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Joined 10 months ago

Uhm, that option was intreduced by sites and ad networks because the GDPR requires it so unless they plan to shut down buisness in the EU it's probably going to fail!

8 more...

I bet they will do so for their next game but reimplementing a entire game is FAR easier said than done, something like that could very well bankrupt a smaller studio!

24 more...

Maybe that will give Godot a serious chance for second place I guess, Unity ocupied that for far too long anyway!

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America is so fucking stuck in stone age, it's schocking at times!

I made a account ages ago and got two or three free games but I can't find it anymore and honestly don't really give a shit ether, I got more than enough unplayed games on Steam!

7 more...

I wish something like that existed, once you go public you are obligated to grow and that has limits so you always end up squeezing your users! :/

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Well, that's certainly illegal too, the GDPR requires opt-in and while there is room for interpritation (see all the shitty cookie banners) if you enable anything by default it's not going to fly!

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Once again I feel quite comfortable without Google Play serives on my device!

Not mine but fitting! 4wnr96

I hate DRM but really like Steam, they put in a shit ton of work to achive that! It's certainly a monopoly but I think one of the biggest differences is that it's not a publically tradet company so they don't have to chase that infinite growth many very influencial idiots don't see any issue with and there for aren't willing to destroy everything for short term gains.

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The truly sad part about the BioWare story is that they fucked up a lot too, you can't even blaim all of the disapointments on EA! :(

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The GUIs do that in a even easier way for new users and experienced people can always just add a simple bash alias, a universal command never existed anyway because we have various different package managers on different distros so I don't see any lost feature whatsoever tbh

Since I switched to a instance that block Hexbear I can get a little political without too many issues, I am a far left anti capitalist tho, I just really dislike facists with a bit of red paint!

You freedome ends where someone elses starts, otherwhise noone except you will be free, I don't get why Americans often have such a hard time with that!

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Maybe spend some of it on a good app rather than marketing and exclusive deals, well or fire your workers and hope that accident of a game store will fix itself I guess!

They discontinued the messager Lite not that long ago so I seriously doubt that will ever happen, luckily I don't use Whatsapp I guess but most people sadly more or less have to!

The position makes a monopoly so I would say they are but they remain the good guys because they don't engage in anti-competitive practices, you can have a monopoly wven if you don't abuse it.

I will keep a eye on it but till the license changes I will stick with my tried and true Newpipe and Libretube apps. Both of those are "improved revanced" to me already but the idea of multiple sources is a cool one, not new but certainly cool and I haven't seen Nebula in other attempts but I just wish people could agree on a addon standard to implement services for various of those apps and media centers at once!

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I bet they make a shit ton of money but they certainly seem to reinvest enough of it too. There is a interesting concept called purpose companies here in Europe but it's not especially wide spread or planned by regulators so the transition is extremly complicated and expensive. The search engine Ecosia is a relatively well known one, it's basically a company in self ownership where no one from outside can become CEO and no one can sell or go public, they are obligated to their chosen purpose and that's where their profits go (in the case of Ecosia that's planting trees), not sure how it works exactly or if it's doable in the USA at all tho.

I would bet money that it's from their CEO, someone too greedy for fucking EA shouldn't ever be a option for your company!

I like CSGO but I still wish they would cut out the gambling garbage, shitty buisiness practises in their games is one of the few truly terrible things about Valve!

Unless you are a mobile gamer there is no reason for such overpowered CPUs, in most cases they are just there because higher numbers sell better!

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It's not open source (just source available) so idk if it will land in F-Droid at all tbh!

As a Gnome user, a expansion of that background apps think that properly replaces Appindicators!

They still have a SD card reader up to fucking 2TB but got rid of the headphone jack in favor of a little more water proofing, not my favorite decition but certainly not a reason to call the only even remotely fair phone with some actual fair trade and recycled materials and unfair...

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Oh and Smart Tube next, that's what I use on my Android TV and it even has Sponsorblock!

Not directly related but this Gabe quote still seems somewhat fitting: "Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem"

That's a great list, you could probably add yt-dlp for those who want to download and/or convert on their desktops (on Android Newpipe dose a great job for that) but in terms of noteworthy frontends and clients the list looks very comolete to me!

I won't deny that, they got the edge in terms of ARM CPUs but that doesn't make those the best Laptops on the market, it's literal EWaste and judging from Apples history that thing probably has a few desing flaws that will lead to breakage with no coverage from their site too. If you ask me you just got your priorities wrong if you buy one of those but I am one of those privacy freaks too so call me crazy if you want.

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Im not an American but if people I know are put in a cage for fucking Weed I certainly want shitbags like him to go there too, it may not be helpful but certainly what he deserves!

I mean, hot naked people seem to be one of their best selling point so it's a very fitting bug for sure!

It's not a especially big surprise they are that scummy if you know their CEO (even EA let go of him because he was too greedy for them) but fuck is that another dick move, I am totally sure they didn't do it to hide upcomming changes...

That's just shitty moderation and probably a overworked mod team, not sure what drug you got your hands on but I would kind of like to try it if you have any left!

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Is that the one that explicitely includes "positive depictions of refugees arriving" in the laws text?

We can fight if that's the right approach but it's certainly not open source, just source available!

Uhm, I just made a playlist called "later", I can't tell any difference to a watch later feature tbh.

I had one of those smartphones ages ago and it was awful, one of the updates made it lag so terrible they somewhat fixed that a little in the next few updates! I bet that was intentional to get me to buy a new phone, not a iPhone fan ether tho.

The Fairphone part of that review is great but it also includes a lot of Greenwashing from short term garbage producers like Apple and Samsung in a very uncritical way, I can recommend it as a Fairphone review but be aware that the rest isn't great!

What tf was woke about that or even better question what tf dose woke even mean by now?...

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Yea, if you create a male looking caracter it will even default to he/him, that rant is just reducles and silly af!

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