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Joined 1 years ago

Obviously this is a joke, but there used to be an important reason we kept the flags wrinkled like that: it meant that you never knew who had bought a flag at a Pride event and who brought one they owned.

This meant that people who were 'caught' at an event by friends or family they weren't out to, they could say they just bought the flag to support the cause. It also meant there was no way to tell who had been there longer than others.

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According to my husband and all my friends, the weirdest thing about me is my name for a sandwich.

Apparently, everyone else calls it a 'grilled cheese'. I have always called it by it's proper name, a 'toasted cheese'.

If you make it in a panini press, then it is a grilled cheese. But if you make a sandwich by buttering each side and toasting it in a pan on the stove until the cheese melts, then it is a toasted cheese. But every time I say 'toasted cheese', people look at me as though I have grown another head.

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The Ninth Doctor kissed Captain Jack on the lips in his season, so wouldn't this be the second?

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As someone who voted third party in the 2016 election, take it from me that you will feel more guilty if you know your vote could have helped prevent the fascist party from gaining power. The presidency is not the office to try to vote on morals, save that for state and local elections that decide things like state benefits programs, distributions of funds, and public works. The federal government is where you will want to vote for the people who are protecting your right to vote in the first place, and that is done by ensuring that the fascist party can't get a majority or otherwise control a branch of the government.

If the Supreme Court were made up different, maybe, but ending up with an R president just gives them room to pack more courts and see a whole bunch more rights get removed.

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No, they gave a reason and that reason isn't covered under their policy, so she should still be covered.

If they let her go without a reason, then she would have to prove discrimination. But if they say "You violated our social media policy" and refuse to show how, and she can prove that nothing she did was on violation of the policy as written, then that is a clear case of unlawful termination.

If I am reading correctly, they are just pointing out that people regret all kinds of decisions that have lasting impact on life. To try to say that trans people in particular need to be "protected" from transition because of possible regret is acting as though that regret is uniquely bad, which isn't the case. Hence why it would be gaslighting.

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And yet rice, beans/lentils, pasta, vegetables, and spices are all vegan, and are all the staples for low-cost meals in grocery stores the world over. Where do you live where that isn't the case?

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I picked a good day to switch to SwissCow lol

Free, uses it's own index, focus on privacy. If there is anything bad about it though, please let me know. It can be hard to find unbiased data on search engines when you ultimately need to use a search engine to find the info, ime.

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My supposed best friends gave me and my husband a bottle of wine for Christmas. I can't drink wine because I have an allergic reaction to something in wine, and they are very aware of this after me having reactions to foods at restaurants we would go to together. So they gave 'us' a gift that I can't actually have.

This comes after my husband and I have spent the last year being there for them through losing their jobs, their car, almost losing their house, and a bunch of other drama. It also comes after we spent all day making a meal free of their allergies, as I always do, and after I spent several days making Christmas cookies that are safe for them.

I don't know if the bottle of wine is cheap or expensive, and it honestly doesn't matter. Last year they got me an ornament for our tree, and it is one of my dearest possessions because it has a small poem about friendship on it. This year's gift stung because of how much of ourselves we gave to them, only for them to clearly pick up something last minute and without any thought.

I don't really have any family or other friends to celebrate with, so the most important people to me besides my husband are them. It hurts to see how little I apparently mean to them in comparison....

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Disturbed's cover of Sound of Silence is not only awful, it is an antithesis of the meaning of the song. Anyone who likes that version better than S&G's arguably doesn't understand the point of the song, and the fact that everyone holds it up as the gold standard of "covers better than the original" is even worse.

A close second is Postmodern Jukebox and their horrendous tendencies to take tempos to an opposite extreme instead of finding more meaningful ways of changing the genre of a song. I like some of their stuff, but the number of people who love their cover of Welcome to the Jungle is mind-boggling to me.

There are plenty of songs that I prefer the cover of to the original (Whitney Houston's 'I Will Always Love You'), or ones that just give the original a modern coat of paint without changing much else (Smash Mouth's 'I'm a Believer'), but these songs in particular are just awful imo.

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I know Jack is bi/pan, but him kissing another man would be described by most as being a gay kiss.

The headline did specify that they were talking about the first gay kiss for the character of 'The Doctor', not the show as a whole, so Captain Jack kissing other men in general doesn't make the headline wrong. The Ninth Doctor, who was a man, specifically kissing Jack on the lips is a gay kiss for their character though, and that makes the headline wrong.

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Fruits are also available but usually tend to be more expensive and are usually considered a treat for people on limited budgets. Me not listing them was part of keeping to the usual budget shopping lists recommend for people with limited income. Unless you are further being a pedant and insisting that tomatoes are fruits and not vegetables.

And while I am fortunate enough to live in the continental US, I mostly buy what is in season and local and therefore on sale for relatively cheap. And anywhere where that isn't available, frozen veggies are available, often for even cheaper and with no difference in nutritional value or content. If you don't have a fridge/freezer, dried veggies are also available in most markets (dried peppers especially) and canned goods are far better for you now than they ever have been, with only marginal decreases in nutritional value.

Where do you live that absolutely no vegetables are available in any form for a dollar a can or five dollars for a family pack that would make a couple dozen meals for a family of four?

(Edit: Or, if not in the US, where you can't even buy local produce, unless you are in an area where there is famine. In which case you may object to the fact that almost half our farmable land is used to grow crops to feed to animals instead of being used to grow more food for humans.)

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Good thing hormones are only prescribed in a minority of trans kids anyways, even though the vast majority of them do not desist as they get older. In fact, the majority of them continue on to transition as adults, and 99.5 or so percent of trans kids given just puberty blockers, much less hormones, grow to adulthood with no regrets.

Also, before you ask, I can provide sources, but that which is declared without evidence can be dismissed without evidence, especially when the dismissal is in line with literally every major medical organization, including the World Health Organization, due to the sheer amount of clear evidence that transition is a safe and effective treatment for gender dysphoria at any age.

As someone in New York, this is wonderful news!

Also, for anyone looking to get out of a state for their own safety, consider reaching out to a real estate company in the area you are looking to move to. Specifically, find a branch in the general area and call their office. They will usually have an admin or admin assistant you can talk to directly who will be able to help you find local resources, and they may even be able to help with things other than housing.

My husband is such an assistant, and he has already helped a family move here to escape anti-trans laws. There are plenty of us who are willing and able to help in any way we can.

Apparently that women are people who are far more like men than they assume. Most of the perceived gender differences in behavior are due to social conditioning. People vary greatly from each other as individuals, but when comparing population groups the averages are pretty close, especially if you account for social norms of the environments people were raised in.

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Dude, vegans can and do eat fruits. For people who can't afford seasonal fresh fruit, we have fortified foods like bread, pasta, rice, and cereals, most of which are also vegan. I specified rice and beans (and everything else you conveniently ignored, lol) because they make a complete protein, which is usually the only thing you need to monitor closely if you are vegan on a budget. Anything else and you are best off getting a multivitamin for best bang for your buck.

Also, you saying none of us have been hungry and then lecturing us about not getting both fruits AND vegetables when fresh fruit is one of the most expensive things in a grocery store, outside of meat that is? You clearly have never been poor enough that you have been needing to have your 'fruit' be the cheapest jar of grape jelly you can find, or the cans of frozen 'orange drink concentrate'.

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While you are correct that it will likely be expensive, it is important to note that Descovy is an existing PreP pill that Gilead makes. So the cost of the new shot is yet to be determined, but the company has been criticized for the cost of their current PreP medication option.

It is also important to note that anyone with insurance in the United States will pay nothing, as the Affordable Care Act requires insurance to cover all PreP medications at no cost to patients. The pricing will only affect those who have no insurance at all, which makes this criticism all the more important to help this new medication reach those who would be the worst affected if they were to contract HIV.

Really? Because that issue was a combo of actual universal healthcare and climate goals. I voted for the only candidate who had a commitment to those goals. This was before it was revealed that this particular candidate had accepted a whole bunch of money from the RNC to remain in the race.

The result was enough people voted for that candidate that Trump won. The result of his win was that we saw even the half-measures that had been taken on these issues were stripped, setting us back potential decades because of new rules and packed courts who are now going against all precedent and decorum to prevent new leaders from enacting new policies. I voted for a few steps forward instead of half-steps, and got several steps back as a result.

Keep in mind that one of those several steps back was a gutting of voting rights, which is being continued by Trump appointed judges to this day. If you need to be a one-issue voter, vote to keep your right to vote by voting in a way that is most likely to prevent a Trump win. They literally already have a plan on how to remove and bar even more people from voting.

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Tofu! I never got a chance to try it growing up, but when I started reducing my meat I decided to give it a try. It is possibly the most versatile ingredient in my kitchen, and by far the easiest way to get protein.

You can whip up a tofu scramble, throw it in smoothies/shakes, cube it and toss it in soup, fry it and serve with sauce over veggies, bake it with an herb coating to toss with pasta, even bread it to make katsu sandwiches! It takes on the flavor of whatever you cook it with, so it isn't hard to make the dish taste the same as if it had meat, and it is much more forgiving.

The trick is to get firm or extra firm tofu instead of medium or soft. Some people like super smooth tofu, but I find more people prefer the more solid versions.

An honorable mention also goes to nutritional yeast. It is often that 'something extra' missing from dishes that have a cheesy taste to them, and is a great option to add depth to dishes if you are concerned about MSG for some reason. I like to toss some on my popcorn to make it taste like white cheddar, but you can use it in any savory dish. It is also an excellent source of B12, which a majority of people are deficient in.

No actually! Napster bought Rhapsody and now runs a music streaming platform.

I get the reaction though lol. That was my reaction too when a friend of mine recommended it. But I tried it and it is actually really nice, and the price hasn't gone up in the years I have had it.

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I pay about that already (~$14 a month), but for Napster, which afaik gives the biggest cut of any streaming service to artists. They also have really good custom playlist management, I never get intrusive popups or emails, and premium means no ads, even with hours of listening. I switched after the Joe Rogan thing happened with Spotify and never looked back honestly.

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Either pumpkin pie or apple pie are my favorites!

Thanksgiving is for pies in my family, any other desserts wait until Christmas.

Avocados and peppers to make guacamole 😋

Cooking in general, and baking in particular. It is actual fun for me, and is actually stress relief as well, because it allows me creative freedom in a medium that I apparently have natural talent in. I make my own bread every week for sandwiches, bake snacks for my weekly board game meetup, volunteer to make birthday cakes for friends and family, and give out giant boxes of cookies every Christmas. I am always inventing and researching new recipes, converting recipes to accommodate various dietary needs, and trying to find ways to use ingredients I have lying around in a way that will ensure I don't have food going to waste. There is nothing better to me than when I figure out what each recipe needs at each step and why, and watching it all come together.

I grew up learning to bake from my grandmother, and I inherited her passion and apparently her natural talent for it. I have a lot of recipes memorized, can eyeball teaspoon and tablespoon measures of ingredients with good accuracy, and can somehow get anywhere from 5-10% more out of any given recipe. If a cookie recipe makes 5 dozen I get 6 or 7, even if I am not skimping on size. If I make bread, it rises quicker and larger, even if it is cold. Making cake, I always have extra batter for a couple of cupcakes. It works out though, because I can taste test everything and throw any extra cookies in the freezer so that way I am better prepared for Christmas.

It is always amazing to see someone's face light up when they get baked goods they love, especially if their diets mean they don't often get to enjoy them. For example, several of my friends have Celiac, and seeing how happy they are to get things like butter cookies, crinkly-top brownies, or gingerbread is just amazing. It is an easy way to make people feel included and happy, and I get to have fun in the kitchen while doing it.

If the number of people who died due to benefit cuts, throwing out the pandemic action plan, and direct actions from right wing terrorists who were emboldened by a president who values the speeches and actions of Hitler aren't enough to convince you of how much worse Trump was versus lib Dems, then you are missing the point of the values you claim to have. I support the values I do because they uphold human rights and save lives. What good are those values if my actions lead to the death and dehumanization of thousands, when another choice would have likely saved them?

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Lol now I know you're trolling. Have a good life.

Not really? I actually get confused if people use mixed up idioms or other weird turns of phrase. It is really only this food item in particular.

As someone struggling with this issue, thank goodness someone is working on this!

I had a previous landlord illegally sell a settled debt to collections under my deadname, which wasn't even my legal name at the time I had ended the lease at the apartment. They were aware of my legal name, as they had been accepting my checks with my new name for more than a year.

Because of this one item on my credit history, I have been unable to open bank accounts, apply for credit cards, or get loans because no one can verify my identity through the bureaus. I have sent several rounds of letters from myself and my lawyers to the credit bureaus and the collection agency providing the evidence that the debt was settled and demanding that they removed the item from my report, but they have refused to do anything to correct it.

Meanwhile, I know people who have changed their names several times due to marriages and divorces, and they have never had any issues verifying their information for financial situations. I am lucky to be in a relationship with someone who isn't using my situation as a way to exercise control over me, but I know other trans people who have been forced to stay on contact with abusers simply because their abuser has financial power over them. Whether it be loaning them money when normal loan avenues fail them, listing them as an authorized user on a credit card and then threatening to remove them so they can't buy anything, or providing them housing through special agreements because no one will rent to them without passing a credit check, there are so many ways that stuff like this makes life more dangerous for trans and nb people.

Stuff like this is intentional, unnecessary, and incredibly harmful for those of us who are just trying to live our lives.

I also like my ice cream to be soup lol! Pineapple on pizza is okay, but I can only have small amounts of pineapple. The rest are odd, but at least you know what you like!

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I honestly don't remember a time before music was tied to emotions and events. Even as a baby I had a clear preference for classic rock over other genres, and if my parents couldn't get me to stop fussing they would put on the Eagles, Tom Petty, or America to get me to calm down. My tastes grew and evolved as I got older, but music has always been as much about the feeling I get from a song as it has been the quality of the song itself.

You gotta hold on, ready or not You live for the fight when that's all that you've got

Bon Jovi, Livin' on a Prayer

Nice cherry picking of two examples without sources, while completely ignoring all of the other things Biden did repeal. It also ignores the fact that those things were replaced with better projects that were less susceptible to repeals by future presidents.

Again, I am not saying to vote for all Dems across the board, just not in the Presidential election. I vote third party in my home state for state and local elections because my state (solid blue) is set up in a way that allows for a candidate presented by the third party to run as a Dem as well, allowing people to vote effectively for a party line that makes it clear what actions we want taken while not risking a regressive candidate being elected by a split vote. There are also several blue states that are enacting ranked choice voting, which is also being supported by even most moderate Dems.

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When recipes call for you to cook an item in a pan without first adding oil, they say to toast it to indicate that you are applying dry heat to it. For example, most Indian recipes call for toasting whole spices in a dry pan before grinding. That is also why you can toast marshmallows over an open flame.

It just irritates my mouth. May be oral allergy or just a reaction to the enzymes in the pineapple. It isn't as bad as my reaction to wine and vinegar though, so I have to see more specialists to figure that out lol.

Interesting. I have not had any issues using their engine even with the issue with Bing's API, but you are correct that they use Bing's index. Given that there are only four indexes to choose from, that isn't too surprising.

I actually switched to them when I saw that DuckDuckGo was about to start providing 'AI assisted results'. I wanted to ensure I was using an engine that actually respected my privacy and didn't harvest my data for slop.

Anecdotally, I can confirm that the results I get from SwissCows are very different and usually better than the ones I got from DDG. So I wonder how much of Bing's API they use.

Yes, I even passed my driver's test in a manual while needing to do a 3 point turn on a hill. I am almost 30, born and raised in the suburbs of New York.

I haven't driven manual in years, ever since that car fell victim to black ice and a guard rail, but I have done recent test drives of manuals without stalling, so I guess it is something you never forget once you know how.

I do have the family plan actually, I forgot about that!

And I do occasionally. Certain live albums and more niche stuff can be hard to find, and one hit wonders can be tricky depending on the genre and time the song is from. The song I'm Blue by Eiffel 65 is only available in a longer club mix and not the radio edit, for example.

I will say that, in my experience, it has a slightly larger selection than Spotify for classic stuff and different versions of the same song (covers, remakes, remixes, etc). For example, my husband was very excited that they had the whole readout of How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Boris Karloff (in two parts, but still) because they used to play it on certain radio stations every year around Christmas. On Spotify I was only ever able to find the same version of the song from several different albums of Christmas mixes.

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Two or three years, I think. So far the price has stayed exactly the same, they still have no ads, and they haven't made any changes to the app to try to advertise features or anything like that. It was (and still is) a nice change from Spotify, Apple Music, and even YouTube to be honest.

If you are asking if she knew beforehand, yes. We once had to rush out of a restaurant because a dish included wine and I didn't know until my mouth felt like it was on fire. She has been there many times as I have had to explain it to others, and when I have been checking food to make sure it doesn't have wine or vinegar.

If you are asking if I have mentioned it to her since she gave me the gift, no. I haven't had the energy to try to deal with that conversation, I still have plans with people through New Year's. I will probably bring it up in a few days, but right now it hurts to even think about and I just want to get through the rest of the holidays.

Everything I see talks about how that was directly tied to emergency spending that needed to be signed off on by Congress, and how Biden expanded it while it was in effect and is actively trying to get it renewed, with sources much more recent and detailed that that one.

For example:

But sure, it was Biden who single handedly stole that money from families, even when Congress makes the budget.