China couple who found spy camera pointing at Malaysia honeymoon bed accused of ‘smearing’ Airbnb host online

Lee to World – 246 points –
China-Malaysia spy-cam couple warn fellow travellers after honeymoon ordeal

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Wouldn't you do that anyway?

I think you and a lot of people here would be surprised how many people who the only thing stopping them leaving literal shit on the floors and rubbish everywhere would be these chore list and cleaning fees.

I don’t even run Airbnb, I’ve just worked hospo. People are fucking gross and lazy.

Yeah, thinking about how the general public leave our toilets at work, I shouldn't have been surprised really.

I could never do that, I'd be too embarrassed of being caught out!

I would leave the house tidy and I’d clean any mess that I’d made (including washing the dishes) but I wouldn’t strip the beds or empty the bins unless asked.