
21 Post – 224 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

wiki-user: unruffled

Authoritarians, having argued so doggedly for the domination of a paternalistic state and having therefore turned themselves into ideological infants, then develop a hyper-reductive view of geopolitics; precisely the one, in fact, that a state would like for them to have. - DB

Weird take.

In this video I discuss how Korean Telecom (aka KT Corp) deployed malware to the PC's of 600k of their customers who were using bittorrent applications to share files with one another. [Mental Outlaw]

If this checks out, and it seems to, this is the craziest shit I've ever heard of an ISP doing.

Edit: Invidious video link - https://yt.drgnz.club/watch?v=iRjdjck3obY

Those eyes are definitely saying, "How could you do this to me?"

Aye exactly mate, down with the mega corps!

1337x.to is generally fine to use, just be sure to check the notes on the Megathread and use your common sense.


  • When signing up on the 1337x platform, it's crucial to bear in mind that it's accessible to all users.
  • The act of downloading movies and TV shows is often regarded as safe. This is primarily because these files do not come in .exe format, thus reducing the likelihood of virus infection.


  • It's highly advisable to be careful when downloading games and software from the site unless you have total confidence in the uploader's trustworthiness. Avoid uploaders like IGGGames due to their notorious track record of distributing malware.
  • Opt for reputable uploaders like DODI Repacks, FitGirl Repacks, and KaOsKrew to ensure reliable content and mitigate any potential risks associated with unverified sources.

Just a quick update, lemmy.world has posted an update that explains their decision here: https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/16795373

TLDR is that the person who removed the community is fairly new to the mod team and didn't realize there was a bit of a history to this situation. Also, looks like they are sticking with the decision this time around though.

Please don't harass the lemmy.world admins/mods though - if you don't like the situation you are free to register here or on another instance. And if you aren't a lemmy.world user, then this doesn't affect you at all.

I'm proud of our community here, and it's their loss, not ours! pirate captain giving the thumbs up

  • updated the link
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A repack is usually a cracked release from another source that has been heavily compressed to reduce file size. They often come with a custom installer that manages the decompression process and streamlines the installation process, so you don't have to manually install patches/cracks after installation, and can skip optional content. Trusted repackers like FitGirl will also check for malware/viruses in the original crack, so you can be reasonably confident the repack is safe to install. Having said that, always take your own precautions when installing anything from the internet, i.e. virus scan and only use trusted sources.

Yeah, it was a nice surprise for sure. I'm glad to have the lemmy.world crowd back, plenty of booty for all.

a pirate chest full of doubloons

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If you say enough batshit crazy stuff then sooner or later you're going to get something right by accident.

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Because "you don't get rich by paying your bills" according to them.

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Bryan Lunduke is just another right winger who's butthurt that Mozilla spends any of their money advocating for liberal values. Meanwhile the massive amounts of corporate cash that get funneled into conservative 'think' tanks (oxymoron much?) and superpacs apparently isn't a problem for him. While I acknowledge he does raise some valid points about Mozilla's over dependence on Google revenue, nearly all large corporations try to peddle influence with political parties and donate to social/charitable causes, so there's nothing unusual about that at all. If they were a more right wing organization, this article would never have been written by him, that's obvious takeaway here - it's just a stock standard conservative hit job.

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Omg poor publishers not able to make a 2000% markup on their textbooks as per usual - think about the CEOs' bonuses guys!

Captain Olaf was so boring,
When he found a ship to hit,
He spent six months in discussions,
And his pirate crew all quit.

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It also doesn't help that a lot of the white supremacists are also cops.

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Do we really need their help keeping fascists in check? Problem is hexbears consider everyone who's not on ml or hexbear to be an ipso facto fascist, and act accordingly. There's zero room in their ideology for anyone with more moderate political views. I'd say the majority of our users are probably left leaning, but unless they happen to want the violent destruction of the western liberal democracies, then they just aren't left enough for hexbears to accept.

Having said all that, I feel like we've managed to successfully remove most of the overt political trolling from hexbear on our instance lately, so our own communities aren't too affected. But they really hate the fact we've been clamping down on them.

I'll also acknowledge the majority of hexbear's users don't go trolling. They seem to have a bunch of well meaning people who are focussed on community building, a bunch of political history/theory enthusiasts, and a bunch of awful trolls who are just there for the lulz. You can see in their own modlogs that there's tensions within their instance between those groups.

So, it's a complicated situation to deal with, and depending which groups you interact with, you might have a very different experience. From my own experience I'd say the bad far outweighs the good though.

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"If he would ask me what should you do for fitness, I would just say, 'Run around yourself three times. You’re going to be in great shape.'"

I think because people may have added additional filters manually that might trigger the ad block detection, but that's just a guess. The guide was written by the uBlock Origin developers so I assume they have a reason for that step. But you can try without that step, it might well still work, especially in stock configuration.

That would imply they are acting in good faith to protect their users. There must be another explanation because that one doesn't sound likely. 😆

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Hi Antik, as I mentioned elsewhere in the comments, I was very happy to hear that you decided 'unremove' our little community. I appreciate you going to the effort of revisiting the earlier decision and being transparent about the process, and I'm sure that goes for the vast majority of the people here (though obviously not all 🤨).

While individual users were probably more impacted by that decision than we were as a instance (because they couldn't access this community from lemmy.world), I can tell you that our admin team fully understood the situation you were in and there are no hard feelings from our side.

I don't know whether there is a wider appreciation of the fact that managing a lemmy instance is quite labor intensive and technically challenging for the system admins, who are all volunteering their time and expertise. And there's still lots of bugs and problems to identify and deal with.

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I thought the comments from Reddit user SquirtyBottoms were especially based...

User SquirtyBottoms said, "[l]ike everyone else I miss Grande and I'm stuck with Spectrum or AT&T in my area. I use Spectrum. Those fuckers have turned my connection off completely on one occasion and would not turn it back on until I agreed to stop pirating media."

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Definitely, and note that (for me anyway) I didn't have to disable any of my other extensions. I think they are referring mainly to adblocking extensions in that step.

Yes definitely, but currently the onus is on the user to not infringe. The French proposal is putting at least some of the onus on the developer of the browser which is a new front, I agree.

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Check out the new community wiki which is all hosted here. Members of our instance can also make / suggest edits to it.

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I guess it's possible. But looking at that VitaminX's other uploads, many of them were scammy uploads of uncracked games etc. How they qualified for VIP uploader status in an open question that should really be addressed by 1337x.

I'd maybe be willing to pay $12-15 per annum for no user tracking. But that price per month is a joke. They just want to deter people from paying by offering an inflated price, so they can turn around in a few months and argue there is no demand for it.

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I think most people would agree that artists should be fairly paid for their work. But when greedy, profiteering corporations are the ones commissioning and profiting from art, then IMO we have a moral duty to fuck with their exploitative business model.

Hard agree with you on that. AI generated articles are a disaster for the internet. There's just no quality control any more, especially when actual authoritative sites are no longer in the top search results. Now we've got tons more crap-tier content on the internet and no way to differentiate it from the useful content.

I reported it on 1337x earlier today, but they aren't very responsive. Fitgirl has it listed as an upcoming repack, so hopefully not long to wait for a clean copy.

I mean, if China is serious about re-unifying with Taiwan, the Chinese government should just step down and submit themselves to Taiwanese rule already.

Lol yes, they actuallyproudly call themselves that! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Pirate_Party

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Talk about blowing smoke up your own ass.

The short answer: if you are particularly concerned about anonymity, then yes, enable it AND use a VPN. But be aware some people may consider this leeching, because anonymous mode may compromise your ability to upload (and download) to some extent. But there are some circumstances in which this is entirely justified.

Public tracker scenario

For most people using public trackers, just a VPN without anonymous mode is fine and recommended, and gives you the maximum speeds in this scenario, while giving you an adequate level of protection from your ISP (if configured correctly). If you do enable anonymous mode, then you'll likely find your upload/download speeds are slower, mainly because DHT & uPnP are typically disabled. And anonymous mode without a VPN is NOT recommended.

WARNING: anonymous mode doesn't provide strong privacy guarantees on its own. If you are concerned about legal authorities and copyright trouble, for example, consider using a VPN instead (or in addition to it).

Private tracker scenario

If you are using private trackers then you would usually not be using a VPN or anonymous mode because many of them explicitly ban such things so they can track your download/upload ratios server-side against your IP address to ensure you are following their policies. While some private trackers allow exceptions to this (e.g., you may be able to get a dedicated VPN IP address whitelisted for your account after signup), many don't.

I'm not claiming to be any great expert on this topic, and so this is just my general-level understanding. If anyone wants to contribute any useful expert info or to correct anything I may have wrong here, please feel free to comment.

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Well at least they honored their commitments /s

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Yep - those jobs are going to be lost because of Tyler Perry seeing an opportunity to reduce production costs, not because of AI. Nobody is forcing him to use AI. It's just classic corporate greed where he is happy to trade [other people's] jobs for more profit. Sure, AI is enabling him to do this, but it's greed that's guiding his decision making here.

"Our" firewall: fucked, if ever implemented. probably won't ever be.

“Great Firewall of China”: massively fucked, already implemented.

Yours is a false equivalence. The only people suggesting it's "good and just" are the MPA and other copyright trolls.

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You should see some of the usernames I've seen reported from the sh.itjust.works instance. I'm not going to post any but it seems like there is no moderation of usernames at all as far as I can tell. Major oversight on their part.

I agree with you there. Piracy for profit never seems to attract the most virtuous of characters. Not-for-profit piracy for the people, as a weapon in the fight against oligarchy and enshittification - this is the way.

nikopirate custom emoji