9 Post – 64 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The best bit will be when these loyalists will be sent to the work camps anyway because the great leader's Cialis didn't work that morning.

While I've seen these before, I find this hard to believe this isn't a screenshot from The Witness (2016).

I just don't get how these providers (Specifically Reddit with the API lockdown and now the stranglehold on mods, Twitter's new login requirement, and YouTube now cracking down on adblockers) are missing the point that their sites live and die by user generated content.

I understand these sites are hugely expensive to run, but if you keep alienating those who are bringing users to your site in the first place, people will stop submitting and people will stop visiting.

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"I get that a lot"

Before there was karma harvesting on Reddit, there was collecting Microsoft Desktop Certifications and copy pasting the goddamn same comment on every single Microsoft Community support post.

Can't turn off sticky keys? Run SFC & DISM /restore-health

AutoCAD won't activate? Run SFC & DISM /restore-health

Can't run SFC & DISM /restore-health? Run SFC & DISM /restore-health

For those of you curious, SFC, checks a list of essential system files with a list of known good copies.

DISM examines Windows image to check that all the files exist as they should and that Windows Updates have applied correctly.

Zues: "By the way, if you hear anything from my bedroom that sounds like a swan being choked that's fine."

It's funny to me that someone now has to say in an Apple boardroom every so often:

"So how do we make sure this isn't too successful in the EU?"

Remember when a certain senator stood before the house with two blank pieces of paper and said most democrats supported Russia?

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If this would have surprised no one they wouldn't have done it and just ate the cost of office spaec. No, there's people out there who still think company loyalty is a thing and that fostering a "company culture" is actually viable.

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You know, of all the things of this post, it's the Roku remote that really confuses me. Was he holding it when he answered the door? Was it in his pocket and he took it out when was looking for phone to make the Tweet?

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For the longest time the slogon was "It's hard to have a Gaytime on your own."

"Striking Vipers", B&W, 2019

"Now technically this is just a side effect of allowing a government to control a TLD." I say, from, a country which is still trying to form a government based on hating Islam and supporting sibling marriage

Like choosing cocaine over meth because the high is "smoother"

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That would require someone at Google caring about Android. Apart from the amazing team working to modulate the OS, nobody likes working with Android. Look at 14, it's a code clean up with one feature stolen from iOS (lock screen customisation) which was much better and more interesting back before Lolipop. No master plan, no building up to something. No wonder they can promise 7 years of support for the Pixel 8, there's nothing in the pipeline.

But it's not just Android, Google have reached a point where they don't know what to do about anything. ChatGPT snuck up on them. Rust has decimated any chance of Kotlin being widely adopted. Europe is getting more aggressive about controlling how they operate. Ad money isn't bringing in what it once did. Any attempts at trying to corner the cookie market are hated. It why we're seeing the ad block stuff on YouTube and another round of the Google Graveyard, they be running out of money and have no idea how to bring in new revenue.

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Have a look at Jackett, it re-produces the search results for hundreds of torrent sites as Torznab feeds, what that means is that these can then be added to indexes for Sonarr and Radarr.

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Maybe he should have said "The best artist is the one with the best lawyer."

I don't know why anyone fantasies about polyamory it takes my partner and I long enough to choose something to watch

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Always room for hagelslag

True, but the Steam overlay is a good workaround

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Did anybody even try sending Putin the "Imagine" video?

That time that America tried corruption in public

"You know the one thing I have in common with this lasagne, Jon? We're both best served up in pans."

Test out reading mode in other Chronium browsers, for me that does the job

I heard "I think it's a microcosm of a more serious thing" in Ron Howard's voice

That's funny cause I blame the fall of the Soviet Union on all the famine

Said the kid who has devoted his life being a shitty zoologist

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For me, it's the blog posts, written with a level of arrogance and condescension that they are "fixing" the limitations of TCP\IP and if you aren't using them, you're making the Web worse for everyone

Do I want him to hold the tiniest bit of power? No. Do I want him live on TV every so often with interviewers who let him keep talking? Yes

I knew I made it when I could afford UHU instead of having to use Clag

You are right in saying you have two option, pay Joe based on work output (i.e. decrease his pay for the 4 widgets he now produces or take less profit.).

But there's more to you then just Joe and the widgets. There's the market buying the widgets, now everyone is working four days, has the demand for widgets changed? If this is a market where the demand is increased, you need more widgets, you can sell them at a higher price and hire more workers to increase output. If the market has now shrunk, Joe's reduced output is fine.

It took a lot of effort to reduce the work week down from around 80 where it was at the beginning of the century and from the purely economic perspective of "we will have less output and the country will fail" it didn't. Businesses did and guess what, it's likely because they weren't viable to begin with. Most workers on minimum wage currently can't survive an unexpected expense, the current system isn't paying enough to begin with. I'd argue lots of business right now should fail, because they aren't being run for those actually making the widgets. Joe is burning his labour for cash and the output is widgets. In this scenario, what are you doing to earn the $20? Supplying Joe the chance to make widgets? Is that worth $20 from Joe's labour?

Joe now has 72 hours off to rest and use his time more wisely. Joe uses this time to further his education follow a career in a different field other than making widgets. This may not make him more productive but he is happier. Eventually he will leave with his further education and move onto something more fulfilling, or just using the extra day to spend more time with his kids or doing whatever recreation he really loves. He will work on having a fulfilling life. You will move production to Bangladesh and bunch of people you are paying $5 a hour will die in a widget factory fire.

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The Android licence is free and the Play Store infrastructure has to support tens of millions of devices.

I'm not saying this is an acceptable level, but Samsung ain't putting a dollar toward Google running the store, in fact, they'd much prefer to run and maintain their own.

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I have fixed this by becoming arrogant in the reverse way, unless I am the dumbest person in the room, I want to leave.

"Oh you want me teach you about what I know? Fuck you? You want to teach me everything you know about shellfish? Sign me the fuck up."

Essentially someone posing as some sort of AI company sold DPD ChatGPT with some starting instructions, probably for at least 5 figures.

I'm sure if you poke around some freelancer website you too could spend an hour downloading a model and packaging it up for a company with a hundred million dollar market cap who wants to save $50,000 on outsourcing.

Thanks for the correction, I was unaware

Oh God do I even want to know what they've trained for their AI image generator? Will it ironically be the only one that can show mixed race couples?

Can someone explain to me how this is different to the trust system used by SSL Certificates?

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The second one is a legally mandatory prompt regarding accepting cookies

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I doubt that's actually the reason. This seems to line up with the roll out of end to end encrypted calls through Messenger, at the same time calling is being depreciated on the Facebook Portal device. My guess is either the library is too big or they don't have the staff working on the Lite projects like they used to. Bulk of the target audience for Messenger Lite would probably be using WhatsApp.

But the team may have been gutted with all the Metaverse obsession followed by the AI obsession.

I'm a little shocked it's not a Watchy with a custom app on it