Girl, 15, speaks out after classmate made deepfake nudes of her and posted online to – 273 points –
Girl, 15, speaks out after classmate made deepfake nudes of her and posted online

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You don't turn 18 and magically discover your actions have consequences.

"Not a heavy crime"? I'll introduce you to Sarah, Marie and Olivia. You can tell them it was just a joke. You can tell them the comments they've received as a result are just jokes. The catcalling, mentions that their nipples look awesome, that their pussies look nice, etc are just jokes. All 3 of them are changing schools, 2 are failing their years. Because of something someone else did to them. And you claim it's not that bad? The fuck is wrong with you?

Kids are kids until 18 because people mature at different rates. At 18 it is safe to assume most have matured enough. This kid could be 18 mentally, but he could also be 13 mentally.

Why are you trying emotional manipulation in order to justify punishing this one kid as if he was an adult?

Here, let me show you what you just did. Let me introduce you to Steve. His life was ruined because he made a deepfake of a girl he likes and sent it to his friend, but he shouldn't have trusted that friend, because the deepfake then found itself on every phone in class. Steve got a 3 year sentence, forcing early dropout, and due to his permanent mark, he would forever be grouped with rapists and could never find a job. He killed himself at 21. And you claim it's not that bad? The fuck is wrong with you?

I don't think maturity is an explicit thing in a binary form, i would be ok with the presumption that the age of 18 provides a general expected range of maturity between individuals, it's when you start to develop your world view and really pick up on the smaller things in life and how they work together to make a functional system.

I think the idea of putting a "line" on it, is wrong, i think it's better to describe it "this is generally what you expect from this subset"

You right his parents have to be punished. They didn't teach him how to respect other properly.

In terms of paying for damages, you are correct. Sending them to jail though...

I agree with you. I was thinking of something like paying moving fee

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Perhaps at least a small portion of the blame for what these girls are going through should be laid upon the society which obstinately teaches that a woman's worth as a person is so inextricably tied to her willingness and ability to maintain the privacy of her areolas and vulva that the mere appearance of having failed in the endeavour is treated as a valid reason to disregard her humanity.

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All 3 of them are changing schools, 2 are failing their years. Because of something someone else did to them. And you claim it’s not that bad? The fuck is wrong with you?

and by the time they're 18 and moving on to college, or whatever they're probably busy not fucking worrying about whatever happened in high school, because at the end of the day you have two options here:

be a miserable fuck. try to be the least miserable fuck you can, and do something productive.

Generally people pick the second option.

And besides, at the end of the day, it's literally not real, none of this exists. It's better than having your nudes leaked. Should we execute children who spread nudes of other children now? That's a far WORSE crime to be committing, because now that shit is just out there, and it's almost definitely on the internet, AND IT'S REAL.

Seems to me like you're unintentionally nullifying the consequences of actual real CSAM material here.

Is my comment a little silly and excessive? Yes, that was my point. It's satire.

Victims of trauma dont just forget because time passes. They graduate (or dont) and move on in their lives, but the lingering effects of that traumatic experience shape the way the look at the worlds, whether they can trust, body disphoria, whether they can form long-lasting relationships, and other long last trauma responses. Time does not heal the wounds of trauma, they remain as scars that stay vulnerable forever (unless deliberate action is taken by the victim to dismantle the cognitive structure formed by the trauma event).

yeah but we're also talking about something that quite literally never happened, it was all manufactured, and while i don't want to downplay the effects of that.

This is probably the best time ever to start being an e slut because you can just say it was deep faked and people don't exactly have a reason to disagree with you.

Also while trauma is permanent, i would also like to remind you that every life experience you have throughout your life is also permanent, it cannot be changed, it cannot be undone, it cannot be revoked. You simply have to live with it. The only thing that changes your experiences and memories around it, is how you handle it internally.

I would probably be more compassionate with you if we were literally talking about revenge porn, or whatever the correct stipulation would be here, i'm not sure, i don't exactly fuck people on the regular so i'm not really qualified here lmao.

But like i said, this is just AI generated. Everyone knows about AI now, how many people do you think are going to hear that and go "yeah that makes sense" probably most of them. Highschoolers might be a bit more unreasonable, but nothing changes the fact that they simply aren't real. You just have to do your best to dissociate yourself from that alternate reality where they are, because they quite literally, are not.

some people would consider it to be traumatic, others wouldn't. I wouldn't give a shit either way, i might even further the rumors because i think it would be funny. It's all a matter of perspective.

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