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Joined 11 months ago

That TECHNICALLY doesnt answer the question because he didnt ask what you know, he asked what the next numbers are.

Kde Plasma. Customized so there are no visible panels, only an auto-hide panel at the top for wifi/bluetooth etc. I do app switching and opening new apps via the Overview effect.

Depending on where you live, but companies producing laptops exclusively for Linux are eg. Tuxedo, System76, Slimbook.

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So you're saying every company should be owned by a single person? If two people want to start a company, it should only belong to one person? That doesnt sound right to me...

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(Which is correct so there's nothing wrong with that)

Btw when you are unconcious you are by definition not concious, the same counts for when you are dead. The soul is a religious thing and there is the possibility that ir doesnt exist. This would have answered your question perfectly withojt concidering any problems related to conciousness and AI

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In Germany, we have:

"To not have all mugs in the cupboard anymore" ("Nicht mehr alle Tassen im Schrank haben") which translates to doing something incredibly stupid/crazy

"To search yourself a wolf" ("sich einen Wolf suchen) which means to search for something extensively and in the end unsuccesfully.

"To add one additional tooth" ("einen Zahn zulegen"), meaning to hurry, to do something faster.

"To defeat your inner pigdog" ("seinen inneren Schweinehund besiegen" - to get over one's lazyness, to stop procrastinating

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Bill Gates. (Has donated money to charity and founded one himself).

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nobody who says they are going to start cracking the whip is talking about training animals.

It shouldnt be taken literally, its a metaphor, yes... Whats your point?

Well played


What do I get :D

Arent there any monthly/yearly tickets?

I moved herr, just to different communities.

I can answer that 100% truthfully for you:

I get my answers from my memory or sometimes feom media.

Thats cool, didnt know that

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Similar to the German "All paths lead to Rome".


You're welcome :)

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Thats impossoble because a perfect systen depends on one's morals which differ from person to person. Whats a perfect system to you may be a bad system to me.

He donated money before having founded his charity.

It turns into a checkmark as soon as you have the song in your playlists. For new songs, its just a plus button (at least for me)

I feel like most of them havent seen it in real life though, only on social media. Its just another level of strange seeing it for real

Afaik you can swap (you out one thing in and take one thing out). Usually in the same spot, yeah

"Freedom of expression of opinion" would be a more fitting term, as it is called in most languages. Death threads and shouting fire in a crowded theater are not opinions...

Censorship of any opinion is bad.

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In that case a PC is of course better, but the reason is mostly because it functions as a server and a laptop would be unnecessary, not because a laptop isnt flexible enough (which was OPs advantage of a laptop...

I personally have my laptop (with dGPU) connected to a 16 port USB hub when plugged in (and an ultrawide monitor), connected to all sorts of things (backup HDDs, microphone, audio system, camera etc). And when Im on the go, chances are I can do without those things for that time... Different things work different people though.

Ask for the lottery numbers instead, that would igve you like a million, sounds better to me...

Still I wonder if thats really worth it, probably not. You could have ANY question answered and you chose to get a couple lf dollars richer instead?

At least ask for one of ghe millinium questions, that way you at least find out somethinf useful while at the same time getting the multu-million dollar prize money

But communist views ARE censored

And I dont think they should be censored (even though I disagree with their views). See what I mean?

Measuring quantun superpositions can have different outcomes under the same circumstances, right? So therefore, it cannot be deterministic (= what you described) because randomness is involved.

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All I was saying is that in case it were that way, your magix 100% true a swer wouldnt help you. Im nor debating whether ots actually that way.

Not tolerating someone ("the intolerant") makes you, to a certain extent, intolerant yourself. According to your own logic, they then should not tolerate you (the shouldn't "tolerate the intolerant").

Essentially, who is "intolerant" depends on your subjective opinion and cannot be objectively determimed, except if that person accepts all voices to be heard, in that case we could say they are very much tolerant. In any other case, it depends on your opinion.

Im from Germany. Im almost done with my license and I feel rather comfortable driving with a manual transmission.

Keep in mind that here in Germany, some people study months for the theory test and driving lessons are driven with an instructor and are mandatory (including things like driving at night/on the highway/on country roads etc.)

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That is still the case. (Except for that one option where you drive a manual AND an automatic car and then do your test in an automatic)...

When youre going on a highway/motorway you dont seitch gears at all so wouldnt it be the same?

Originally yes but I doubt many people know that it came from (boat?) gears...

Your IP address changes every 24h, doesnt it? How are IP bans effective at all?

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Didnt realize that they dont do this everywhere.

You can just connect 30TB of storage space to your laptop... yeah you cant move those HDDs around but you cant move your desktop around much either.

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That sounds like a possible answer though. And if some hypothetical entity gave you the answer to that question "with 100% certainty" you'd not be much smarter... still dont know why...

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What about asking for thr answer to one of the Millenium Prize Problems? That way youd get rich and still contribute knowledge to science?

  1. The answer is 42.

If we had enough energy we could also do that in our lifetime (because time passes slower when closer to the speed of light)...

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