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Joined 11 months ago

High-speed rail

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I wasn’t an especially savvy kid in the 80’s, but I remember thinking how laughable this was, even when it was proposed back then.

So like…yeah. No shit it didn’t.

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Classic “we have investigated ourselves, and admit to no evidence of wrongdoing”

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I’m doing MY part!

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Fourth degree criminal mischief… it’s a slap on the wrist. If someone had beheaded an effigy of Jesus, they’d be throwing the whole entire book at them. Rules for thee but not for me…

We finally get to ride the train? That’s awesome!

I feel like the current establishment wouldn’t allow an FDR-style candidate to succeed, they’re making too much money from protecting the status quo.

But I’ll still grudgingly support them if Trump is the other option. I’ll vote progressive in my local elections, but as long as we still have a first-to-the-post election process, it’s always the lesser of two evils.

Isn’t it the case that whoever wins this one, they’ll be the oldest president in US history? Gross.

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Lemming > Chihuahua > Honey Badger

Just angrier and angrier all the way through

Watching a playthrough of the God of War franchise: “who’s this Kratos guy, he seems like a bad-ass…”

Returns home, founds a new religion: “No, see, Ares IS cool and all, but I’m telling you, someone’s going to come along and beat his ass…”

It sure fucking FEELS like we’ve been dealing with this for 5 years LOL

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That was my reaction too; “US to push Israel to scale back war… while providing Israel with the means and support to escalate that war”.

That’s pretty great. ConcernedApe is a prince!

There’s just too much… between work, home life details, and trying to pay attention to the state of the world on 20 different fronts, I just don’t feel like I have the bandwidth to be like “gee, I’m going to pick up a new skill today!” I need that downtime to veg on the couch and look at memes, it’s way less exhausting.

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Not sure if this is what you’re describing, but phones like the one you pictured have a reversible tab for use if you mount the phone to a wall - if the tab is sticking up, it keeps the receiver from falling off the cradle.

Here’s a site selling them, but it has a diagram showing where it’s located:

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Yeah, and back in my day it was rock music, and Dungeons and Dragons

I wish they’d required him to endure cross-examination… I’d love to see a competent lawyer dismantle his entire baloney-sandwich machine in front of his followers.

This one’s my favorite!

How’s that any different from today?

(Just kidding, gallows humor)

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I like the glib answer that the USA was founded by religious nut jobs so uptight and conservative that they got kicked out of Europe for being so annoying - the puritans.

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Firmly in tinfoil hat territory here, buuuuut… Let’s say he gets forced out or leaves in shame… doesn’t this just turn into Mitch McConnell or someone stonewalling that Biden can’t appoint a new Judge because it’s “so close” to elections again, and then if (Baphomet forbid) Trump wins, they jam a younger-but-just-as-partisan judge in there, and we get Thomas II, electric boogaloo?

Please don’t misunderstand - Thomas sucks and I’d LOVE to see him off the bench, disbarred, and charged for his offenses. But I just don’t immediately see how this would be different from when RBG kicked the bucket.

Get yourself a speed loom for $20 and some thread or embroidery floss, and you can darn socks! This was my pandemic “learn a new skill”, and now the whole family brings me socks with holes, to fix.

And the “best” part is that cheap socks wear out around the patch, so then you get to / have to darn them again!


Hmm… maybe Zebra > Okapi > Giraffe?

Heyyy, congrats!!

I personally think this is the biggest reason. MY company just went “well, guess we’ll sell 2/3 of our campus and let someone else use that space, we sure don’t need it any more”… but I think a lot of businesses are stuck with their lease and struggling to make the square footage pay for itself.

I can’t look for a source right now (I’m on the clock at my WFH job) but I thought there was evidence that hedge funds and investment houses had invested in commercial real estate, like they invested in residential real estate in the 2000’s (which ultimately resulted in the “sub-prime mortgage crisis”)… and that THEY are really the ones pushing for RTO, trying to avoid another crash when their investments tank because nobody wants to own commercial real estate any more and starts looking to sell it off.

But take that with a big grain of salt, because I can’t cite a source ATM!

I remember reading at the start of Covid in the US, when the government was saying “masks are dumb”, but local churches were going “masks save lives”, the churches were surprised at how much pushback they were getting.

Turns out raising someone from a young age to believe without questioning, and look up to one person as their only source of truth, and ignore compelling scientific evidence, is pretty hard conditioning to break.

Shockedpikachuface.jpg, #leopardsatemyface, etc.

Strong stuff, and I’m here for it! I hope he suffers the indignity of itching, without the relief of scratching!

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ALWAYS just another 20 years…

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My thoughts as well… “here’s what to know: the Supreme Court is corrupt as hell”

My only hope is that the first time I stepped over the line when using my powers, I’d feel so bad about it afterwards that it would prevent me from doing it again… mostly.

That’s a really interesting idea; my kid wants to be a pilot and just discovered flight tracker… I’m going to check out Airspy’s “how to” stuff and see about this as a gift idea too!

Ugh, frickin’ Dave…

I’m certainly no legal expert, but I think it’s the rights of the family that are being infringed upon. I don’t know a thing about the Carlins specific situation, but I think it’s customary for a famous person to leave control of their “intellectual property”, use of their likeness and whatever else, to their next of kin or a trusted friend or someone. And it sounds like the family have those rights, because they’re looking into “what their rights are” (which sounds a lot like “legal options” to me).

I personally think it’s in bad taste specifically BECAUSE the person is deceased - they can’t make the call and go “yeah go ahead” or “I don’t like this, please stop”. Kind of like how someone can’t consent to sex if they’re unconscious (weird parallel, I know).

I feel like the YouTubers are assuming Carlin’s consent, when they don’t really have it. If they’d asked his family, they could have maybe had it. But instead they decided to just go ahead and hope that they can get away with it.

I think Carlin’s daughter has every right to be pissed about not getting asked for her permission, especially if she owns the rights to his material.

I don’t go to McDonalds much any more, but I’d get fries and a vanilla shake to do that with, as a treat!



A scoop of vanilla ice cream, topped with a little “chili crunch” oil - salty and sweet, spicy and creamy… it’s great.

The enemy gate is down, Ender!

I think it’s like “vee-shee-swah”?

Source: some French classes in elementary school 🤷🏻‍♂️

LOL “jug hooters”… I love it!

And the rest of us with them.