
0 Post – 86 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I have no interest in harming anyone, ever. But I certainly won’t allow myself to be harmed. So whatever, stomp me with downvotes. I’m as ACAB as the next lefty, but when you grow up in a violent place you recognize certain realities that other people might not.

You spent your savings to remake The Long Dark, neat.

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I said “everything but” meaning roasting your meat on a stick is the only thing I saw here that looks original.

I used to run in a party crowd that had a LOT of burning man folks in it. There were a couple of them that had middle class incomes, maybe even leaning upper middle class. Those are usually the ones that had an art car or whatever that they sank some money into, instead of the crap that most upper middle class Americans blow their money on.

But the rest of them? They worked at restaurants, did massage therapy, teachers, etc. normal people with median or lower incomes that would forego other expenses to set aside a little a money for their annual get high in the desert trip.

Yes, there’s a bunch of elitists at the core of the event, but it’s not the majority.

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I would say that FOSS typically draws a more educated crowd, and right wing rhetoric and propaganda typically target those of lesser education and lower cognitive ability, simply because those people are the most likely hosts for rightoid brain worms. Why do colleges skew heavily left, gee it must be brainwashing /s

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My sibling in Christ, just relax and be yourself. You’ll pick up the accent more and more over time, that’s how it works. Forcing it is disingenuous. Imagine if my goofy midwestern ass moved to the UK and started to try to speak with Brits forcing their accent.

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This means we need to keep being the best community we can be. Welcoming, helpful, and distro agnostic. I might occasionally Stan for the distros I love, or talk a little smack about ones that left a bad taste in my mouth, but when we’re helping new users, we need to meet them where they’re at, and give them the little boost they need to stick with it.

Ooo ooo I’ve got one.

Kena: Bridge of Spirits. It’s like a Pixar souls like adventure game. Lots of foresty magic, very beautiful, and challenging enough to give you a run for your money while she laughs at your many failures.

It’s a good game.

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So, during a state of lukewarm war, hotter than cold but not quite hot, America should just let a Jewish community get massacred by ISIS because it would leave egg on the face of our rival?

The world is pretty fucked up right now, I’m sorry for what it’s turned you into. Hard to keep your humanity when so few seem to care about having any.

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Do we want them all to know? There were a lot of shit heads on Reddit when I was there.

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I find it odd that no one has mentioned the possibility that he could have been a black market dealer. Suppressors, short barreled rifles, and fully automatic machine guns, are all purchasable in the US if you can file the right paperwork and be approved for those purchases by the BATF, under the National Firearms Act (NFA). This approval process includes the ATF having you on speed dial to show up and make sure you still safely possess said items, and aren’t flipping them on the street for a massive mark up.

While an NFA regulated suppressor might run you $1200 after taxes and fees, a suppressor on the streets without the paper trail might go for closer to 3-5k. Actual transferrable machine guns, due to their extreme rarity in the US, command prices from $10,000 to $60,000 dollars through existing legal channels, and again, could be sold at a massive markup without the baggage of a paper trail. Even firearms legal to own without NFA restrictions would command a sizable markup when sold off the books. And this is how gangs have armed themselves for decades, through dealers just like this.

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If the protestors who drew their weapons made this guy take the room temperature challenge instead of showing restraint, they would have likely been justified in the eyes of the law, and rightly so. When someone brandishes a weapon from a vehicle, or under the partial cover of a vehicle, it’s not on the defender to check and make sure it’s a real gun. Pulling gun shaped toys in public is a really bad idea and should have fatal consequences.

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My suggestion to you, is please oh please replace Manjaro with EndeavourOS. It does everything Manjaro does but better. The learning curve will still be the same.

pacman: EndeavourOS has yay installed by default, which is an AUR helper. It interacts with pacman and builds your packages for you. yay -S steam for instance calls up pacman and builds the steam package from the repo and takes some of the head scratching out of it. Very easy to use. A simple “yay” to update, no sudo needed, yay will ask for a sudo password when it needs it.

Shell selection: bash is fine, and bash is enabled by default in EndeavourOS.

But the real reason to use EndeavourOS, aside from having an arch based rolling release distro, is its community and support. An amazing forum, tons of documentation between EOS and arch itself, and fantastic wiki that guides you through various tools and utilities you may want to use.

It is a terminal centric distro, but you can easily install GUI tools for things you don’t want to do in the CLI.

I would even be down to correspond and help you out if need be. Manjaro looks cool when you’re in those early stages of outgrowing Ubuntu, but it’s not the distro you’re looking for, I promise.

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Saying the same thing, but with a less negative connotation, I think it’s important that a Jewish man is the one making this comparison and pushing others to reevaluate their blind tribalism on the matter. Jews have been killed, displaced, and persecuted by Muslims long before the rise of Hitlers Reich, but answering barbarism with more barbarism only ensures future barbarism.

Everyone deserves peace, freedom and safety. No one deserves the right to take peace, freedom or safety away from others, but humans do horrible things with power. We are not so different from our distant ancestors, and we still havent come close to rising above our nature..

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I have various bags that get used for range trips and travel. I am METICULOUS about clearing the gun stuff out of a bag when I’m done. Same with my vehicle, as I cross an international border from time to time and don’t want my truck getting ripped apart. Every bit of gun stuff that goes in the truck on range day is accounted for and removed when I get home.

The real answer is simple. These people are irresponsible fuckwits that give responsible gun owners a shitty name. You can see it every time you go to the range. People shooting the ceiling, people turning around with a pistol in hand and muzzling the whole room. There are a metric fuck ton of people with guns in the US that shouldn’t be considered qualified to own them.

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I’m not quoting an article directly or anything so there’s likely better info out there, but brave browser was built with scammy crypto bro bullshit in it, and it’s CEO, iirc, is kind of an alt-right anti LGBTQ+ general douchebag. I’m sure you could search for more on the topic if DuckDuckGo was working.

Are you a California voter? If you are, youre asking a very good question. If you’re not, well, there’s no we involved, this is a state funded program, and the state of California actually pays more in to the federal government than it receives from it, so it can prop up freeloading red states, primarily the south. So, as a non Californian, not my circus, not my monkeys.

All of that said, I agree with you, American citizens should benefit from American tax dollars before anyone else.

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I didn’t say they were smart people. Just not all rich people.

It’s just a generally solid, stable, and easy to use distro. I use EndeavourOS nowadays, but when I was first getting started Mint was what I always returned to after spats of distro hopping. As far as it’s primary DE, Cinnamon, it’s less “windows like” and more “not gnome like”. Every DE that isn’t gnome could be called “windows like” in my experience.

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For me, the built up revulsion I feel towards windows and the sheer determination I feel to never use it again, means I would rearrange my monitors, or, you know, try more than two distros.

Linux isn’t for everyone, I acknowledge that fact. It requires a user that wants to troubleshoot, wants to figure out why something doesn’t work and make it work. If the headache isn’t fun, you’re not the right kind of masochistic self flagellator that Linux attracts, and that’s okay.

If you ever do decide to give it another whirl, try Linux Mint, MX Linux, or my personal flavor of choice, EndeavourOS. And put your monitors in a boring straight line like the rest of us before you coming crawling back.

This reply is meant to be partially humorous but entirely honest.

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An addition to it, the main update had a way longer list of content

Lefty gun owner here, and we haven’t done “nothing” but certainly not enough. Gun control advocates have always done things that feel good and do nothing to prevent violence. Magazine capacity bans (one columbine shooter had 14 ten round ban compliant mags) and bans on cosmetic features like heat shrouds and pistol grips do absolutely nothing to keep anyone safer. People will just train to be effective with pesky ban compliant features, or, you know, ignore the law.

Michigan did something great in response to a school shooting. If a child or otherwise restricted person gains access to your firearms and harms someone, you get slapped with a major felony, a law that’s already been put to use a few times. So it basically makes a safe mandatory by placing the fear of a lengthy sentence on leaving your guns out for kids to grab. It’s something.

Personally, I wouldn’t mind seeing an actual proficiency test, one that weeds out the lowest common denominator. I have sought training and education consistently over years to participate in competitive shooting events, and I’ve literally shot with cops that I wouldn’t let clean their gun in my kitchen. The “test” for a concealed carry license is a joke, id like to see a true test of safety knowledge to even own a firearm.

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I would recommend Linux Mint. Yes it’s faster to update than Debian, but it doesn’t push the envelope nearly as fast as Fedora or Arch based distros.

Linux mint is just super easy, user friendly, you could use Mint without ever touching a terminal if you wanted. BSD would be a great pet project to fiddle with, but if you’re looking for a rock solid backup machine with zero fuss, Mint is perfect for that.

I think a better way for the other user to have stated this, is learning Linux, while difficult at times, should be a fun and rewarding experience. I’m about a year in, and this is all easy stuff to me. One year ago? I would have been as frustrated as you are. But I persevered, I learned, and I got a sense of accomplishment out of becoming competent. I don’t really need to ask too many questions now, because the more I figure things out, the easier it gets to figure things out.

If you’re not into that, Linux might not be for you. But I hope it is, I hope you persevere and keep learning and find the same satisfaction from it that I have.

Recycling has always been a lie to make you feel good about consumption. If it’s not a valuable commodity, it just goes to the dump anyways.

It was never illegal to hunt with an AR. Hunting restrictions are based on caliber (5.56x45mm being too small kill a deer reliably) and magazine capacity.

Modern Michigan compliant hunting rifles based on the AR platform have low capacity magazines and utilize straight walled case and larger caliber, higher weight and lower velocity projectiles like .350 legend and .450 bushmaster, resulting in a round that effectively knocks down a deer while having a much shorter effective range (less likely to shoot far beyond its intended target in the event of a miss)

So yeah, a modern AR using a purpose specific medium game cartridge is in fact safer than a bolt action rifle with a faster longer distance round.

Source: lefty gun owner that wants some reasonable and effective gun control measures and is tired of people who know fuck nothing about firearms having uneducated opinions.

The sinking sensation of realizing that my entire operating system is spyware that phones home tens or hundreds of times each time I sit down to use it. Massive bloat and poor optimization neutering my otherwise just fine hardware. My operating system deciding it will no longer support my beater legacy hardware.

Really the shift happened when I became privacy conscious, and once I saw that all of my gaming and day to day tasks worked just fine on Linux I decided to go all in.

I’m probably too paranoid to use someone else’s old storage media, but if I did I suppose I’d erase any existing partitioning, create a new partition (or multiple if you wanted them for some reason) and go to town.

Curious to hear if anyone has better best practices than that.

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Actually the Detroit police chief just issued a statement that there is no evidence whatsoever leading to that conclusion. Which is probably because they have no idea what the hell happened.

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My wife is bipolar type 1. Firstly, I feel for you. It’s fucking difficult. Very difficult. The only thing that got it under control for her was a full scale thermonuclear psychotic break, subsequent hospitalization, and a couple years of steadily tweaking the med cocktail until she found a middle ground between being massively depressed, completely numb, or emotionally raw and explosive.

It’s not easy, but she’s been stable and dare I say verging on happy for the last year, and things seem to be getting better by the day. It wasn’t easy for me to stick around, but I did.

Work on yourself. Get a good psych and good therapist. And hopefully you’ll find a partner willing to accept the difficult parts of you. I’m sure everyone wants your hotness, be wary of those people. My wife is hot too, but I wanted more than that. You deserve to be wanted for more than that.

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See my comment above. 450 bushmaster and 350 legend are both cartridges developed the for AR platform that are lower range, lower velocity, larger bore projectiles meant to limit effective range and still have deer stopping energy.

.223 / 5.56 is illegal to deer hunt with in Michigan because it isn’t a reliable caliber for a kill, and is more likely to wound. Your .308 or .30-06 flies way, way farther in the event of a miss, creating a concern of striking unintended targets far past your line of sight. Which is why it’s illegal to hunt with below the lower peninsula rifle line.

Pester and get rekt

Yeah, but see, if he posts to gaming communities everyone is going to call him out for making a blatant clone of The Long Dark.

Yes, anyone can have this opinion, and many people do, I’m just saying it might carry more weight coming from a Jew, and land better with other Jews and people aligned with them. None of that is gate keeping, and I’m pretty sure you’re a troll and don’t even know it.

Yes, California state laws are more restrictive than the federal baseline, and on that note I would counter that risking a pile of decade long felony convictions seems a bit risky for a “collector”. If dude knows how to acquire all of this restricted hardware without leaving an obvious paper trail, I would imagine he knows the massive consequences of his actions. Possession of even one unregistered NFA item is a 10 year felony. No one takes that risk because “I just think they’re neat!”

Dated a lovely black woman back in my late 20s, she took me to meet her family like a month in, they were all super sweet. Dinner was fried chicken, hominy, mustard and collard greens, slaw and Mac n cheese, her grandmas fried chicken made me forget I ever cared about my grandmas fried chicken. Who the fuck doesn’t love fried chicken? Okay sure, vegans, but other than that?

And seriously I get the whole stereotype being a deep seated bunch of white people fuckery, but like, fuck that, let’s eat.

I went to steam page and watched the video. I’m sorry if you don’t like hearing the criticism, but the gameplay, animal behavior, the visuals, everything but roasting your meat on a stick looks like a blatant copy. Come on man, you know what you did here.

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I think they just wanna fit in, which is a totally relatable feeling. But I promise, this is not the way you want to fit in.

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Here’s another vote for EndeavourOS if you need it. I run BTRFS and timeshift-autosnap, but I’ve never needed to use it. Like the other poster said, I’ve had minor annoyances and brief package conflicts, but nothing critical has ever gone awry.