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It is offered with an outstretched arm, which is similar to other fascist, right-wing extremist organizations, and represents a stylized wolf's head: the outstretched fingers are the ears, the other fingers form the snout. The deceased founder Alparslan Türkeş, who is worshipped as Başbuğ, is mystically revered.

Grey Wolves is the name given to Turkish right-wing extremists such as members of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) or the Great Unity Party (BBP). They have committed numerous acts of violence and murders in the past, especially in the 1970s.

In Germany, the party is represented by three umbrella organizations, which include around 303 clubs nationwide with more than 18,500 members. This makes it the largest right-wing extremist organization in Germany.

You remember when republicans were talking about death tribunals set up by democrats via the healthcare system? Projections all the way. They do not even give you healthcare to implement a death tribunal. The republican way of cruelty.

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Unions. If we want to stop the suffering of exploited game developers while the gaming industry rakes in more money than the movie- and music industry combined, we should push hard for unions to protect the well being on creative potential of these workers. Idgaf if EA loses 10-25 million a year to additional wages. That money belongs to the workers in the first place.

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I think he will not go to jail. And I do be not mean it like „buh, American system bad, they will never do it“, i mean it as in: they will put him on house arrest. Normal cloth. Normal food. Security at the door. If he continues to break the gag order and we reach contempt No. 20 then maybe (maybe!) we see him in an actual jail. Not before.

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  • Don‘t mix money with honey

-Don‘t mix spreadsheets with bedsheets

But then again, workplaces are still the top places were ( later married) couples have met on average.

If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed.......and we will deserve it," Graham tweeted in 2016

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To say it again and again:

Stealing someones money or hitting someone in the face takes only seconds or minutes. Getting justice takes years or even a decade.

The sandy hooks parents fought for 10 year until they got their justice. In a case like Trump without any previous legal cases in the case of a (obvious) corrupt president, it might take 10-16 years. So 2026-2032. He knows this. His whole corrupt Trump Inc. it’s based on a slow justice system. He actively tries too stretch it out as long as possible to have as many options he can (e.g. Reelection for a dictatormode).

I know how you and everyone feels. It is tiresome and disappointing that there is no swift justice. But there never is swift justice. Because Justice needs indisputable legal standing. Hitting someone or steal money does not. That the J6 Coup Attempt of 2021 saw rulings in 22/23 is alsmost light speed for a federal justice level. But the evidence was there, people were convicted in the past for this in many cases and that thing had congressional hearings. The case for Trump is much more difficult to unfold. He is guilty and a working justice system will confirm it, but it will be unbearable long. Better getting used to it. Swift justice does not exist only lynching justice. That is quick, but has no legal standing.

Everyone who said we will see him in prison in 2016-2020 was just as a dummy as the “Lock her up”-Crowd. They think trump could have thrown her in jailsg personally on his first day. Turns out: he didnt. He never did. He did not even get close. He did not even pursued it (as it was all just lies to his minions). Because justice takes time. The bigger the case the more time it takes. Locking up a (former) president hopefully will always take years to justify. Else you would be on one level with an autocratic system like china/iran/saudiarabia where nothing is real as “justice” is what the current leader defines as such and everything is based on arbitrariness.

His face looks like he drinks the blood of newborn for breakfast.

Except when your your name is Donald Trump and your father has to come to your casino to buy millions worth in chips to bail you out.

His name was Alexander Demidenko.

His name was Alexander Demidenko.

And yet, people will fall for it again and again

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🌏👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀🌌 (Always has been)

I’m sorry Lemmy, that I was not there when you were born. But the day I met you, i knew you were my future.

Anger and cruelty is all they have to navigate their fragile emotional landscape. They are emotionally too uneducated to come up with anything different than hate. Or to use the words of a german punk rock band:

You're stupid as a pig

That's why you're feeling good

Hate is your attitude

Your blood is constantly boiling

Everything has to be explained to you

Because you really don't know anything

Most likely not even

What attitude means

Because you have problems that no one cares about

Because you're afraid of cuddling, you're a fascist

You don't have to project your self-hatred onto others

So that no one notices what a nice guy you are

Your violence is just a silent cry for love

Your combat boots long for tenderness

You never learned to articulate yourself

And your girlfriend, she never has time for you

Oh-oh-oh, asshole! Asshole! Asshole!

Schrei nach Liebe

Die Ärzte

Elon business genius at work:

History and how it went is written by the winners not losers. Germany and the US took those stances because of who lost and who won. As long as israel „wins“ (in whatever definition) it will write its history as a winner.

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Why would god do something like that to such a religious country? Did a woman show her ankle?

Is that “political beast” in the room with us right now?

An armed society is a ~polite~ deadly society.

In 2021, the most recent year for which complete data is available, 48,830 people died from gun-related injuries in the U.S. In 2021, 54% of all gun-related deaths in the U.S. were suicides (26,328), while 43% were murders (20,958), according to the CDC. Besides the ~ 21.000 Murder every year, imagine people would have access to mental health care or a controlled way for people to end their life if they (after consultation) really do not want to continue their lifes. People would not need to use guns to end themself.

Do pro gun advocates cheer for the people who use guns to end themself? I never saw the NRA saying that they are fighting for the right of people to end themself as this is the biggest outcome apprently. 54% of the Time people fire a gun to kill, it is to kill a gun owner (themself).

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Whos wages are rising? Those who earn 150K+?

Can you link me to a red state with data privacy rules “in the same wheel house as GDPR”?

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Imagine living in a pre-lemmy world where you can not edit a title. In 2024.

I have a seedbox (ultra cc). The legally questionable part happens between the seeder and my seedbox IP. I download the files via SSH/SFTP with my blank IP. Since 7 years. No popo yet.

this man tunes

But did you see her in that dress in the theater?

How do you solve the discoverability issue? A platform gives you some place where people could stumble upon you, while a website is an island in the middle of an ocean that people have to actively browse to. Do you crosspost your new work now more to get the word seen by others? I find it hard to believe that people would like to browse to x different websites to see if an artist has new works, only to find out that they don’t. For finding new artist a central place or a feed, like a platform can provide, seems to be nearly impossible to replace.

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My pocket cast stats: You've listened for 115 days 14 hours

Honorable mentions not yet seem in this thread (English only):

  • The Guardian: The Audio long read - full articles read by real people (30-45 min.)
  • Economist: Drum Tower - China correspondence about culture and politics
  • Aquired - 3h+ episodes about tech IPO and the history of companies. Sounds boring but it gives a look behind the curtain of the tech industry from the 30s to today (fun example episode: PowerPoint)
  • WNYC: On the media - Meta talk about media topics and enshittification
  • Law and Chaos - Previously on Opening Arguments, now in their own podcast: US justice topics, GOP bashing and of course: Trump