0 Post – 46 Comments
Joined 3 weeks ago

It is different. It's genital mutilation. Has fuck all to do with gender affirmation

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Please point out where I wrote anything remotely close to that. Go ahead, I'll wait.

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Because this post is about trans care. There are certain online ethics that kinda prohibit hijacking of posts. One of the 10k today?

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Please point out where I wrote anything like that. Go ahead, I'll wait.

13 more...

Informed consent is now anti-trans? Really?

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This is done regardless of the source of the glass. IE fresh or reused glass gets the same cleaning treatment.

Family friendly?

Are you for real? Nudist campings are family campings in yurop. Went to a nekid beach last week and it was filled with families. As it is every time we go.

It's not the nakedness that seems to be the issue. It's your hyper sexualised mindset and culture.

Yeah no. Your choice has global impact. Sadly enough.

22 more...

So this means invasion in sept? If we were to follow what happened in Ukraine?

You don't turn 18 and magically discover your actions have consequences.

"Not a heavy crime"? I'll introduce you to Sarah, Marie and Olivia. You can tell them it was just a joke. You can tell them the comments they've received as a result are just jokes. The catcalling, mentions that their nipples look awesome, that their pussies look nice, etc are just jokes. All 3 of them are changing schools, 2 are failing their years. Because of something someone else did to them. And you claim it's not that bad? The fuck is wrong with you?

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Yeah no. Make it illegal for companies to own residential properties. Sure they can build em and sell em within a given time frame after building or renovating them, but within 5 years tops individuals should own the property.

Progressive tax rates the more properties you rent out.

Renting is one of the main causes of permanent poverty. I don't give a flying fuck about your "investment opportunities". You're getting cash while others are losing money.

You missed the point. Where I made it rather clear why AI is chosen over GFX designers. Why buy good and expensive, when you can have mediocre and dirt cheap? That's capitalism.

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Good GFX designers are expensive. AI is cheap. Welcome to capitalism.

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Well there was another "survivalist" that tried the same. He died.

Did you land your gigs at high end companies right out of uni?

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That's why I'm living now, not waiting for retirement. I got a good 15 years left, maybe 20 if I push it. Then I'm tapping out. Not a fan of keeping on living just for the sake of breathing.

Because no one actually knows. Studies or trends are done by crusaders for or against a certain food because they noticed for themselves it has some neg impact.

There are not enough actual studies on food or even healthcare. There was like 1 decent study for example on keto diet for athletes. Results weren't valid for most people as they only looked at athletic results and how the athletes felt. Not the health impact for gen pop.

Healthcare is the same. I've lived my entire life following various medical advice due to medical issue. Recently that advice has changed. And I'm fkin pissed cuz after 40 fkin years I am finally pain free.

And I haven't even touched the topic of both food and healthcare for women, poc, differing body-/lifestyle types.

Only thing I can agree on: consume less sugar and sauces. Sure my opinion is anecdotal, but everyone I know that has cut those 2 has seen great results.

Yeah, on my planet I'm living with someone that earns her living with marketing focused DA. On that same planet I've spent close to 200hrs trying to figure out how close the current tech can come to artistic talent. With the correct keywords it can come eerily close.

You shouldn't dismiss it just because you can't get it to deliver what you need.

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Suicide is easy. And painless. You can be dead before you feel anything. If you haven't figured that out or have some other excuse, you're not really ready to go yet. Try to find out why.

I ain't going yet cuz I got shit to do.

That being said, I'll never live long enough to retire. Tapping out long before that.

That's your response? Cheap copout bro.

The Undeclared War had a nice opinion on this.

You are underestimating musks infantile need to show the world he's not a failure.

And you were free to turn that off.


Not contributing to society yet using what others have worked for. What would you call that?

Are you that far removed from reality? Drop the "european" and it'll still be true. So what exactly is your point?

Awfully quick to jump to conclusions. Awfully quick to remove people from society.

Sad that you think those actions are just. May you be treated how you treat others. 😉

Depends on the parties.

Eastern Europe doesn't represent Europe as a whole. Never has, never will.

No. The victim pit you're in is the perpetual victim role you've taken on as a personality.

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Well no. Your premise was anecdotal experience. Your articles are not relevant. Funny how you're annoyed at someone else's ad hominem, yet yours is totally valid? Ze victim complex runz deep.

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Please point out where I made those statements?

As was mentioned, it's a long process. With still 1%, which is a very conservative estimate, regretting it after all those years, all that information. I feel this should be mentioned.

What you did not mention however was the 13% that stopped transitioning and started detransitioning. The previous 1% only takes into account completed transitions. Since it's a lengthy process, there are many that stop during the process.

That should also be mentioned and the fact that you willingly choose to omit it shows you do not want informed consent.

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Well sweetie, the topic ere is trans care. Why the fuck would I bring up other medical procedures?

The 1% is lower than most. That's the number found in most of the links posted. The 13% is not. And it's not mentioned in any of the links posted. 😉

Why don't you want people to know the truth? Why are you going full Elon here? What are you trying to hide?

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You are hilarious. Not in a good way. You are incapable of having a normal discussion. You always, without fail go for the ad hominem. Your conduct here today is a disservice to the trans community.

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Every day there are 10k....

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I guess you missed the important part. And focussed only on the irrelevant part. Didn't expect anything else tbh.

Funny how you assume I want to ban it. Seems like a common trend. In which you are identical to the frequenters of r/the_donald. If I don't flatout agree with you, I must heavily oppose you.

Didn't you get the "trans care is a dialog" part? I mean I would love to see your reasoning in how that can be viewed as wanting to ban it. I always love a good show of mental gymnastics.

True. And how do those differ from trans care?

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So requesting you be honest and fully inform kids is pedophiliac tendencies? You do get how this makes you look? Right?

Please point out where I mentioned anything anti-trans. Or is this again by requesting honesty and transparency? Again, you do realise how this makes you look? Right?

Judging from the responses and downvotes, I can see this community still doesn't want informed consent....

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Oh for the love of fuck would you get out of your bottomless victim pit?

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No sweetie, those can be diagnosed through imaging and completed without the patient saying one word.

Trans care is a dialog.

Nice try, better luck next time?

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