Reddit API blew up and now I run Linux?

Sam, The to – 1134 points –

I feel like I've been gaslit into running FOSS but every success only brings me closer to fighting god


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Yeah those codecs always get you.

Save the pain and install Nobara.

Save the pain and install Nobara.

I mean, it's one dropdown/checkbox click, to enable codecs sources. I get your point though, having to remember to enable that.

I'd used Nobara if I knew it was being supported by more than just one (great/special; I'm aware of his contribution to gaming on Linux) guy (please correct me if this is no longer the case?), since it would be installed on my daily driver box, and it's important for me to have a high level of reliability, even though I do more gaming tasks than non-gaming tasks on it.

I'm aware that Nobara is based from Fedora, but am nervous about having a single point of failure, support wise.

I started this way today but kept coming up with an error with rsync during install. I tried in Virtual Box and had the same error. I gave up and just installed Fedora in the end.

No clue what rsync would be doing. Maybe there's an issue with the current ISO, but I've installed it on a few systems in the last couple months with no issues.