I've noticed that standard vapes make me cough out my lungs, every. Freaking. Time.

Jake Farm@sopuli.xyz to Trees@lemmy.world – 27 points –

But my rosin vape doesn't do that. I might cough if I puff too many times in a row but even then it doesn't hurt, just tickles. What is added to standard vapes that I am reacting too? Is it a quality problem or should I just get rosin from now on?


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Dry herb feels smoother but I also feel it in my lungs the next day. I’m hoping it’s safer on the lungs

It's not good, obviously, but it's better than combustion and I have to believe better than concentrate. But there just isn't any empirical evidence to confirm at this point.

I just had a physical and mentioned I dry herb vape, which he was unfamiliar with. My heart and lungs sound fine and I've been a daily user for years. Grain of salt, of course.

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You might be vaping at too high of a temp. Also, try holding the vapor in your mouth for a few seconds to cool it before inhaling it.

Yeah the dry herb vape has also been fine. Though it is easier to get my hands on processed weed than the flowers.

What a world haha ten years ago I didn't even know concentrate was a thing.

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