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We'll have to wait until it's out to see. The statement that they want to minimize grind? Hoooooly crap, that's the exact opposite of what RS was. To get to the higher levels and max a skill, it was basically a mental game of sticking to the best xp/tick strategies, which could still take a month or more to max one skill. That was after they had introduced a bunch of new things. The original days? It was a third job on top of it being the second job to do it in months.

It was also really fun for being so simplistic and had a good mix of self-aware humor, so I have hope for their new game.

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I can't wait for the inevitable r34 comments about how you feed this monstrosity.

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Why does it not surprise me that a company that is totally in love with the idea of poisoning people is based in texas?

Hopefully it brings consequences. Every time a bullet is fired, it is required (and I guess that must be in quotes for police officers...) that you be responsible for that bullet's consequences. If you shoot at a legitimate threat, but hit the bystander, you should get charged. Cop, not-cop, firefighter, good samaritan with a gun, whatever. Charge them.

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The ruling specifically said items that aren't protected under federal mandate. When I deal with HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) information, just about everything you can imagine in the record is protected if it can be paired with another piece of info and narrow down a person's identity. Scroll down to the 'Protected Health Information'

Hopefully that means they can deny just about every document... but I have no hope when it comes to courts and prosecutors in the states.

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While it's good advice to never intentionally connect TV to internet, some devices bypass you if they can. I think it was samsung that would connect to any other samsung product and through them to the internet, even if the other product was in your neighbor's living room.

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I wish beyond wishing that O'rourke would have just shut the fuck up and deferred about coming after people's guns in Texas. I really wonder if he could've squeaked a victory and Texas would be quite different today. Guns are a losing issue. Even more so than abortion or 'the gays!', guns bring single-issue voters out from everywhere.

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I think a carburetor is a bit much. There are plenty of fuel injected machines that were built before insane spying became the new normal.

I mean, true heat death would also imply that even your body is spent. No neurons will be able to fire. No brain activity. You won't be any different than dead.

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Huh. Is the only reason he didn't post his own bond because he wanted it to earn interest in the interim? Fucking millionaires and their money games.

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That was a strange path my mind took as I read the title, thinking it was a satire piece about competitors trying to sneak in cheats... Like, the "Anti-Cheat Police Department" couldn't be anything but a laughingstock.

What are you talking about? I constantly explain the calculus of the flow rate in the push IV drug I'm giving by going through the (pi)r^2 * h of the syringe, with emphasis on the dh/dy. All my patients love hearing it. They constantly thank me as I finish giving them the dilaudid.

Or, seeing as it's billionaire bullshit, it will be an ecological disaster. What do you want to offer for the odds that it will have shit navigation, and throws out pings every 3 seconds if submerged? Goodbye local wildlife, recreational diving, and all other activities taking place underwater.

So you're saying that if we can get a vaccine made, we may not have to put up with the anti-vaxxers for much longer? What do you want to bet they'll have 'anti-shutdown parties' or something similarly foolish?

He is great, and he's admitted when he did fuck up without meaning to, like with the jacob's ladder.

Ya'll must have some strange eating habits. I'm usually hungry before I eat...

That's what the beer hat is for.

Hades and Isaac are surprising. They're both old enough that I would have thought they wouldn't be flush with players right now. The fallout stuff makes sense, given its fanbase and the show's influence. I wonder if I should go back and try to 100% either of them now...

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Some classics are good enough to read. The problem is in forcing kids to try to do in-depth analysis. Even Charles Dickens or Charlotte Bronte isn't all that bad to read, until you are squinting at every third word and wondering if this could mean something in the context of the whole book and just maybe you can write about it well enough in your stupid journal that you really want a B in so your parents don't whip you with the belt again.

Just look at the two paragraphs: "To be sure, millions of these petrified Americans believe the Democrats have gleefully allowed the “woke” left of their party to systematically destroy everything or every institution they depend upon for quality-of-life issues. Be those pertaining to energy independence, higher education, housing, the financial system, the supply chain, border security, the military, the medical and pharmaceutical industry, the media or entertainment. The woke left now dictates — with the blessing of Democratic politician enablers — that all must now be viewed and run through the distorted lens of identity politics.

But when these same millions of hurting Americans turn their eyes toward a Republican Party that promises to reverse all the damage being done by the left, they see only out-of-touch elitists doing the bidding of the corporate elites, while breaking every promise made."

If that isn't the to-the-t playbook of 'both sides' in a more wordy format, I'll eat my hat. It also manages to place the blame squarely on the democrats for their 'wokeness.' Somehow they've broken higher education, the financial system, the supply chain, 'border security,' the military..... good god, what hasn't been destroyed by ThE demOCraTS!

Not if it's a whole pie.


That is a whole pie, right?

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And then there's the portion of the population who live with their parents, and are trying to figure out how to spend less time with them. ;)

It might be true that the ones you meet online are very vocal, but there are a lot of people in person who will sing his praises, put flags on their car, their house, and everything else they can reach. They'll deride any 'liberal' and come up with every straw man they can to lampoon for the amusement of the circle around them. I see them when I visit family, when I converse with people at the local park, and even in casual conversations in the workplace. They are everywhere, and it's crazy how comfortable they feel with being open about their vitriol.

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Yeah, that's the part that always gets downplayed in these 'homeowner revenge' stories. HOAs can really fuck you over. Sometimes they get bankrupted in a lawsuit, sometimes you lose your sanity and your home.

It sort of looks like the little guy is wearing a turtleneck over his mouth.

...wait, turtleneck? Oh god, look again, now it's wearing the shell of a koopa that's been cut in half!

I once found a donkey. It was as desperate for attention as I was to not be working at the moment. Things worked out.

I'm sure between the random bullshit filings and the supreme sucker's court, it'll last until late january....

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You'd be amazed how many people learn the hard way that they first need to head to a separate store to buy a gas container, then head to the gas station. Most places could care less about keeping a container on premises because it is both a rare situation these days, and storage is at a premium in most stores. If you saw the back room or manager's office, you would see the floor-to-ceiling stacks of inventory (usually drinks or tobacco products).

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I can't remember the name of the book now, but in high school we read a 'true' story of child abuse. I'm sure it was edited to both tone down and turn up certain elements, but it was pretty much a brutal shock to people who are mostly from decent families that love them. Whether the kids were rich, poor, or middle class in my school, just about everyone there could at least return home to parents that didn't commit those horrors.

I remember the diapers, the exposure to the elements, and the way the other children were pitted against the abused kid, and honestly? It was the emotional abuse that was the worst to read.

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We actually do know if the kid kept quiet... because it mentioned in the article that he didn't.

Wouldn't appetizers be the hardest, and desserts the softest?

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Yes. Think of weddings. The thing trailing behind the 'fancy' ones is called the train.

Pfft, sounds like you can fix the snoring problem, even in america without insurance, by having an american 7 year old neighbor. Damn, I love america.

Skating's rad. Longboarding is sweet. Rollerblading is tiiiiight, yo.

Just get the protectors and you'll be fine. Elbows, knees, helmet, wrist guard, and (depending on your age, if you're older than 12 you'll want) ankle reinforcement. If you really want to go all out, hip, back, and tailbone pads are cheap and still not constricting. Are you going to look goofy? Sure. Is everybody else just as goofy? They're wearing clothes, aren't they? Of course they're goofy. Just make sure the helmet covers the parts of the head that are going to get hit, not just the top.

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I'm betting my man would be pretty happy and keep me well fed.

To expand on the other fella's explanation:

In psychology especially, and some other fields, the 'null hypothesis' is used. That means that the researcher 'assumes' that there is no effect or difference in what he is measuring. If you know that the average person smiles 20 times a day, and you want to check if someone (person A) making jokes around a person (person B) all day makes person B smile more than average, you assume that there will be no change. In other words, the expected outcome is that person B will still smile 20 times a day.

The experiment is performed and data collected. In this example, how many times person B smiled during the day. Do that for a lot of people, and you have your data set. Let's say that they discovered the average amount of smiles per day was 25 during the experimental procedure. Using some fancy statistics (not really fancy, but it sure can seem like it) you calculate the probability that you would get an average of 25 smiles a day if the assumption that making jokes around a person would not change the 20-per-day average. The more people that you experimented on, and the larger the deviance from the assumed average, the lower the probability. If the probability is less than 5%, you say that p<0.05, and for a research experiment like the one described above, that's probably good enough for your field to pat you on the back and tell you that the 'null hypothesis' of there being no effect from your independent variable (the making jokes thing) is wrong, and you can confidently say that making jokes will cause people to smile more, on average.

If you are being more rigorous, or testing multiple independent variables at once, as you might for examining different therapies or drugs, you starting making your X smaller in the p

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Valheim is also capable of being extremely frustrating, so I'd recommend one of the mods that removes the skill penalty loss when dying. It might not be necessary, but dad knows the kids' temperaments better than me.

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Replace the background with the Sierra logo and you'd complete the 80s-90s kid nostalgia.

I love the little aside about the rust. Some journalists still have fun.

They're not the best, they are just flinging shit at the wall and the corruption is deep enough that the shit penetrates it and sticks. 'Like dissolves like' and all that, but with stickiness. I also seem to remember something about the recent ones have all been paid in advance.