6 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Like, do people know that you can just go there and have a tour?

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I wouldn't call this guy a top physicist... I mean he can say what he wants but you shouldn't be listening to him. I also love that he immediately starts shilling his quantum computer book right after his statements about AI. And mind you that this guy has some real garbage takes when it comes to quantum computers. Here is a fun review if you are interested

The bottom line is. You shouldn't trust this guy on anything he says expect maybe string theory which is actually his specialty. I wish that news outlets would stop asking this guy on he is such a fucking grifter.

Noita, but you just suffer along instead of growing

Well Chrome(ium) has almost all of the browser market share and google is trying to push something called web environment integrity which would implement a sort of certification system where web servers evaluate the authenticity of the client. If you extrapolate that idea a bit further it boils down to "we won't serve you content if we don't like your browser, device, OS, etc". Which I would consider as hostile to the open but rapidly closing internet as we know it.

Edit: I forgot to make my point lol. Firefox is a completely different browser engine from the chromium based browsers which is why you see a lot of people recommending firefox because they don't comply with web integrity. I don't think it's working though because this is something only the techbros and the cybersisters care about while everyone else just goes about their day.

I tried to read it like 5 times and was like "damn guess my german isn't as good as I thought" but that was apparently the point lol 😅

  • Laser holography and optics. After I took an photonics course I became obsessed. I am attempting to build a laser holography setup to capture "true" 3D reflections on a piece of film. Even getting cheap diode lasers to lase coherently at high currents is a challenge. It's a black hole for money so I need to limit myself but it is just so fucking interesting.
  • Cameras. I am not a good photographer but I love cameras. I can ramble on and on about every single function detail and the history too. I even built a scientific camera for my job from scratch. And beyond that I even started getting into the math behind distortion correction, stereo, panorama etc.
  • 3D printing is a major rabbit hole. Especially if you've built your own printer.

He is trying to sell his book on quantum computers which is probably why he brought it up in the first place

Yeah I agree. Although decentralized servers also cost money so I make sure to pay the admins. I don't mind paying for things that I use, but I just don't think Youtube premium is a good deal :(

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I just love how retraction watch just doesn't hold back with statements like this

Loffroy also toned down the offense, saying he wouldn’t care if others had plagiarized his work.

They also just posted his picture on the top of the article.


Although we haven't observed dark matter on a microscopic scale, we have been measuring the effects of dark matter on a macro level for decades.

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Seize the means of technology

Houd eens even heel snel je mond

Komoot does that I believe but is not open source.

Visigoths are my favorite. What about yours?

Huygens optics is really taking of, love that guy!

I don't know much about this CHWTIA. But I do know someone who works at Capgemini, can you tell me why they are considered exploitative? Genuinly curious.

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Did it a little over a year ago. Has been fun thus far, my computer really feels like my device now which it didn't really do before. Its like when a meal tastes better because you make it yourself. Still have issues once and again ofc but I had that on windows too tbf. Not an OS advisor, not OS advice

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Man I just love not seeing a red number when I go to a website, but that is a rare occurence these days.

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Is that Ophelia?

I really like Illinois EnergyProf Talks a lot about energy, reactors, turbines, solar you name it

I used to do a ton with Processing and P5. This guy did wonders for my skill and enjoyment a few years ago. I owe him a lot

Seize the means of computation people!

Yeah those codecs always get you.

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It depends on the definition I guess. I would consider driving a car to be multitasking. But doing three different office tasks on my laptop feels more like context switching as someone dubbed it here.

But I'm just some dude it's not like I've read any papers on it but that's what it feels like for me.

Ah my bad, first time for me


That was a tough read in both ways.

Yeah that is a little painful

Don't you think that this "men are here to be practical" theory has some gaps? Like there are plenty of men who do the things that you describe as unnecessary

  • What if you just likes cooking or fancy meals?
  • What if your cleanliness standards are just higher?

I'm not saying that barns should be sweeped or that everyone should cook fancy meals. But to say that people who do do that are (as you seem to be implying) overdoing it, or impractical is a bit unfair I think. I am also quite practical but still respect that others have higher standards or just "want things their way" which should be at least a little relatable to everyone.

I am pretty sure that modern archeology agrees with you in at least some ways (know an archeologist, not an archeologist). I don't have any specific evidence for mammoth trapping but there are these really interesting stone funnel traps that were used to trap gazelle herds

Also consider how long humans have walked the earth as hunter gatherers. Agriculture goes back to around 10.000 BCE. The entirety of time between 300.000 BCE and 10.000 BCE was likely (mostly) spent as hunter gatherers. Imagine in how many ways local roles and culture could have differed in that time!

I think angry is good, that helps you pull through. Godspeed!

I used messageease for a month or so but was unable to improve :/

I don't mind paying either, but I think that premium is just a bad deal.

Wow that is awesome. When I need a washing machine I'll check them out!

Laser holography, it costs so fucking much :( :( :(

honest question. Why would you pretend?

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This worked for me.

no rule, bannered