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Joined 12 months ago

Music (mainly prog), veggie, scifi, tech and all things LOTR (after first reading it nearly 60 yrs ago) loving cat butler in Hertfordshire UK. Ex soldier (Royal Artillery) and other trades. Left leaning - atheist - TBC...

When you treat people like shit for years, don't be surprised if they fight back.

Israel has constantly held these people under the heel. Which is a bit rich when you think about all the wringing hands and what have you when anyone mentions the holocaust and the hard time Jews got in Europe before WWII.

I used to think Israel was the hard done by party here, over the last 30 odd years I've come to realise Israel are not the shining example of perfection they'd like us all to believe.

20 more...

Joking aside, this is scary. These people are just well dressed taliban.

House Speaker? Nobody else would get a word in. They'd have to listen to Trump's word salad all day.

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Didn't Trump initiate the pull out, and left Biden to pick up the crap?

UK here, Afghans that helped us should automatically get the right to live here. We have left some of these people to their fate at the hands of the Taliban. Whatever government ministers signed off on that ought to be swapped for the Afghans they left behind.

An utter disgrace.

Two sloths, one cup 🤢

June? Why not tomorrow?

Downvote for that title.

  1. Not enough days off to play golf.

Sam Gamgee

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Sad to say that I'm not surprised. The sooner we wean ourselves off of oil the better. Unfortunately, because of greed and lying politicians, it's going to be longer than we thought.

We know this. Biden was just left to pick up the pieces after the master of the deal stitched people up again.

A bit like that here in UK. My job includes asking up to 150 people per day to switch off their phones. They are all late teens to middle aged. Majority are teens/early twenties. iPhones are by far the majority for younger British people. Others tend to be Samsung, Oppo or One+.

I think its a fashion statement thing, and don't forget the teens probably have their bill paid by their parents.

He needs to be locked in solitary until this is over. He just cannot keep his mouth shut and his fanatical supporters lap all this crap up. There are a lot of countries (that he supports) that would have windowed him by now.

That's going to be a hard job. Cue the ones willing to die for their god given right to drive a car the size of a van to the shops they can see from their front door.

The Blues Brothers.

None whatsoever

These fuckers are all 3rd and 4th gen immigrants. Unless that 42% consists soley of First Nation people.

Are we sure this isn't an Onion article.

Although I'm in UK, we have to follow what's going on over the pond because the idiots here follow suit. That's why we have the shower of shit in government now. Some of them are children of immigrants making laws that would have stopped their parents coming here!

We are all immigrants if we go back a few generations.

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Wouldn't you do that anyway?

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Same here. I don't regret making the move though, and we have to remember that it's all rather new to (most of) us. This can never be as big as reddit, nor would I want it to be.

It's refreshing to be away from the firehose of crap that would flood out of some threads.

I was thinking more of the likes drinking beer and gardening similarities.

Is that when made with milk or the straight black tea?

If it's straight black, then it sounds like you have some breakfast in your tea 😒

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It was an open space between a pub and a railway line. Pub and railway line are still there though.

That's exactly what I do as well. Kindle has a new lease of life, and my knees are getting sunburnt!

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Truly fascinating. How anyone even imagines the design of these is beyond me.

An Arthur C Clarke magic moment.

I didn't say it was justified. You need to calm down. Goodbye.

Holy cack that's even worse!

System 6 represent!

If you just want to listen (you can download for offline listening) have a look at Radio Paradise If you just want to listen and like prog then Morow Both of these will give you masses of new stuff to listen to.

Whackos in Waco.

I suppose the magic sky man is going to do all this for them.

Yeah, thinking about how the general public leave our toilets at work, I shouldn't have been surprised really.

I could never do that, I'd be too embarrassed of being caught out!

There was a thread on here not too long ago looking for alternatives.

One of the alternatives mentioned was **Notesnook. **

I've gone with that, it has a similar look to Evernote. There are paid options for more features.

Couldn't get on with Joplin at all. OneNote is, well OneNote.

Notesnook is superb. Developers very receptive and fast responding as well.

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66, UK. Passed my test in manual in 1982. My current car and all but one of my previous cars are the only automatics I've owned.

I'm using the yearly subscription. Not sure if self hostable. Ask them, they're very good at prompt replies 😉