1 Post – 92 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yeah a lot of libs call Marxist-Leninist fascists

Marxism-leninism isn't fascist though

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Funny, yeah years ago it was easier to find interesting unique content. To quote slavoj zizek "when you think you escape it into your dreams, that is when you are within ideology".

Only true when you force your views on society and drug those that get more conservative when they get older. Like when your get older you appreciate the professionalism and authoritarian rules. No being more conservative doesn't mean you hate gays and want death upon them, you libs sure do like to assume and generalise.

It's almost like the economic calculation in exchange value is flawed. And could do with something better.

Central economic planning is what socialism is about to solve the crisis of over production doing away with the profit motive.

These days you get accused of trolling for having a discussion, your positions and solutions are assumed to generalised pre-perscribed ideological positions, you are given death threats, harassed and given abuse for deviating from the norm. Honestly the internet could do with being turned off for a month.

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You lot keep responding so I keep replying

No the Nazis did not do central economic planning and the USSR did not believe the strong should rule the weak nor did they believe in creating a "master race" by exterminating the perceived other and before you say much GuLaGs a Gulag is a prison in which you serve time by working, similar to private prisons in the US however it wasn't done on the basis of exchange value but labour time.

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Collecting information isn't censorship, banning and blocking someone for a different opinion is censorship.

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Give them arch

Take my upvote been a while since someone understood

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I can agree with that, if you examine it all it is are people's ego responding to pixels on a device which they own, they expect a self reflection of their own ego hence when online discourse is terrible because we are all bombarded with information with people seeing different information and not understanding where that conclusion came from. It's no surprise that the rate of narcissism has climbed with the rise of the internet as well as increasing polarisation, people aren't self reflecting on why they react the way they do. I know this because over the years I self examined on why I react to what I was exposed to.

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Couple that with 24/7 connection to the internet and smart phones etc. It's a recipe for disaster. Back in the dial up days these were not issues you logged on updated yourself with the latest forum etc and you turned it off. There were serious forums and what can be called these days as shit post forums. The discourse was much more civil and friendlier than today's standard. Everyone was anonymous and you was considered stupid for putting your personal information on the internet.

Well I type removed and it gets censored, in my country removed refers to a type of food, removed also refers to a cigarette and removed also refers to someone who is annoying. So yes the fediverse censors it's no different than other platforms.

Couple that with 24/7 connection to the internet and smart phones etc. It's a recipe for disaster. Back in the dial up days these were not issues you logged on updated yourself with the latest forum etc and you turned it off. There were serious forums and what can be called these days as shit post forums. The discourse was much more civil and friendlier than today's standard. Everyone was anonymous and you was considered stupid for putting your personal information on the internet. Nowadays you get accused of trolling for having a different opinion, you get cancelled for wrong think and your life destroyed for not stepping in lock step, this kind of stuff was unthinkable in those days as it sounds straight from a nightmare dystopian novel depicting an extreme 1984 fascist society. The ethos around the internet was seen as a decentralised utopian world to free ourselves from the complex reality of our world, then the Normie's came online.

Yeah it's overwhelming, I think we should just turn the internet off for a month nation wide.

I want to provide material abundance so women don't feel the need to have to have them.

Believe what your referring to is the term engagement.

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I still would of posted regardless

So experienced user yet complaining about it not being beginner friendly?

Yup exactly the word removed is censored, I could really do with a pack of fags and smoking a removed

It's OK dude everything will be ok

Exactly apparently I hate women because communism is stateless... It's ridiculous

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Explain your rational please

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Take thy upvote with grace

But why put me in a corner particularly?

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Well if you can't discuss things how is society meant to move forward?

Why? I thought we was having a decent civil conversation.

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See the reply below, not explaining again

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Well I'm not in favour of returning to segregation of the Jim crow era, putting people into groups where they only see and hear information that confirms their confirmation bias is an echo chamber. And I'm not going to stop doing what I think is right because a group doesn't like my style, being disruptive is literally the whole point of political agitation, what do you expect me to do? Pipe down, use a style and language that is pre-approved dictated that allows for no challenge to the status quo under the excuse of sensitivity so no changes are made, maybe try changing the economic base instead of forcibly changing the individual otherwise all your doing is playing whack-a-mole.

It's not diversity when segregating into smaller identity echo chambers and classifying people based on their sex, race and ethnicity etc. I prefer society that over looks these petty things for a broad multicultural unity amongst the masses not strasserite fascism.

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And they claim socialism/communism doesn't work...

Well I'm sick of the atomised individualistic society.

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You know the more intimidation you try to shut down discourse the more I want to throw it in your face.

Yeah, I went on funnyjunk the other day after reminding myself and it was dry and humourless back in the day it was a barrel of laughs.

So you can draw the notion that identity politics serves capitalism. Which is the point I'm making.

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Try watching the documentary the great hack

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The intended outcome is to develop the economy, develop the productive forces to provide for everyone in a planned economy. And hopefully bring the death rate down caused by capitalism.

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This is suppose to be open source freedom of speech you know free as in freedom not beer