Flyberius [comrade/them]

@Flyberius [comrade/them]
1 Post – 114 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... Piss ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion... I watched Pee-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like piss in rain...

-- Dirt Owl replicant from the future

I've had physical esx servers running this many VMS simultaneously, and I can totally see why a hobbiest or dev would have a need for this many VMs on standby. You are sane, yes

Yes please, I agree.

I remember when GPUs were used to fold proteins...

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Same energy as, "why don't you become massively rich and then change the system from the inside..." My step dad says that all the time when suggesting I get a job in a huge corporation.

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Likes cheese

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But I can't get around the idea that people can pay for a service to refuse to pay to a service.

I mean, if you assume that the only reason people are pirates is because they refuse to pay anyone for a service then I could see why you would have trouble with this point. But that isn't why most people pirate. Most people pirate because they don't want to pay the extortionate prices that media companies demand for their IP. Spending some small yearly fee to avoid paying several much large fees looks like a pretty solid reason for paying for a VPN service.

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Some people see injustice and the suffering of others and are willing to sacrifice their own lives regardless of how good they have it. I also don't understand this guy's motivations, but I sympathise with people all over the world who have chosen to end their lives in pursuit of some higher goal.

Look at Aaron Bushnell. He ended his life to protest Israel's crimes in Gaza and the US's complicity in them. I often wish I had that courage.

And with regards to killing other people, some people just deserve to die and I'm not succumbing to some liberal bullshit about civility when those same people who spout that nonsense turn a blind eye to the mass slaughter of innocents around the world in the name of the status quo and their privileged existences.

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It's horseshoe theory honey. We are so left that we are actually right

It's so on brand for the gaming industry I'm not at all surprised that people took it seriously.

As for being hilarious, I think it would have been a much funnier if they'd done cock jiggle physics. Turn it on it's head.

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"The act of tackily retheming a gui in an attempt to look like a 1337 hacker. Typically the preserve of young white males in the tech industry"

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It's ok to not know about it, but when you are made aware about it you are then presented with a choice.

It's up to you if you want to carry on using the term despite knowing about it's roots.

Yeah pretty much. Pretty sure recordings were for personal use.

I didn't start till I was 25. You have nothing to worry about.

Horseshoe crab in Ho Chi Min city. It was alright. Not much meat.

Mind you I've eaten a lot of stuff that could be considered exotic. Jellyfish is pretty good.

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Does sudo flix work like stremio with torrentio? I.e. I just type what I want and get a list of pirate sources to watch directly?

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I'm currently suffering in a state of half constipation, half diarrhea. I imagine it's something like that.

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What is squirt?

Time cube is so around, right?

Edit: it is not :(

Dies of boredom

Someone you know will surprise you

Man. I remember taking the CompTIA exams back in the day.

I forget about them until my boss asks me why we are spending so much on cloud services.

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This is my reason too.

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Me trying to find ways around using the word "and" in the commit message.

You'd have a bucket of water I'm pretty sure

Iain (M) Banks

China Mieville

Two of my faves

I have to admit that I never understood the hatred levelled at Google glass. It all seemed rather unobtrusive, but people fucking hated them.

UK, always driven manual. I just enjoy it more.

Right down the middle.

Is like to see more of these tests. Maybe mix the formula up a bit

An opinion is one thing. Speech that has the intention of hurting others and/or inciting violence against others is another thing entirely.

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It can be a pain. I use linux exclusively for servers and stuff, especially virtual machines, but with my work I simply cannot risk ruining into the sorts of issues you describe so I stick to windows on my desktop/laptop and use WSL for development.

In Cienfuegos in Cuba the lady was showing us around the room we were staying in at her house. After she left my girlfriend came up to me cringing and said there was a huge cockroach on her leg. No sooner had she finished telling me this that the lady came out of the opposite room stamping her feet on the floor chasing this monster cockroach. I swear she stamped on it three times before it stopped running.

Do people get paid to write these dogshit articles?

It does look cool.

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I hope not. The other night I had one where I was pooping slugs

A metal radiator might ground you.

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God fucking knows. Probably so they can sell your data.

Postman doesn't force you to log in, though it does make it sound like you are missing out on a world of "amazing" possibilities.

A hairless butthole makes farts really interesting. Someone's they bubble up under your balls