21 Post – 111 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

He was just a Fledditor. Living in a Lemmy woooorld.

I'd love to watch forcefeed them a plate of their, "you will always be a woman" words.

"Adulthood is when you find your favorite bread has disappeared from the grocery store."

  • Nanami from Jujutsu Kaisen (poorly translated)
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This is a golden Lemmy. Hope this helps

It does force selling according to the author.

"The legislation would require hedge funds to sell off their stock of single-family homes over the next 10 years and would then implement an outright ban."

Was there a sequel made to Facade? It was really interesting, but my typing speed was slow and I couldn't keep up when I tried it.

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Relevant image. That is a hot take from a trash panda.

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And as a bonus, second repost

And let's not forget about butcher's paper. Also totally different application but still no oven.

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Interesting take. Do you also think of Mario Kart and Forza Horizon to be the same game?

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Weird how it feels manageable to keep in the loop on Lemmy compared to Reddit. I like it a lot more.

Bruh really thinks not causing complete chaos and instability is being selfish.


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Well, when the mod author specifically says it's to reduce diversity as the goal of the mod I think we all have a chance to point out that is insensitive and comes from a place of hatred. Hatred is wrong. Let the people speak against it and let the website host what it wants. I care enough to spend two min to leave a comment here, but I'm not gonna be a reaction youtuber about it.

Tbh, the entire internet is full of softcore porn and has been for decades where kids can see it.

True those taste good, but they taste even better made with Havarti or Gouda

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True. To throw my opinion into the mix, if the Rings of Power show did actually copy from his work, they should look to partner with Demetrious instead of all this nonsense. I agree he legally can't profit off the IP of the Tolkien estate as laws stand, but copywrite also lasts far longer than it has any good reason to. It should be the author's lifetime plus a decade or so. Finally, it is an affront to creativity everywhere to order the destruction of all physical and electronic copies. That should not happen. Ever.

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I agree. Recognizing dissonance in yourself is good and a skill that many adults lack. Reguardless of being able to make a decision on the correct ethics, it shows a willingness to check preconcieved notions.

The general public has enough of a mental split if the right direction of the country that short of splitting it somehow a sucessful revolt will lead to more fighting. Also country is super big. I'm content fighting my little battles withing my family/friends and using our voting system as much as I'd prefer significant changes.

I don't normally save more serious memes, but I might need this for my family. They like to give me lots of advice that would make eveything much more difficult than it already is.

I'm on my phone less, commenting more, avoiding more ads, and much happier with the content/comments on Lemmy. Reddit chains sometimes felt a little brain-rotty.

You heard it here ladies, gents, and others. A pile of insults is defined as more than two, and a three paragraph counterargument with multiple points is considered weak and undermined by one "haha, bet you didn't think of that!" sentence. Sorry bruv. Gotta hard disagree with your stance. I agree things are f***** i ti distopia, but a single organized revolution is both insufficient and monumentally difficult to achieve.

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We can't pull a France. The police are already trigger happy and willing to work with non-police that have guns and just as trigger happy. You take charge for a bit and have your country become more influential ty.

I'm tired of being quiet about hateful content. I'll call it out and hope they get their nexus account banned if they keep it up. I'd rather review bomb it in force to show the public opinion.

Well, the last major update involved a huge shift in viability for different classes following the asteroid raid boss. I imagine this next patch will introduce something like rapid genetic mutation and drift to prepare for the next big update which is set to follow the limited-time climate or supervolcano event.

Your wisdom is much appreciated. 🙏

I think his argument comes down to, don't hate the playa, hate the game. Far better for them to have made the game, as it clearly is a good game. The publisher coming in and shitting all over everything is what makes the situation bad. Hopefully, this can serve as more inspiration for indie devs (who do make most of my fav games) and maybe lead to more studios not accepting Sony as a publisher. I can't fault Arrowhead for wanting to make what they love, but I can hope Sony burns to the ground never to rise again.

Simple flattery will not get you a discount.

I wish I could have that viewpoint. Believe me.

I'm also hoping Gen-Z can swoop in with record voting changes soon. That seem to be more organized and active than people my age that won't go check a damn box once every four years.

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Because big pay for little work later. (Blizzard anyone?)

I mean, Dry Wood is good for Kansas, but Seaman also makes a strong showing as does Great Bend and Cawker City.

What a terrible takeaway from the things I commented. Enjoy your future trolling, or on the off chance that was your attempt at good faith, try to take in what the other person is saying in the future. You'll come off as more understanding and might be able to change minds.

Yes, I gave a simple example for ease of following my point. A simple example of thousands of potential targets that would all need to be secured by a new government faster than any one of the hostile powers that would want to capitalize on a revolution.

Also, you ask me to do better. I'll try "harder" after you refute the other things I said. You get to put in that work first.

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People will do strange things rather extensively to watch arbitrary numbers go up. Especially children.

Can confirm; also have friends with vastly different ideas and family that believe in conspiracies.

Honestly, I would switch to Linux if it didn't take so much time to learn. I've messed around on a Raspberry π 4th gen board, but have no real experience. To really make the Linux jump, I'd need a tutor or something.

Also I don't know which of my games will be compatible.

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If you are stuck right now. Go ahead and eat some pickles. Some calories and nutrition is better than completely 0. Also keep in mind that Cal stands for Kilocalories, so a pickle serving may have anywhere from 100 to 5000 calories (0-5 Cal) based on the prior numbers

I don't know how you managed it, but you sound as ignorant and opinionated as a presidential candidtate. I'm confident you arent (if you are a real person) only because you're on Lemmy

Edit: ohhhhh. I get it now. You're a nihilist and like to prove people wrong.

Hah! Got em.

Bold of you to assume he understands what a debate is.