2 Post – 58 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This is why comments are so useful. I was already on the fence about viewing a site named futurism and your comment made sure I will avoid it moving forward.

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Everyone went to Threads to take a look at the brand new thing, but now everyone has seen the new thing they're gone.

And they can't delete their account without deleting their Instagram while also sending their phone's data, including health data, to Meta.

Ah yes, it's a Wednesday and rightwingers have checks notes found something else that threatens their fragile egos.

unless you put in the ultimate cheat code of having R as your party initial.

Sucks that Republicans are so hellbent on forming a christo-fascist authoritarian regime with the only goal being to pump money into corporations and the wealthy.

Probably not. If the submersible is even still intact, the search area is the size of Connecticut and they will run out of air soon. Even if they wanted to open a hatch and take their chances outside the vessel, they cannot. If the coast guard even finds them, if they are submerged there's not a great way to reach them either.

The sheer audacity and stupidity of the hypocrisy is staggering and enraging.

Paywalled, but didn't folks "make him miserable" because he sexually assaulted someone?

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Seems like an irrelevant point. What Mr Beast said was that he was invited to join for a trip via sub down to the Titanic. Assuming the same company involved with the implosion offered the invite, that has to be traumatic for him - which he seems to be expressing via that tweet.

Kind of seems silly to buy any game developed by Sonic Team these days. They are either half-baked ideas (Sonic with a sword? Sonic as a werewolf?) or glitchy messes with repetitive, cheap gameplay (Frontiers, Lost World). They seem to rarely learn from previous mistakes or grow as a development team, similar to Gamefreak. Both studios are sustained by name recognition.

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I can't help but feel like foldable phones have such a small niche market that they won't be around for long. Current sales numbers don't back up my feelings, though, but we will see what happens.

Squadrons was kind of boring in my opinion. Lots to love in the gameplay itself and all the details, but by the end of the campaign I wanted to be done and haven't thought about it since. It would be a great buy for $10 though.

I'd crank all human empathy levels by 15/100 points to see what happens

I've been super curious to try Everspace 2 since it removed the rogue-like aspects of 1, which were tedious, but reviews have been hovering around 70%. Waiting for a good sale, personally.

Cucumbers and celery. Really the only produce I actively dislike

That's a good point. I haven't ever watched NewsMax so I'm unclear how it's broadcast, but now that you've brought it up I assume it's streamable and therefore immune from the TFD.

Hard to say - There's still a lot of hazards yet to be accounted for: a lot more radiation exposure, literal poison in the soil, severe weather, safe and affordable supply chain, etc.

If any union makes a deal with Republicans or that lunatic rapist they are out of their minds.

After reading Spez's interviews I deleted the reddit bookmark on my browser. Once Apollo shuts down I'm deleting the only reddit app on my devices. That dude is a tool.

Again, plenty to read and think about in the article; The research is coming from The taxpayer-funded research by the University of Pittsburgh, so doesn't appear to be funded by a company with an agenda, and the awful after-effects of fracking are not hard to find - even from accredited sources. The article does mention there's no definitive link quite yet, just correlation.

I have not seen Gasland, but documentaries should not be trusted as scientific fact as they tend to be extremely biased and often produced by non-experts for the sake of entertainment. One thing about the Gasland-debunker to note: I'm not going to do a deep dive on him, but he has an extended history with 3 companies well-known for covering up their contributions to climate change.

It's wild to me that governments like Saudi, Malaysia, Russia, etc still are allowed by their people to exist, but conversely Republicans in the US are hellbent on making the government more like those violent regimes.

I have a former best friend who still somehow finds a way to fanboy over Musk, despite the excessive information about him and actions he's taken. All very public and easy to find information, yet never swayed the guy's opinion and the last time we talked about it he was still fanboying. It really should have been a warning sign of things to come with that friendship. Truly, only mentally and emotionally inept losers are still on Musk's side and the former friend's the only person I know who still has a favorable opinion of Musk.

I skipped the PS4 gen to take a break and focus on other aspects of my life that needed attention, but was surprised at prices when I jumped back in. With how expensive gaming has gotten ($70 games, even more expensive consoles, required online payments to fully utilize systems/games, time investment to actually find a console before scalpers) I don't know what my future in gaming looks like.

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PC bros jerking off to 120 FPS, etc drive me nuts. If you play games just to compete over frames per second and not to enjoy games what are you doing? I've had multiple convos with PC nuts who said nothing about the game they were playing, just talked about how their rig was handling it.

Dude/dudette, I'm playing on a Switch. I don't care lol

a form of whataboutism

Agreed. The argument of matching autonomous vehicle perceptions with human perception should be completely irrelevant. When an autonomous vehicle has that significant of a margin of error, who ends up being responsible for the accident? When humans are involved, the driver is responsible. Is a manufacturer liable in the event of all autonomous vehicle caused accidents? Guaranteed corporations will rally and lobby to make that not possible. The situations aren't the same and a huge selling point of autonomous vehicles has always been that they should be the safest form of piloting a vehicle.

These days I primarily play games that are Nintendo IP (Nintendo's couch co-op output is unrivaled and my partner and I play Nintendo games together often) or Sony exclusives (quality output is top-notch). I on-and-off look at Steam and have never been overwhelmingly impressed by the catalog of indie devs and am generally turned off by the over-saturation of lower-end pixel art prevalent in many indie titles. Sure, every so often something like Celeste or Hades comes along, but it's somewhat rare for me to be taken by indie games. An immediate example of an indie game I'm playing with a friend right now, Children of Morta, the pixel art design makes it incredibly hard to see what is going on.

I'm also not willing to shell out $1000+ for a PC and accessories that I don't want nor do I have space for that. The Steam Deck has my attention, but the screen is too low quality for me to pay that much for it; I already lived through that with the Switch. I barely played the Switch handheld and only traveled with it twice. If the Steam Deck has a V2 with a better screen, I'd consider it, but I'd still rather have a tv connected setup as those are way more comfortable to play than a handheld.

Everyone's got preferences and mine are Sony/Nintendo consoles, a preference I've come to over many years and attempts at other things. It just sucks that shit has gotten so expensive again.

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Eh, I don't feel strongly enough to debate it in-depth, but if parents really don't want their kids on websites just about every device imaginable that connects to the internet has parental control features. It shouldn't be on the government to block websites when the actual action should be for parents to educate themselves on the devices and do their job by setting their own child's limits - not rely on the government to blanket ban it for everyone else.

That would require parents do their jobs though and keep educated on the world around them, which overwhelmingly a lot of people just don't feel like doing.

EDIT: Last thought, I was on the internet learning to do shit in middle school and owe a lot of my current career to that. I don't think limiting children to the world around them is a recipe for success and is just a way to make people collectively stupider from lack of exposure.

I went to DisneyWorld twice as a kid and once about 8 years ago as an adult; I won't be going back. I went to DisneyLand once as a teen and thought it was much worse than World. World was an extremely expensive trip with absolutely abysmal food options for vegetarians. We were sick of the food by day 2.5 of 5. The parks had been converted into mostly configurations of the same 3 various gift shops, all with mostly the same stuff. We were looking forward to drinking around Epcot, until we saw how insanely priced the drinks were. Strollers everywhere, running people over with contempt. Awful place. Folks that go to these parks annually are out of their minds and brainwashed into blind consumerism. My passport has been such a better investment.

Curious to see what the narrative of Perry will be over the next few weeks. Typically death causes everyone to forget your misdeeds and celebrate your good, but Perry has a history of a) being a character on Friends, many seasons of which he doesn't remember filming b) being an arrogant prick - just recently in his new book wishing the beloved Keanu Reeves had died instead of a different actor. Most of Perry's publicly known character seems insufferable.

I've said this on smash forums before and had the toxic side of the fanbase lose their shit over it, but the next Smash Bros iteration should be a complete reset on the roster and that roster's movesets. e.g. Samus Aran should be reworked to incorporate skills from Samus Returns, Fusion, the Prime series and Dread. Right now her moveset is stuck on her Super Metroid form. Link should be reworked to be more based on BotW/TotK. Mario should be reworked to incorporate Odyssey, Galaxy and Wonder.

I LOVE the Smash franchise and have devoted thousands of hours of my life to the series - but that doesn't change many characters growing stale and being trapped in their pasts. Right now Smash celebrates gaming legacies, but it should be changed to celebrate more than just the distant legacies. The last 10 years of most characters are completely ignored by the current roster. It should celebrate those characters' futures too.

I personally haven't seen a FPS be unique or engaging since the last Bioshock... and before that was maybe the first Bioshock or FEAR lol

The MiLiTaRy Is CoOL vibe from COD, Battlefront and Halo never appealed to me, but Halo Combat Evolved on PC and Halo 3's multiplayer was at least fun.

Watching 4 ads in a video under 6 minutes is bad design.

Carbon dioxide and methane have been found on lifeless comets, yes? Seems like an "okay" indicator for life rather than a direct result of.

To think where we could be if Reagan hadn't of torn down The Fairness Doctrine.

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Power Rangers The Movie, Sonic 2, Pokemon Red and Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outkast were all games I spent a lot of time on. PR and Sonic 2 were practically two of the only games I owned for a long time, Pokemon Red was the first time I got truly addicted to an RPG and JK2 was the first online computer game I really ever played. Good times.

There seems to be a specific taste to sriracha though. We picked up a rando bottle at Whole Foods recently and it was nowhere near as good as the usual sriracha. Tasted like a different kind of sauce.

It's really so sad and frustrating for those under the age of 45. Millennials were raised during a time of prosperity and possibilities, only to find out it was all a sham by the selfish, stupid and mostly older generations. Now Millennials, Gen Z and Gen A will reap the outcomes of all that while those who caused it will die off before things get even worse. I harbor no resent towards Gen X, but their refusal to fight the tide certainly didn't help.

Last I read the judge overseeing the case was appointed by his disgusting self so it depends on how badly the judge cares about a) being a political puppet b) a 77 year old selfish narcissist that will drop them like a rock at the first sign of any trouble.

Elon is an asshole but he isn’t an idiot as some would claim.

It's honestly too difficult to tell since he's constantly grifting and lying his way through life. For immediate example, he was making some fairly false statements about how rapidly his team "could colonize mars". To seem impressive and "make the sale", he threw out some wild number of how many colonists they could get settled by a certain year (number was maybe a million, timeline was maybe 2050, I'm forgetting at this point) but the moment anyone who was actually good at math, astronomy, engineering or rocket science examined that number and timeline it was clearly bull shit with no possible way to accomplish it.

He's smart enough to be in a room with folks smarter than him, but everyone else is carrying the load while he takes credit.

Apple doesn't give a shit. Any time a corporation "cares" it's for money-making potential only. Starbucks abandoned Pride as soon as it could have affected their profit margins.

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This seems to be on a much smaller scale than the initial plan, if I'm reading this correctly, and targets folks really in need. Mainly this seems to be targeting people who have decades old debt because they literally can't afford to pay back their loans - which seems totally fair. Many students took out loans with the promise from their peers and guardians that "college will be a worthwhile investment and you'll make your money back". That was obviously a lie for these borrowers as the price of tuition and stagnation of wages has guaranteed that promise is dead. This will ultimately be good for the economy and is an example of government working to help the people - so Republicans will hate it.