I Tried Reddit Again and it Sucks Now

Karlos_Cantana@sopuli.xyz to Reddit@lemmy.world – 700 points –

I installed the official Reddit app and went on it to see what the old place was looking like now. My inbox was filled with spam. The "home feed" shows subs I never subscribed to. There are so many ads. Between the ads and the the extra subs in the feed, it's hard to just scroll. I also noted a lot of spam in some of the subs. Maybe they are subs with no mods? I'm not sure what's up with that.


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I just got permabanned for calling Clarence Thomas a cunt because “the c word is sexist hate speech.” You have got to be fucking kidding me, reddit has become such a piece of shit I’m done with it for good.

meanwhile they haven't banned clarence thomas for being an actual cunt.

That's been a standard for banning in r/politics for quite some time. "Cunt" is the mod banhammer trigger word there. Clearly they have never heard of Australia.

Clearly they have never heard of Australia.

They don't have politics in Australia, silly. /s

r/Australia is notoriously easy to get a permanent ban for completely arbitrary reasons. the mods there are reddit neckbeard stereotypes on steroids

Politics? That's a 'murican tradition. That's why r/politics only allows to discuss 'Murica, because there are no politics anywhere else. What? Did c/politics say something?

Yes I was banned there for saying I wouldn’t be sad if trump dies in prison or something like that, banned for advocating death lol

I was permabanned for harassment for insulting spez during the 3p shit lol

What a bunch of fucking losers I can’t wait for their IPO to go down in flames, hopefully aided by some organization investigating and reporting the fact that like 30% of the website is karmafarming bots and chinese scam shills.

Haha no way I got banned for calling RBG a cunt for not retiring when she had the chance!