2 Post – 22 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The only way to escape a name like that is to take a phallic rocket to mars and start a new colony

Should have made a joke with "nein", but people would be Fuhrerious about it!

That wouldn't fly with the city clerk in Belgium. But then again, one can always try!

Only if Pube is considered as it's diminutive!

Don't you hate it when you have another control by the atomic agency just because you had a little meltdown in the garden. All that because the neighbours complained that their grass became fluorescent to the cops. Silly scared people!

The name of a guy that couldn't let go of one girl and was a dick to her innocent kid. Wicked!

As a guy that has 5 first names, I take offense!

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Gilli gilli!

I had a few books like that that were directly on a scummy academic editors website. No pdf or usable files. I'm currently far from home, so I can't tell you exacly what program i used. But i noticed that every page was downloaded in my temporary files as image data (cached version on page). So i had to manually flip a few pages, download them 1 by 1 and naming them correctly. I'll look ok my pc to try to find the program that did that when I'm back

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Maybe my mom tried to tell everyone about my personality just by giving them my names?

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Lord of the underpants!

Hi all! Thanks for all the replies ! I played a little bit with Tinkercad and we're close enough. The only part needing perfection is the little lock (le opening piece needs manual help to open), but that's the same thing for the original one. An other solution is indeed passing through a chinese marketplace if the wait is not long enough and the CO2 impact is not important for you. The printer was a little difficult to have it printed, and I had to print it on the side.

I've uploaded it on Thingiverse :

She put a little Pedro in there. 30 years later and I still don't know why

Hey! You are both right! Queen and bee cages are made of plastic or sometimes wood and metal mesh. But having protective cells can be useful. If you add a queen-cell in a colony a few days before birth, that queen will almost always be accepted. In case of mated queens, their pheromones are strong enough that they will be often (but less probable depending of the season and presence of young larvae) accepted. Usually we put mated queens in a cage with some sugar so that the bees eat trough it, giving time to the queen to disperse her pheromones. Virgin queens however have the lowest acceptance rate, and it is sometimes better to re-encage them in a (now plastic) cell with a wax cover so that she will be born again. For the foundations, it is a little more difficult than just pressing at the moment, but the size of most of frame-standards would impose the use of huge machines. But it would be less human-energy consuming than the actual method

It was MZCacheview but the same autor made one for chrome and a general one. But theoware is probable right, a brower extension could also do it!

At least west-flemish language is UNESCO protected! In Charleroi they can't talk normally either and the city has been in a forever mess

No existing model, but it wasn't that hard to replicate at the end

I know this link existst, but sometimes when it's treatment season those are out of stock, or take forever to arrive. I can print 4 in a few hours, so it can always help to print one at home. Also, I'm not sure, but I think the ecological impact is bigger if it comes through the Aliexpress expedition than through 3D printing using filaments from Vietnam. But the link is valid, and and is way better to order there price-wise than to order it here!

Took me a little more (the bottom of the cells are difficlt to draw and there aren't a lot of files with the right bottom), but at least now I'm not scared to solve some stupid issues that always frustrate me by drawing and printing easy solutions!

Hey! I managed to draw a little bit and to solve the cage and cover. The only issue is with the little hinge, but nothing impossible to solve. If you want to, you can always correct my messy stuff if you see improvements !

Nah mate. They had to remove mine because is overgrew my gland and was so tight that I would have pee between the foreskin and the gland layong around, and it was impossible to unhook. The alternative would have been to cut it open and have dumbo's ear flapping everytime I'd take my dick out. No partner ever complained, and I don't give à shit about it.

I wouldn't circumsize a kid if it wasn't necessary, but when an operation takes place specifically for medical reasons, it's because there is no other solution. Like when a foot id so gangrenous that you have to remove it or it will propagate the necrosis to the leg.

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