud this time around, knowing now what “republicans” are really capable of.

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I just got permabanned for calling Clarence Thomas a cunt because “the c word is sexist hate speech.” You have got to be fucking kidding me, reddit has become such a piece of shit I’m done with it for good.

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Let’s not mince words here, Israel wanted this to happen. Hell I wouldn’t be surprised if they even loosely facilitated it somehow.

Now they have an excuse to complete their genocide and free up the rest of their lebensraum for their pure arya—I mean Jewish state.

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Pun 10/10, execution 6/10

“You can’t even ask them to drop the puns—their response will just be Dublin down”

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The immigrant crisis around the globe is also at a tipping point. Climate change and corporate greed have fucked many places in the world out of habitability.

Immigrants aren’t going to stop coming because the alternative is a slow and miserable death or the threat of cartel governments. Now western countries don’t want to take care of them and don’t want to deal with them at all, because immigrants demand resources and we need all that money to hide in congress’ ratholes.

Well if we hadn’t fucking destroyed the planet in the blink of an eye maybe they wouldn’t all need to come to europe. If we hadn’t waged this stupid fucking war on drugs then maybe south/central americans wouldn’t need to flee cartel zones for fear of their entire village being beheaded and dumped in a pit.

America and Europe are only beginning to reap what we’ve sown over the last 50 years and we already want to throw in the towel.

Shit is going to get far worse, everywhere, imminently.

What is this fuckery

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I feel like Obama either lays pipe like a master or cums immediately, there’s no in between.

You think the KARMA he deserves is being meted out?! With this slow fucking shitshow?

It’s not karma to break the law and then be prosecuted for it, that’s just “the law” or society/government. If karma was real this fucker never would have been president.

If karma was real my life wouldn’t suck so hard. If karma was real then 50% of the world’s money wouldn’t be in the hands of like 83 terrible people. If karma was real police officers wouldn’t get away with murder all the time, or get a $31k/year pension for shooting an unarmed man in a hotel hallway (cops and rich people are an example of when the LAW is just as imaginary as karma).

The list could go on forever. The idea of karma is a nice fantasy we justice-minded people can imagine, but in reality, it’s just bullshit like every other superstition.

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You could hardly call these far right anti-ukrainers in the GOP sleeper agents, they’ve been out and out Russian/Fascism cheerleaders for years.

Complaining about the US “wasting” money in Ukraine, as if we don’t have a huge vested interest in the outcome. If you told the GOP of the 60s-90’s what the GOP of today’s stance is on Russia, they literally would not believe you.

Every single dollar spent dismantling Russia is just about the best value you can get for a dollar. We should be committing 10x again what we are.

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“500 hamas militants*”

“B-but most of them were children, elderly, and the infirm…”

“Yap, that’s radicalism for ya.”

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Pfft sounds like you need to get your priorities straight. The jobs will still be there tomorrow, get posting.

But they’ve been pardoned so it didn’t happen! Just as Jesus did, so can trump absolve anyone of their sins.

Imagine the absolute apocalyptic shit-fit the trumpers would have if Biden pardoned a bunch of crooks and cronies like Manafort, Stone, Kushner senior etc. x 100

Pardoning a bunch of tax frauds, while RAISING taxes on common folks and cutting them massively for corporations—and their broke, inbred base cheers. So much for draining the fucking swamp. God DAMN these people are as fucking stupid as they are vile.

I already got permabanned from reddit for saying “cunt” so fuck that cunt website. I used to lament how terrible it was becoming but, now that I’ve removed myself from it, I’m just watching it crash and burn and enjoying every bit of it.

Soon the website will only be bots and shills and a few people who never say anything even slightly aggressive/controversial/opinionated/crass. A boring, sterile shell of its former self— just a safe space for advertisements.

Eat shit and die reddit!

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Bunch of spineless self-interested cowards

Jokes on you, I do both

We’re careening towards the tipping point where the commute to my area to work will make it not worth it.

Jobs around here pay $16-18/hr and I have a couple coworkers who drive 1hr20m each way for that $16

Meanwhile rent anywhere near here is $1600/mo

It’s already almost unjustifiable for people to commute to this area to work, and you can’t live around here on the wages these places offer, so everyone is desperately hiring.

These retail companies are going to fold like a house of fucking cards. And honestly they fucking deserve it. These big chains enjoyed decades of insane profits without raising wages at all, now they have to raise wages for people to even exist and they’re still raising prices on goods to offset their new wage expenditures.

God forbid these corporate subhumans sacrifice 1% of their profits each year so that the entire economy doesn’t collapse.

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Don’t worry scro! there’s plenty of tards out there livin real kickass lives! my first wife was tarded

I hated that shit (the dysfunction in my medicine’s absence) so much that I quit taking adderall altogether. Now I have to deal with my ADD but my OCD has settled down in direct proportion and I’m in much better shape physically and have a normal/healthy sleep schedule for the first time in years.

Not having wildly sweaty and stinky feet, grinding teeth, spending all day to swallow phlegm, or spending 5 hours at a time jerking off my limp dick as I open 300 tabs of porn looking for the perfect one—these are all plusses as well

Every single provider just sets completely arbitrary price-gouged rates. We need a public internet service to undercut these goons.

R/accidents and r/darwinawards really ground me in the present and confront me with my mortality. Curiously enough I think watching strangers die on the internet has been beneficial to my mental equilibrium (not gore stuff, mind you, that’s decidedly un-beneficial).

Some of them are like finaldestination shit where you literally weren’t doing anything wrong or risky and then bam, life’s over for you by sheer astronomical-chance happenstance—but some of them they def fucky wuckied

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Smoking the usual “reactionary right-wing ignorance”

And they’re fucking addicted to it. Get your facts out of here.

BREAKING NEWS Report “95% of water : wet”

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Charged with being based

It’s probably just regular porn the whole point of this joke is the implication of incest from the commenter

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I could have sworn I’d seen this in a tv show or a comedy sketch.. like they invite some old veteran to speak about his life at some event only to realize halfway through that he was a nazi

Does anyone remember something like this?

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I didnt say Israelis I said Israel, as in the people in charge.

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If you could reason with them they wouldn’t be republicans.

We should stop trying to convince them with logic, and start paying off the far right talking heads to change their talking points. If fox and newsmax pundits, and the shitty far right members of congress (like bimbobert and MTG and minor-lover matt gaetz) did an about face overnight, so would the entire republican base.

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