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The suffragettes were pretty disruptive, even the peaceful ones. The bombing suffragettes were extremely disruptive.

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It took two hundred years or so to cause this, It might take longer to fully fix but that's why we start right now.

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There are so many outlandish claims in this comment with basically nothing backing it up

This 100%

I deleted my reply because it was too much but the original ign article on wukong is very tame. I can't see why they're so worked up to harass the author off the internet.

Some days beehaw not having downvotes is a real issue.

He once claimed that while food banks were necessary there were too many food banks due to do-gooders starting them to feel better about themselves. And that people could feed themselves on 30p a day if they knew how to budget.

This turned out to be a local food bank that managed to feed a load of people on £50 that worked out to 30p each for one meal. Obviously not something you can do at home however good your budgeting

They're really, really bad at context. The main failure case isn't making things up, it's having text or image in part of the result not work right with text or image in another part because they can't even manage context across their own replies.

See images with three hands, where bow strings mysteriously vanish etc.

You don't think there's a risk of NATO losing the us if trump wins?

NATO in the EU needs to be ready to step up

The other option is to not expect to see people who live a plane flight away every year.

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Begun the guano wars have

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With the number of trackers on most sites you usually get a performance boost with an extension vetting each network call

The us military is constantly experiencing warfare.
If anyone in that pic turns out to have been swimming naked it'll be the chinese

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Ironically demonstrating why the EU needs to invest more in defences. Cyber and physical

Did they also mistranslate the Chinese women commenting on trailers that the studio is gross and don't want women playing their game?

It's honestly tragic, if you read that article it's primarily about the Chinese game industry culture with one game and studio used as an example because it's a supposedly a AAA game to rival western studios.


We're being asked to believe ign has slandered a large Chinese studio, entirely made up, and kept the article up regardless. It just doesn't hold water. Harrassing some poor women off social media and writing long comments about everything being made up is easy, but ign are still standing by the article six months after it was published.

I can boycott regatta and American prison made licence plates at the same time. I have many other talents besides.

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The really grim thing about this ignorant comment is that everyone did

Russia has Crimea because they did negotiate last time. They surrendered land for peace. And that's why it isn't happening again

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Until someone uses it for a little more than boilerplate, and the reviewer nods that bit through as it's hard to review and not something a human/the person who "wrote" it would get wrong.

Unless all the ai generated code is explicitly marked as ai generated this approach will go wrong eventually.

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Not claiming it's true because I literally heard of this five minutes ago, but go fill your boots. The source is his sister.


This is worse tho. You can't just erase the bfg like this

They have (or had) a suspiciously high confession rate too.

5/6 not wearing them seems more statistically significant

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He writes all day. He can't have time to listen to anyone with his volume of output :D

I see the murders out in force in this thread, so keen to stop innocent civilians being killed they cheer on people...shooting at civilians.

Hamas attacking Israel civilians is wrong Israel attacking palastinian civilians is wrong Houthis attacking civilian sailors is wrong

Is not complicated and anyone who can't see it needs to go outside and rub themselves in grass.

"Two sources told Electrek that Tinucci was fighting back pressure from Musk to fire a bigger percentage of her team, and the CEO decided to let go of the entire team as an example."


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It's worth reading the article, and better articles are available in the UK press too.

The coverup came from ignorance, no one actually knew this was happening but the NHS staff had reason to reassure patients and just assumed everything was ok without looking hard.

NHS management also didn't look.

When ministers tried to ask about it they got told everything was fine by their civil servants. And so they go out and tell the press everything is fine.

No one can start an investigation for the suspicions because it looks like admitting it's happening, and they genuinely didn't know it was. Because there had been no investigation.

"Standing back and viewing the response of the NHS and of government, the answer to the question 'was there a cover-up?' is that there has been. Not in the sense of a handful of people plotting in an orchestrated conspiracy to mislead, but in a way that was more subtle, more pervasive and more chilling in its implications. To save face and to save expense, there has been a hiding of much of the truth," Langstaff wrote.

"Over decades successive governments repeated lines to take that were inaccurate, defensive and misleading. Its persistent refusal to hold a public inquiry, coupled with a defensive mindset that refused to countenance that wrong had been done, left people without answers, and without justice. This has also meant that many people who are chronically ill have felt obliged to devote their time and their energies to investigating and campaigning, often at great personal cost."

I don't know, does he realise how weak this visit made him look? It just looks like he's scared to me.

Visiting a couple of 2nd or 3rd tier nations gives the appearance of someone not trying to get anything done, just bask in paid for glory from people too small to matter.

(Yes I'm from the UK and this entire comment is a dig at France. Come at me)

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Even if you you don't want to plough 1000 hours into it I still think you'd get a lot of enjoyment out of exploring the game for a normal 20 hours or so, it'd definitely hold attention longer than that even for the most impatient player. It just has so much character and pull to move up the tech tree and make cool layouts.

And even if he didn't want the fight, a ceasefire now would destroy his coalition, being down the government , remove him from power, and probably end up with him personally in prison from the outstanding corruption allegations

And if sdv expanded isn't enough there are two other big ones, ridgeside village and east scarp

Absolutely ridiculous numbers of npcs and story. Just watch out as not all farm layout mods will be compatible with everything.

What do you expect NATO to do? A drone strike??

It doesn't even need to be applied, saying it can happen and showing it once forces a massive logistical cost on Russia to protect itself by moving weak points further back, extending supply lines even more, or concentrating under any anti missile defences.

He has literal examples of head count increasing due to this use of ai, he's not the idiot here.

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You see, the music labels know that stealing from Spotify is morally correct.

Star ruler as an disappointment is fair, but have you tried the totally different and now open sourced StarRuler2?

It's a much better game, much tighter with a definite progress path for colonies shipping things to each other (later used by slipstream which is more pure management and might not fit your list)

It's free, it's worth a try I promise it's very different to SR

There's a long glorious history of things being AI until computers can do them, and then the research area is renamed to something specific to describe the limits of it.

They guy is going to be in power for a couple of months. Why would anyone listen to him?

It can link first by IP address, and then by fingerprinting.

Best to use unlock origin etc. to block all those little buttons. Don't even connect to their server

Op has a pencil in the top right, looks like it was edited

And they have. It's gonna be fun seeing how few seats they get next election

Yes and it flows through to the skill system too. 8 points for carrying more crap across yourself and the ship, and 4 more for increasing companion inv. Even more if you include pockets upgrades on suits.

Are these good skills? Not for the player to choose but to be available in the game. What's the balance here? What's the decision, carry more crap at the expense of doing more damage? Is that good choice to give the player? How do you balance encounter difficulty around that? You can't the player has to choose encounters based on their gimped pack rat skills.

Every part of the game needs a single big mod overhaul to pick a coherent direction.

This was before he caught it, so he probably did eventually realise yeah

It's sad the closest recent other entry is like CK3 a totally different genre really

I miss the patrician series

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