4 Post – 112 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don't really care. I don't visit Reddit anymore and don't intend to return.

28 more...

I can understand wanting to have a well-moderated community.

What I don't understand is how they expect to do that with a moderation team of just 4 people.

I guess now people will just leave Beehaw, its communities that were popular here will be replaced by others in the Fediverse and life will go on. The Fediverse is built to be resilient to such changes.

36 more...

We waste intelligent minds on this rubbish when we are facing an existential crisis in climate change.

16 more...

Usually you check this sort of thing before releasing it...

Yeah, the level of entitlement is insane.

I find it slightly sad that when our leaders talk of Technology and Innovation - they often mean these 'tech' companies that essentially work out how to better sell advertising and occasionally provide a useful service alongside this.

Where is the Bell Labs? The Skunk Works?

We have incredible problems facing us such as Climate Change and decarbonisation seems like it will be a very difficult challenge. And yet we focus on banal "innovation" in frivolous things.

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Should defederate from so we don't even see their posts/comments? It seems a bad user experience to have posts/comments appear that we can't properly interact with.

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I used Apollo, and after the way they treated the creator, there's no way I would use Reddit again.

1 more...

One problem atm is that a user can't block by instance, just by community or individual users. It seems a lot of people are requesting this ability though so hopefully it gets added in the future.

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Yeah, users can't create communities there. It seems they wanted to run it in North Korea mode with all the power invested in a few admins. But that doesn't scale.

Yeah, the solution is just to leave beehaw though. It takes a few minutes to make a new account on another instance. If they really want to access the beehaw stuff they could join an instance that is still federated with them, that way they could see the beehaw posts and the posts.

It's probably best just to abandon beehaw entirely though and use alternative communities in the Fediverse.

They said they couldn't deal with the level of abuse and spam that came from users. They have a much more restrictive content policy and smaller, centralised moderation team than most other instances which exacerbated the problem.

35 more...

They haven't had anything interesting to watch since Squid Game. This Black Mirror season had like one good episode.

But sales are slumping
And no one will say why
Could it be they put out one too many lousy records?!?

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This makes it super confusing as to whether or not someone will actually be able to interact with your post/comment. You'd have to constantly check the user you are replying to is not

Perhaps should defederate from That would solve this UX problem?

2 more...

Nice try, FBI.

You are just describing joining any one of the dozens on instances that aren't defederated from Beehaw or - your already exists in the form of all those instances which Beehaw didn't defederate from.

They defederated from and another large instance as they said there was an influx of abusive users from these instances and their small, centralised moderation team was unable to manage it.

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But admin approval just slows it down right? Like how is the admin going to know you aren't a bad actor?

It also really slows down the sign-up process which will cripple the growth of the Fediverse.

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Yeah, I suspect they will move to a whitelist the moment that functionality becomes available. Or just defederate entirely from everything and become a walled garden.

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Same, I've found the attitude really positive here. It reminds me of early Reddit in like 2008.

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But surely we hope that this level of users is permanent? I think it'll be in place until lemmy has better moderation tools, which could be quite some time. It has the benefit that it is Open Source though so anyone can help.

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I think we'll see another spike when the third-party apps are actually shut down.

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Yeah, delete your account too.

It's like Cortes burning the ships.

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You can still buy the games outside of Game Pass.

Why would /r/conservative support killing third-party apps though? I don't really see the connection.

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If you had an account and then deleted it, you will get this page until you delete you beehaw cookies. It tries to automatically log you in on your old account and then fails with this error as it was deleted.

I'm not sure if this is unique to beehaw or across all Lemmy instances.

We see them on other instances, from that post:

Why do I see posts/comments from beehaw users on communities outside and

That's because the "true" version of those posts is outside beehaw. So we get updates from those posts. And didn't defederate beehaw, so posts/comments from beehaw users can still come to versions hosted on

The reverse is not true. Because beehaw defederate, any post/comment from a users will NOT be sent to the beehaw version of the post.

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I just hope it keeps the morality system of the original games and the freedom you had (like you could just go and rob and murder people etc.) that really made the original Fable stand out over other RPGs at the time as few franchises gave you such freedom (The Elder Scrolls, Deus Ex etc.)

4 more...

Yeah, we can see them and interact with them. But the beehaw users won't see our comments, the other users on the instance will. So it could be confusing if you were expecting a reply from a beehaw user - as they won't even be able to see your reply.

I'm not sure how voting works, I guess our votes would count? As the copy is held on the instance? But maybe beehaw users wouldn't see them.

1 more...

Yeah, I guess they just want to "pwn the libs" by being made to use the awful first party app and have all the adverts etc.

I think the decentralised nature of lemmy, kbin etc. is much more in line with the libertarian ideals that some of the right have though.

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100% agree.

All of the political extremist and hate speech instances should be defederated. And Beehaw just because them defederating us creates a really bad user experience if we don't defederate them as you could respond to comments/posts by beehaw users on other instances and not realise they won't even see your replies.

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Yeah, Lemmy is open source so maybe this will get added. This was meant to be quite a rare edge case unless you were like from some Nazi/racist instance or something though.

The Return of the Obra Dinn is by far the best detective game I have ever played.

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I join the largest existing alternative - for example for technology the one is already very large so I just join that.

I have 500Mbps in Spain. Is it that bad in the American cities or is it only like rural Montana that has these speeds?

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I prefer quality over quantity, especially given the number of studios that are out there.

But if this just means we wait 7 years to get a Redfall, yeah.. no..

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Yeah, but the problem is at the moment you might reply to their posts/comments in other instances without realising they aren't going to see your response?

It just seems a really complex UX for little gain.

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Yes. We won't see their own instance at all. What we see from beehaw atm is the outdated copies we have from prior to defederation.

It's revenue share with the record labels. If those labels don't pay the artists well that's a different issue.

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Yep. It has the benefit that it concentrates the userbase in the existing communities. But it also creates a really static site and is at more risk of moderator abuse.