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Joined 12 months ago

Thanos; I can understand his reasoning, his solution doesn't favor anyone either and seemed painless.

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About the 2 faction problem, theoretically 50% of each faction will be gone. Chances are big that the power balance remains the same. But you can idd argue that making 1 faction completely dissappear is also 50% and statistically possible.

About the influential people (let add geniuses to be complete). Those persons are not unique, nobody is irreplaceable. Someone else will step up to be equally influential, Someone else will figure stuff out.

The reason he choose that action is not to be biased and give everyone an equally 50% chance of survival. In his eyes, a cleaning lady deserves an equal chance to a CEO.

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First point: fair enough, I see the flaw. But then we're changing to a more ethical dilemma: does a charismatic person deserve more chance to live?

Second point: with half the population left, there is more time to solve things (caused by humanity). Global warming, for example, will likely be solved by just the snap alone.

Maybe he could have made it that every female can only bare 2 children, that would gradually reduce population. But that would put a huge strain on the younger generation to take care of the elder.

The next generations will bounce back. They will not have experienced the thanos snap.

Fire that principal. He's a bad example for students.

It is like your screen name but without the "r"

Same side as the charging port. All cables must come out at the same side.

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Marvel just should've called her "black window", it's more realistic that way.


My mom got double brain aneurism. Had her head cut open to put clamps on the leaking arteries.

Slipped into a coma, few days later doctor came in to convince us for prepping her for organ donor, dad said it was too early.

Another few days later doctors came in being really rude that all she was good for was organ donor. Had a heated conversation with my dad who got tired and said "fck off doctors".

Few days later she woke up. After revalidation she has a healthy life, this was 37yrs ago, she still lives, she is 71.

My dad told my awake mum and since I was underaged opted me out for organ donor. Needles to say, I am reluctant to opt myself back in.

Optional read: aftermath of the aneurism is that the part of the brain to process visual data was damaged. Other parts of her brain took that role but is not as effective. Her depth perception any further that 10m is gone. She has no vertical peripheral processing, so she has to tilt her head up or down to recognize what she noticed i' her peripheral, one cannot imagine this seeing something but unable to recognize until you point your head at it :) in the end, very good outcome.

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Imagine hitting a dent in that bulge. Metal doesn't dent back out, I'll be a struggle to walk or strip your armor while it is crushed the entire time.

It is today's equivalent to catching it between your zipper.

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I refuse to watch videos with a thumbnail showing an open mouth.

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Form over function. It is a wearable, give it a bezel to bump with instead of cuved glass.

Finding "subLemmy's". I just browse the main page and block the sublemmys i dont like.

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So basically discovery. Because she has this cry face all the time.

You heard him! Let's all sleep outside in the gutters until the bubble bursts.

How quick your body wears out. I'm only 41 and my body is already used up. It is going to be hell for 30yrs from now on.

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Because of the war against nuclear plants. Our green party shut down nuclear plants in favor for renewable energy. But as predicted, renewables don't meet our demands. So the green party started building gas plants to compensate instead of keeping nuclear running.

So why? Because of green idiocracry that demand the impossible of green energy (at this moment) and nuclear = evil

Isn't this easily detectable?

The camera sends a ping every 30sec to the host. Missing ping: sound silent alarm with possible tampering. Missing 4 pings, let all hell break loose alarm sound.

That is how my sensors work. They work on 433/868mhz, this is open band and easy to flood. If the hub misses a ping from a sensor, the tamper protection alarm goes of.

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I don't mean he is not a piece of shit but

Who cares he has 47 weapons. You only have 2 hands. What you think he is going to do? Strap 30 glocks to his leg?

Who cares he has 26000 rounds. Do you know how heavy ammo is? What you think is he going to do? Walk around with a shopping cart full of ammo? Strap 50 magazines to his chest?

It still amazes me that people fall for this "quantity " argument. It means nothing. Someone is not more dangerous with 500 rifles or 5 rifles.

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Aww india is hurt and throwing a tantrum like a 5 yr old :D

District 9

Yea, and also "shine bright like a diamond "

Successfully divided something by 0

America is not everywhere. At least mention the country where your question applies to instead of thinking you're the center of the internet. Before we try to find a connection between Automatic Transmission Fluid and Data Encryption Algorithm .

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They putin a request for an interview with Zelensky.

Closing a stapler after refill.

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Since you are convinced about the higher resolution, you really are going to enjoy it.

But let me urge you to also buy a higher refresh rate. The same discussion applies here.

Even if the human eye can't count the pixels or the frames, you WILL perceived it as more relaxing on the eye.

Bedjet. I have constant nightmares which make me soaking in sweat. This thing keeps you and your sheets dry all night. Keeps me cool in the summer and warm in the winter. And the quality is something I have never seen before

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Demon core. Open it, you die from radiation. Close it, it goes critical and explode.

Bought new phone, opened it in store, screen was broken, had to immediately give it back for a 6 week repair. Fuck vandeborre, belgium.

Law abiding citizen

Just ban Murica from the world. I am sorry for the sane Americans, but you just have to take the fall for mankind.

It is not that complicated, to make a simple example with strings: AAAABBBABABAB takes up 13 spaces, but write (compress) it like 4A3B3AB take up 6 spaces compressing it more than 50%.

Now double it like AAAABBBABABABAAAABBBABABAB with 26 spaces and write it as 2(4A3B3AB) with 9 spaces it takes only 30% of the space.

Compression algorithms just look for those repetitive spaces.

Takes those letters and imagine them being colored pixels of a picture to compress a picture

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Microsoft support comes to mind

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The fuel injectors are off when engine braking. It is the momentum of the car that keeps the engine running/rotating. That is why you are slowing down more rapidly because you're losing momentum into the engine.

They can operate, just slower. Life threatening gets priority, the rest are diverted to nearby hospitals.

Think of when your gps shuts down. You can navigate by paper map, just slower and you need to pay more attention to avoid mistakes.

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Just use a different launcher. No ads then. OEM launcher is a mess anyway.

Put a chimp and a gorilla in a cage and see what happens. This is true all the way down to black ants and red ants.

Most species tend to stick together and tolerate other species. But when something happens, like food shortage or not enough space, they stop tolerating the other species in favor for their own.

There are even social experiments when a group of humans are given 2 colors of tshirts and random tasks. The people with the same color shirt tend to group and work together for no appearant reason... Other than it is built in behavior.

You can't deny this even if you find it an unpleasant property.

Samsung is doing the same now with their latest one ui 6.1 update. It makes 3rd party screens unresponsive. There are reports that even rolling back to a previous version doesn't fix the problem.