2 Post – 141 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Personally, I don't think a service is in the wrong for trying to protect against ad block, especially when their revenue comes from ads. However I also don't think there's anything wrong with adblockers continuing to innovate to circumvent that. I'm rooting for Ublock Origin lol

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AAA companies: Makes bad game and releases apology promising to make good games now

Also AAA companies: We are not capable of making good games, stop expecting to much.

Re-Logic have always been my favorite group of devs in the industry. This is yet another item to add to my long list of reasons for that.

Putting their money where their mouth is.

Odd, I was pretty happy when I got the update. I always thought it was odd that servers and PMs were mixed somewhat in the UI, and hard to distinguish between.

People just don't like things being different than they were ig.

Or is there another change I didn't notice that had people bothered?

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I don't run Linux (though I'm admittedly more interested in it than I used to be) but the reddit API stuff definitely made me learn more about foss, and value it more.

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Wait, I've been out of the loop for a bit; is Trump actually saying that he should be immune to charges because he was the president??? How in the world could he think that would work?

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Slowly and slowly, it feels like parents are having less and less responsibility—and therefore control—over their children's lives. Information is not a problem—if there's something the parent doesn't want the kid to see it up to them to enforce that, not the government.

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I keep hearing people recommend signal messenger as an alternative to discord, and honestly that's the most obvious sign you don't actually use discord

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People expect social media services to die and rise in a day. As much as people like to think that is how it works, it isn't—Reddit itself grew slowly overtime, before absorbing Digg and Lemmy will hopefully do the same. We just have to use it, enjoy it, and recommend it to people. Overtime, it will grow, and we have to hope for the best and spearhead that.

As someone who's had bedbugs multiple times... Yes it's very much worth throwing away your entire wardrobe if you have to. Do everything you can to prevent getting them.

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My family doesn't get smartphones until age 12. That seems to work well

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Can't tell you the amount of times someone has acted astonished when I tell them I drink coffee because I genuinely like it—i just drink it in the morning because if I drank it later it'd keep me awake.

A lot of people drink it purely to stay awake and I do not get that. Get some caffeine pills or something.

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Genuine question: What's this have to do with open source?

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I could be wrong, but I believe he meant that other countries themselves should pass similar laws; not that the EU should make laws mandating what Apple does in other countries

Recently installed Linux (Nobara to be specific) and I'm amazed this isn't talked about more. It's so useful! Windows is seriously missing out not having a program like this built in.

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As far as Ubers, I'm happy to pay them as much as taxis in tips at least — the people driving them are hard working people who could use it.

But dang, there's lots of streaming services. The new rise of piracy is not surprising.

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I'm surprised no one had mentioned this yet

It's because there's an annoying trend of everyone reading the headline and not the article. Drives me bonkers

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Found in NeMo

Guys! He found him!

The simple answer is, generally no. Most modern Christians are far more moderate and flimsy in their beliefs than one might think. There's always going to be extremists in any situation, but someone that identifies as a "Christian" in the modern world is generally shaped by the modern world. You'll be hard pressed to find someone deny basic science in today's world.

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Meanwhile, support for stronger LGBTQ+ protections was more highly favoured by Democratic voters (82 per cent) than Republican voters (32 per cent).

Surprised 32% of Republican voters support. This shows, as I've felt for a while now, yet another example that we aren't as separate as we think.

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Can someone tell me what IPO is, and act like I'm not an idiot XD

Thanks for the reply, I understand now.

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I know I'm very late to the party on this one

Don't worry my guy, that's the whole point of this subreddit :p

Recently discovered Veloren, maybe you haven't heard of it

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Dunno if this is related but for the first time in my life I've been receiving spam PMs on Reddit in the last few weeks... Very annoying

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Tried Jerboa... wasn't a huge fan, now I'm using Connect

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I'm still waiting for Cyberpunk to be cheap enough for me lol, I don't get enough money to buy a game >$20

Can I get an explanation on what exactly passkeys are? I already use bitwarden for passwords, is there any good reason to switch to passkeys if that works for me?

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Important rights of businesses in the US constitution include

Important note regarding a business's right to regulate free speech: The rules of the Constitution are meant to regulate Congress, not businesses or citizens. Therefore, the right to free speech means Congress cannot restrict someone from speaking his or her mind, but a business may be able to.

For example, a radio show has the right to not allow a certain person to speak on its program or to say certain things. Ultimately, such issues are decided by the Supreme Court, and there may be some exceptions, depending on the circumstances.

The weird part is, when you actually talk to a Conservative irl, they don't care about EVs. Sure they might not like them—they might even think they're a Political scheme or whatever. But they at least understand that there are more important things happening. Politicians failure to represent their user base's viewpoint in the US is always astounding.

God this gives me PTSD of the similar spatulas my grandparents insist on getting for some reason XD a big reason I don't skimp on quality kitchen supplies now. I recommend, if it's available, anyone who wants good kitchen stuff that won't break easy, try finding an Asian market of some kind with an appliance etc. section. The Korean market near me sells all type of great wooden spatulas, tongs, etc. and also stainless steel, for a great price. Way better than the overpriced trash at the big box stores.

It's surprisingly hard (at least for me, perhaps I'm looking wrong :p) to find general comparisons comparing the brands for overall usefulness. You'll find stuff comparing their drills, or something specific, but not everything overall. Which seems much more important, as (as has been mentioned in these comments) the batteries really lock you into one brand.

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I was startled by how dated Zelda 1 is. I know, obviously it's very old, but people talk about it as if it still holds up today.... It doesn't. Maybe I could try Zelda 2 now.

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Android auto and always been a buggy mess. I was very disappointed when I first tried to use it, and the consecutive two months, until eventually I gave up and went back to normal bluetooth

Gosh can we focus on the important stuff? No one should care about the shoes he's wearing, he's a politician not a fashion model Focus on the crooked politician stuff

Can someone tell me/link me what this bill actually entails?

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If you're using Ublock Origin, you can use their "element zapper" to get rid of it. Also, it took me a minute to figure out, to exit "element zapper" mode on a phone, swipe right twice

Its definitely not true that science and religion have to contradict each other. Take Christianity—you can easily believe in scientific methods to discover the way the world works, while believing that 'God' is the Creator of those things.

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As someone who lives in metro Atlanta: shit goes down. Would not recommend, 3/10, although chicken and waffles are delicious