3 Post – 60 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I always questioned why he went back to Russia. I thought he could have done so much more outside of a Russian prison. Intentionally in the middle of nowhere, cut off from his supporters and fellow Russians

But he loved his country and held steadfast in his principles. He is a greater man than many. Could you trust yourself on how you would act when tested the way he was.

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Stop edging me. I can’t keep reading these articles without some sort of punishment for the orange blob

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Typical rich person mentality. How easily they forget they don’t create wealth in a vacuum. People are only that rich off the hard work of other people

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Id actually be more forgiving if that was all they did. Except that wasnt enough, so they created a huge disinformation campaign and actively lobbied against meaningful change.

They have divided their opposition so effectively that we are at the point where levers on our life support systems are being pushed and pulled while our most informed scientists dont know where or when the next catastrophic shift occurs.

Buckle up, its gonna be an eventful 1000yrs

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There is a really interesting Doom mod. It’s called My House. There was a YouTube video done on it.

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Wow, Lemmy is so different. On reddit or other platforms any hint of Israel criticism and you would be vilified and downvoted..

Completely blocking any rational discussion. This level of discussion helps digest the complexity of the situation.

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Yeah cant believe I had to scroll this far down.

Weed is like putting a sticker over the check engine light. It hides the issue/anxiety temporarily but by doing that consistently without dealing with the underlying issues the problem only gets worse.

Something I do every work day is go to a patch of grass, put on calming music and just stare at the sky and clouds. Let your mind wander, it may bring up bad thoughts and feelings but its better to understand how your mind works. Dont look at your phone either, just disconnect and watch the world go by.

I often think about early humans and their lives. Previously our ancestors had time to reflect and process thoughts, feelings and emotions. That is lost in our technological world and our obsession with consumption and distraction.

These exposures and patterns are relatively new to the human mind. Develop behaviours that allow you to cope with the external stimulus

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Simple things are going backwards but in a few hundred years Starbucks is gonna start giving handjobs. So thats kinda nice

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That was a wild read. We all know he is a Bullshitter though so who knows what will happen. America is on a wild ride. The rest of the world watches on as an empire slowly degrades pulling us down with them

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These days (I’m 37) its not about the time taken but whether a game just feels like work.

I know that would be different for everyone. But I pumped 140+ hours into Eldenring. Loved every battle and experience. But most other games after a few hours if it feels more like work than fun then I give up. Time is too precious and I’m already overworked.

I can see why easy mode exists now, I want a sense of fulfilment and experience but I dont want a game to create unnecessary work

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What, he’s right. We’ve been shit to NZ

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I remember reading a Guardian article in which it discussed the requirements of any market to either evolve or die based on the circumstances it finds itself in.

It highlighted that because Communism could not adapt quickly enough to its circumstances that it failed - the centrally governing authority were not able to efficiently or effectively govern the market at the time. Leading to multiple issues.

I would like to see the evolution of Capitalism. That we do not view everything only through an economic lens- there needs to be environmental, societal and political factors which must also be taken into account.

That and personal accountability and responsibility for business practices. For example you can pollute that waterway but we will take all your profits and you go to jail for 30years

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“Fucking” beans, now you have my attention!

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Bibi is such an odd nickname for a ruthless, genocidal arsehole

I only have used TPB… but I’m an old millennial out of the loop. What is a better alternative? Is there a guide for dummies?

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Go away, baitn

Does anyone else like turning history off just so they can see random new stuff?

Sometimes I use Youtube in a private browser just so I can actually be exposed to new information and channels.

Its so annoying that the algorithm is always trying to pigeon hole my feed (facebook and spotify are the same)

The only constant is change

Every American politician at the upper levels relies on such vast sums of money to campaign. Its just a question of finding out who owns them. Doesn’t matter which side

Why did they buy up everything ? Seemed to fall apart pretty quickly

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Probably different to most people but I remember the first year of Uni summer holidays I spent playing Fable 3… which ended up being the entire 3mth holiday. I realised in real terms I just moved from one part of the cd to another and hadn’t accomplished anything else with my life in that time, no hobbies, friends or shared experiences.

I packed up my Xbox and refused to play another game for about 10yrs. Now I have a much better balance with games and my life

There is already a point of confrontation between India, Pakistan and China with the Himalayan glacial melt and rivers

Wait a minute, you can type but you cant read??

As a IT dumbass, it seems all the listed options here so far are for Android. Are there any similar apps for IOS?

Hahaha I agree with both replies

Crazy that he was on a plane to Canada but they had to make a refuelling stop in New Jersey and got arrested there

Yay, which company should I invest in?

A legal pedo loophole

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Is that chatgpt? It’s telling me things without any real substance

Just a shame we don’t have great emission standards to begin with. Apparently we use the cheap and dirty fuel of the world. Gotta sell it somewhere!

Shame its connected to thousands of deaths each year

Damn, the American military complex must be loving all these wars. Hopefully it means the US won’t need to invade anyone for this decade


How about my dividends, are they safe?

I moved over after the Reddit API with third party apps thing. Needed to voice my opinion with action

Lemmy is great, I spend way less time with it, it’s a nicer and generally more respectful community, and I’ve learnt a lot more about computers/OSS.

I realised that all my time with Reddit wasn’t actually teaching me anything valuable. I’m now more conscious of my internet usage

Depends, do you like the job ? Is it worth the effort in changing the dynamic?

As someone wanting to share large files, what is your suggestion?

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Dry herb feels smoother but I also feel it in my lungs the next day. I’m hoping it’s safer on the lungs

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No quick fix, just focus on a goal that makes you proud of yourself and distracts you

Would Nomachine work?

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Vaping flower is so much smoother and tastier