14 Post – 111 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

Not going as planned, eh, Putin?

"The feature will also be off by default, whereas the original plan was to turn it on by default and make users go into Settings to turn it off."

So it can be turned on again whenever another update comes.

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I remember following this story for like a few years before I trailed off. This is absolutely fucking ridiculous. This was all orchestrated by the MAFIAA in an attempt to again make an example out of someone, because it wasn't too long after or so, that they managed to penalize and jail some of the original Pirate Bay founders. All of which were long not involved with the Pirate Bay but just because they've been associated with such a symbol that has continually and still continues to trounce the efforts of the copyright regime, had to go and make examples of them.

So here we are now with Dotcom and it feels exactly the same here. Gotta make an example of them because of the years long process of the butt-hurt executives in the copyright regime, crying crocodile tears about superfluous lost "millions" that they still to this day continue to keep vague, just to gain some clout.

Fuck them.

8 more...

It died with Bernie Sanders, twice.

Let's see...

The launcher itself ran poorly compared to Steam's. I've had instances of it freezing performance down just downloading 1 game through Epic's launcher.

You've locked down games behind multi-year exclusives, pissing off many people along the way that we're now just seeing their Steam releases.

You've spent years giving free games away, promising not to do anymore, going back to doing it again.

The launcher and storefront are incredibly barebones compared to Steam's. In fact, any launcher not Steam, has incredibly minimal to go with other than just running games through them.

4 more...

My phone is a billboard. My TV is a billboard. My PC is sometimes a billboard.

Like, what hasn't advertisement infected?

I think it's about time we just harass marketers back, but not with advertisements, but with other means. Enough so they get the message.

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The reason I left Twitch was because the fucking ads were unbearable. I've even taken a screenshot to show people that I wasn't lying when I said I saw that Twitch expected me to sit there and listen to and watch 8 fucking ads. Ads to shit I don't care about other than think of violent thoughts in what I'd love to do to marketers and find a way to advertise that so they get a god damn clue.

In a perfect world, maybe A ad wouldn't be so bad. But this has gotten out of hand and out of control. We shouldn't ever have to sit and watch a string of ads, all varying from 20 seconds to an entire minute and even longer.

And good, I hope YouTube is stupid as fuck enough to be aggressive. Drive more creators out, even hit the successes of the YouTube whores who've long lived on the platform. Because all that they're going to do is affect everyone at the end of the day, all for the sake of profiting for marketers.

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Bless the era of technology where Signal and ProtonMail exist.

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How's it feel, Russia?

I just hope the russians that aren't pro-putin are treated better than the russians did to any ukranians over the cities and land they've taken.

I know right?

It's just PR to protect themselves, not about actually doing fuck all about what just transpired. Many people like this show such cowardice to make a difference.

And all of her simps will fall over eachother at her feet over this.

Why hasn't anyone yet done the ballsy move by just learning her tricks and distributing that to everyone to learn? Why does it have to be this unhinged bitch?

10 more...

I might sound a little in the minority of this.

Everyone should sit down and ask themselves - 'Do I Really Need This?'

I can only speak on my behalf. I have over, roughly estimating, 1,500 games both purchased and pirated. Do I really need a subscription such as GamePass right now when I have so much already? No, I really don't.

I've pirated thousands of songs over the years, do I really need Spotify's subscription? No, I do not and I'm glad that I don't.

So on and so forth. I decide what I need or want based on the current lifestyle and quality of life in my current state. I do not need over 40 subscriptions sapping me every month and it's only gotten easier because I combat FOMO, I evaluate what else is out there that serves as an alternative that isn't subscription based.

These days when I look at people paying a subscription model for Microsoft Office, I shake my head and have that kind of chuckle that makes you feel sorry over someone doing that. Because really, I still use older versions of Microsoft Office and LibreOffice to handle whatever modern features that there is to handle. Not a lot has really changed to warrant subscribing to such a model.

A lot of subscription models can be pressy to people who aren't knowledgeable unless they take advantage of what's out there.

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How about he's not allowed to perform them for the rest of his life? What made this guy decide "oh I think I can do this without my hearing aid!" that time? Because no where in the article did it state it was by mistake if this happened in two procedures.

Yeah he should lose his license.

Damn he's not aging well, lol. All of that grump and tough-guy act, not to mention the stress where he's been making the court his second home if not already a home.

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These people, referring to the idiot author, are the same people who fantasized and watered down how the Civil War went for the Confederacy. We unfortunately now have and will continue to have, the same idiots having their revised takes on what happened on January 6th.

_Keeping an eye on Harris' stance on the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza, Sanders made sure to bring that up, saying, “I think, in all fairness to the vice president, she’s been the candidate for all of one month. And it’s been a hell of a month. You have to organize the convention, select a vice presidential campaign, get out on the campaign trail. So, they are still working through their policies.”

At least we have a candidate actively working on their polices currently as they're campaigning.

As opposed to listening to an aging, diaper-shitting, run-a-mouth opponent going on golfing tours and probably bitching about how deer piss would purify reservoirs or something he had a two second thought of before forgetting.

Anime - People don't like you when you're into the popular ones.

Video Games - It's everywhere here. If you're into AAA games, you'll never hear the end of it. If you're into Indie games, then you have to be into games like Hollow Knight, Undertale .etc or you just don't know indie.

Metal Music - Fucking hell, you're always going to be snubbed and looked down upon because you're not into Death or Black Metal. Doesn't matter if you're into Iron Maiden or X Nu Metal band here, but you're just not metal until you listen to anything Black/Death. Maybe I don't want to listen to Cookie Monster and Friends.

6 more...

Tax Dodger.

Impeachment Dodger.

Accountability Dodger.

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Shit We Need to Codify: Abortion

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To do that he'd have to:

Rehire the competent people again (good luck doing that since a lot of them were and had been involved with actions/lawsuits against him).

Re-establish all of the departments he liquidated.

Both of which or any redeemable action to take he won't do. His platform is perfect as a hotbed for all conservative brainwash rhetoric that he leads.

SponsorBlock - Skips over the bits of a video where sponsors are advertised.

And another example of Mark wanting to keep his base polarized and misinformed.

Republicans are like that abused and thrashed partner in a bad relationship. Where instead of figuring out ways to leave it and be better. They willingly stay and are like "But...but...I still love them miserably!".

That's Republicans for Trump.

And another in the Google Graveyard!

I'm pretty positive by this point that people love to bitch about ads for the sake of bitching about ads. They bring this onto themselves.

Same goes for them going onto sites without ad blockers. Then when you tell them, it's either "OHHH THANKS!" or "Uhhhh, I cAn't" for no reason.

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You've got no choice BUT to go to the police.

Like what else is there? Confront the individual directly and play a Clue-like game with them? If you have the evidence and know who it is, they need to be dealt with legally.

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We were seeing the warning signs already by the amount of bots and spammers who were taking over abandoned instances. They just posted a lot of garbage that filled up everywhere they went. And there was almost nobody there to deal with them. Ernest being out of action for prolonged periods didn't help this.

I really hated to see kbin social get mistreated this way considering it was my true alternative since Lemmy got mostly bombarded with former Reddit users that took that over and made it their own.

Kbin social is a learning lesson that if you're unable to maintain something due to personal problems, it is time to hand over the reigns. Ernest did do that but I'm not really sure if the person running it now knows what to do.

These people are some of the people I've no sympathy in bitching at. They're my favorite punching bags.

No, people, don't feel sorry for these scammers. They CHOSE to do this. Instead of wanting to aim to better their lives or better their country, they chose to go out and do everything they can to scam people out of money.

So yes, I happily scream and mess with these pricks any chance I get. They have no remorse in what they do.

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I'd make it a TV series. If it's doing well for Fallout, it shouldn't be hard for Borderlands to be a show. Because with something as big as Borderlands, it's not a good idea to compact all of that into one entire film. It's got to be a chain of events in an episodic format.

Why just women and girls? Why not young boys too?

7 more...

There's a meme image I once saw that spoke to me.

It went; "Stop trying to be liked by everybody, when you don't even like everybody"

And that's so fucking true for someone such as me. You can't please everyone, so you should stop trying because there's thousands to possibly millions of people out there who simply live that spiteful and bitter lifestyle as their entire persona.

Who matters to me are the people I've personally befriended. It doesn't hurt to co-exist and be kind to those who give it to you.

But everyone else, fuck them.

It has to be down to the moderation. Admins and Moderators have to step up and stamp out what they feel is infecting the community.

Too many times I've seen in history where, if you do not have an active mod team and allow people to run the asylum, you effectively have failed that community.

We should've known this fact, when we still have those input prompt voice operators that still can't for the life of it, understand some of the shit we tell it. That's the direction I saw this whole AI thing going and had a hunch that it was going to plummet because the big new shiny tech isn't all that it was cracked up to be.

To call it 'ending' though is a stretch. No, it'll be improved in time and it'll come back when it's more efficient. We're only seeing the fundamental failures of expectancy vs reality in the current state. It's too early to truly call it.

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Sounds to me yet another reason to vote out the assholes who're proclaiming to be for the children and youth. But only if it's the youth and children that align with their perfect citizen template; White, Straight and Christian.

Yeah, this comes off as just another blog entry that they haaaaad to show us but should've stayed as a blog entry.

Cox Communications being the ISP for the customers.

You will not ever, ever see Verizon, Comcast, Spectrum .etc doing this. They would happily snip your internet access and leave you high and dry.

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Maybe he should consider quitting life. Because what he did will follow him forever. Shouldn't have been in the Olympics to begin with.

I don't think you're lazy if one tiny inconvenience was enough for you to overhaul your system to get a different OS.

You know, I can think of more reasons to jump to a different OS than just a brief bit of stuttering. But you do you.

1 more...

It's not that new if it's been a thing on Windows 8.

I prefer my Price is Right where people go through mini-games to win prizes or cash.

Doing stuff like whatever Beast is doing (I don't watch a second of his content) or these shows where people do drastic things just for a sniff of success but for our amusement, I find it pathetic and sad.