
5 Post – 46 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

Mass terror attacks way the fuck up though

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Could god microwave a burrito so hot even he couldn't eat it?

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Make people feel safer... right.

Self check outs basically transferred the labour from an employee supplied by the grocer to the consumer, resulting in lower employment costs for the grocer and greater time and effort expenditure for the consumer.

The deliberate programming choices of the self check outs at loblaws are especially annoying :do you want to donate to charity on our behalf? Accidentally scan an item twice? Gotta wait for someone to come cancel it for you. It takes like 5 clicks to get to paying these fuckers.

Then they want to surveill everyone on the way out like they don't trust you, after they transferred all the labour to you?

Ya fuck that, no wonder people get pissed. Like seriously fuck off. And on top of all that you get absolutely gouged.

Went from shopping there weekly to never stepping foot in that god awful store, spend your money elsewhere.

Sweet, just backing up the family photos then?

Civ V, every few months I decide to completely fuck up my sleep schedule playing later than I should

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I do. Love a good jean jacket, it's like pants for your arms. Wear it with jeans and you've got yourself a Canadian tuxedo!

Right looks like Marge Simpson if you squint

Dangit Kanye!

Business in the front, party in the back?

Oh, also, if Radiohead doesn't tickle you, what do you enjoy instead?

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What are you putting in them?

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Hi, I'm Troy McClure!

Username checks out

Save me!

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Also tf kind of headline is this? Why does it refer to the subject by their age and not their name or role?

This is a fantastic documentary on Tetris by Gaming Historian. Fascinating history about its development in the Soviet Union and how it came to be a launch title for Nintendo.


Lmao, don't say that, it might hurt their feelings!!!

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That picture for that headline is hilarious

Love house of cards too, especially the lyrics, the second verse is beautiful.

Sounds like a text book case of remembering. There's a great tragically hip line that goes "it would seem to me, I remember every single fucking thing I know!"

One of my favourite pieces of music, a treat for the ears and soul. Love the arrangement of the arppegiated guitars and rhodes piano, and ya when the bass kicks into the second half it rules.

Cool! May I ask, what was the vibe like back then?

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Hamster dance slaps


Love the lyrics too, has that whole racing feeling throughout

Well ya, look at it, it's a moldy loaf of bread!!!

Love me some dahlias, they have such an intricate petal pattern when they bloom!

What do you think of Graphene OS? I understood from your post that it was a bit of a driving factor in you choosing the pixel, do you think you would make the same choice based on that particular OS again?

Watched the trailer for civil war recently, and that has me interested without giving very much away

That was supposed to be the joke of the question, but I don't think it landed lol. It's just so absurd, on the one hand you've got Iron Mike, one of the best to ever do it, and the other you've got well Jake Paul.

V = 5, fancy roman numbers

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Not just once, not just twice

I don't, but now I want one!!

So one of those egg council creeps got to you too huh!?!?

I was just monkeying around. I have seen this, but I totally just rewatched it, great performance.

Ya, just a master class in performance, they all play their part so well together, hard to believe they can nail such intricate arrangements as well as they do on the record

When it cuts out and it's just the rhodes is so good.

Ya this is me too, I will listen through and think this is the best song, and then each one moves me in a different way. I love Nude as well as all I need. I think my favorite which I haven't seen anyone mention is faust arp, just such an interesting song

Lmao, solid write up!

This was awesome, not sure if this is you, but I subscribed!