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Joined 12 months ago

As a boss who thinks remote work is fucking amazing, these people are retarded.

8 more...

Eh, it's preferable when companies go ahead and self-identify as being comprehensively dog shit and worthless.

Just another company to throw on the list who will never receive a single dollar of my money as long as I live.

Won't lose a wink of sleep over it. Good luck, Mazda.

23 more...

God,the number of these I sold at Best buy....rolling my eyes the entire time...and making absolutely sure the customer understood exactly what that phrase meant in this ultra-scammy context...

Ended up not being able to handle that job. Something about literally full-time debunking of lies printed on everything in sight was exhausting for me.

4 more...

90% of complaints about any screw head type is some jackass using the wrong driver like a P2 in a P3 head totally mystified as to why their shit stripped.

14 more...

It's firing those people after 3 days of non compliance... Why is anyone surprised that Amazon gonna be Amazon?

business leaders are not high performers... The only people who do anything at all are direct team leaders - because they're usually doing the same work as the team itself plus all the administrative bullshit.

Imagine filtering "musk", "Biden", "trump", and "communism and socialism are good and moral and it has always worked every time we tried it" from Lemmy.

"There's nothing here. Please refresh."

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Ah, shit... I guess my great, great, great, 100x great Martian grandkids will have to suffer leaked dickpics from ancient times.

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Who knows?

If you aren't setting objectively measurable goals, then simply holding people accountable to those goals, you're a shit boss.

And no, I don't care that it's "hard" to measure certain types of work. Come up with a way. That's literally the manager's job. Make it happen.

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Hey look it's a stable diffusion cosplay.

Same... I don't understand the appeal of Chrome. I think they used a new java engine like 10 years ago and beat Firefox in a handful of benchmarks, and then Firefox conclusively and irreconcilably trounced Chrome a few months later, never letting up a bit.

just create a "fuckyoaccount" over at protonmail and log in.

I was an early adherent to unique passwords for every login. Now I'm doing a unique email as well. Works a treat, and fucks up their marketing too which warms my heart.

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Love their watches.

Can we not post paywalled links?

disclaimer in 1pt font: *100% margin of error

You're right, Tesla has certainly been a disruptor in some ways - nobody could argue with that...

I assume you're baiting an argument of some sort, based on experience with the maturity level around here...

...was the search actually misspelled that badly?

4 more...

Well, theft of the labor of contributors to give to non contributors is communism ... So, your statement is true, it's just more broad than that.

Weird... And yet, ads from the world's biggest advertisers are still regularly shown to me on X...

Also shit boss goals, tho.

Y'all need to quit... I've literally never treated my people like this. Spent 20 years as an engineer myself, tho. As a Director, I still commit code like a principal.

I bless the rain down there anyway

All I see is yours. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

I'll move closer to the city and walk or use public transit.

Frankly, that's unlikely. The free market will always make sure someone is there to disrupt, and I'll always support the disruptor.

14 more...

Go look at Stanford's funding.

A Tesla could definitely drive through either. lol

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Imagine thinking leftists aren't the rich elite 🤣

Yep Mazda is my first auto maker blacklist... I've got Sony at the top from numerous incidents around 2004-2006, and Google since 2016. (obvs can't get 100% away from Google because they keep buying companies, but I only need to get rid of my Nest and Fitbit shit to be completely google-free!)

I don't care what the specs of the printer are. This is a discussion about repeatability.

I can get sub micron repeatability out of playdough with the right extruder and hardener. Every single one of you has been arguing from an entirely false premise to begin with.

I work outside.

You should probably get a job. 🫤

You're probably referring to that study showing Tesla with 250 problems-on-delivery per 100 cars... I don't own a Tesla or know anyone who does, but it's worth noting the vast, vast majority of those problems are cosmetic, and fixed before the car leaves the customer service facility. If you see the graphic for that study, there are some pretty huge names way down on the list just above Tesla - and those are not mostly cosmetic issues.

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Really? The most expensive Netflix plan available is still 1/5th what the TV portion of my cable bill was...

I still have it, but honestly probably not for long because I just don't use it. Sail the high seas and don't support the culture-destroying shit!

TIL objective facts are shit

In that game, there is no active shooter - and if there was, they would be dead instantly.

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Careful, now... We're not allowed to say that a higher percent of bad things are the fault of a tiny percent of the total group of actors, even if the data is objectively true! 😉

Oh wow ... You think one letter is the only problem with that?

Yep, that's very close to what I do! Pretty basic scrum/agile methodology. Daily stand-ups, weekly planning, biweekly retrospective, etc.

Turkey is extremely pro-USA. They're like the "adoring fan" perk in Starfield.

That's basically the game the elites want us to play.

The societal problems are so preposterous and button-click simple to solve for a government as powerful as ours, there's no other logical explanation.

They want our eyes off the ball. That much is clear.

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...hee said...in a cope thread. 🤣

This is definitely true in terms of industrial production. (super cheap for "makers" - taking the hardware constraints into consideration with the design, of course).