1 Post – 68 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yeah, we shapeshift really really slowly!

The regret rate for knee surgery is higher than the regret rate for GRS. Its always just been a transphobic talking point they don't actually believe in used as a cudgel to restrict our rights.

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far right group advocates for website that caters to far right groups

not even remotely a surprise to me, beyond I guess the fact that the taliban would have said anything at all about it

The other part about warning employees not to wear Reddit gear in public for fear of violence was meant for the press and for the uninformed, to try to garner sympathy and paint the protestors as bad actors.

Glad people aren't blind to this obvious ploy. When LGBT violence is at an all time high I don't think you need to be worried about wearing a reddit shirt.

Not only was it funny, now it's even funnier.

It's projection. Every single thing they accuse "the woke left" of doing is something they are already doing.

I personally would like a game development subr- community, but it might be too niche to bother with. I know we have a c/programming, but that's for people a lot smarter than me, my game dev process is more of a "alls i have is a hammer and therefore everything is nails" type of deal and I personally find that most of the self taught indie devs are kinda on my wavelength.

Wow that's a classic! I haven't seen that video in the wild since the early internet!

There might be something wrong with me for that to be nostalgic...

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People can barely drive regular cars, there's no FUCKIN way i trust them with flying cars

I wish he was honest to begin with and said "Hey, we're no longer supporting third party reddit clients. I get you'll be pissed about that but them's the beans we have to drive more people to our app for money reasons"

Instead, this whole charade reeks of stupidity and desperation.

In some of my worse moments, Amazon has genuinely recommended me a "these things bought together" purchase of a tank of helium, a plastic tube, and a tank regulator. Corporations will do literally anything for money.

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Living in rural nowhere is a deeply depressing state of existence, more so when you can't drive. I deeply wish I lived in a walkable city.

This is the same etymology as Transylvania, or, the Forest on the Other Side.

This begs the question, where is Cisylvania?

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Do we have to give every forum a chat function? I don't want anyone and everyone to be able to dial me up to talk about my internet post history

Downvote are disabled on this instance. Its not a bug, its a feature!

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Hey! I'm not probably autistic! I'm definitely autistic, there's a difference!

I know better than to install windows 11 because I have pattern recognition skills. Windows Xp? great

Windows Vista? mediocre

Windows 7? great!

windows 8? mediocre

windows 10? great!

Now just to hold out until windows 12 or whatever they call it.

The right wing is afraid of a totalitarian dystopia?

Lol, no they're not. They salivate at the thought of having a totalitarian dystopia where they're on top. This is just more projection shit on their part. If anything, 15 minute cities deradicalize people by putting them in proximity to more diversity, make people friendlier by making them get to know their neighbors better, and financially better off because they're not forced to buy and maintain a vehicle to live a healthy life.

But fascists can't put the boot on your neck as easily if you have more wiggle room with money or solidarity with the working class, so of course they're afraid of it.

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Speaking of: Remember when YouTube was good? When your feed showed you your actual subscriptions, the earlier algorithm was showing you stuff you actually want to see and not 6 late night shows, an ad for YouTube TV, and maybe a decent video essay or two?

I just hope Meta doesn't get it's claws into activitypub at the roots. The whole point of this thing is to avoid corporate domination and I don't want them to turn it into a charade.

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It's dead for me right now. I'll miss her.

I'm on beehaw mostly because I don't want my lemmy experience to mirror my reddit experience: ie getting into 10 comment arguments with bigots over things like "trans people deserve to live" or "art is inherently political". I've had enough of that for a lifetime.

Hilariously, this is a problem reddit will soon face after killing it's API. most of the actually robust mod tools were third party.

Did you know some guy on youtube made a mod/virus for red and blue that makes it so if you trade with a cart that's infected too? The only other thing it does is make it possible to use strength to push the truck and catch a mew.

very fun video

Fallout: New Vegas is on the same engine and satisfies the dungeon crawl loop condition flawlessly. Additionally it's one of the better written rpgs of it's type with a ton to get invested in.

Oblivion is good if you can get around it's mild clunkiness by today's standards. Morrowind is supposed to be amazing if you can get around it's clunkiness (though I've never been able to. maybe someday they'll make a remaster)

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Succinctly stated. I wish authoritarian left types would understand this.

Oh there's definitely stuff wrong with me, I just don't know if this specifically is it

My understanding of it is that its the software that federated services use to communicate with each other. Now, I don't know if i'm even right so take that with a grain of salt, i'm sure eventually someone 1 level higher than me on the techie tier list will give a more thorough answer.

The other consideration is that impersonation might be pretty possible by making your own server called lemmy.mi or something and then stealing peoples username's verbatim. IDK if that'll ever become an issue but I do think its an avenue of attack for bad actors.

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When did people forget basic internet safety? ANYTHING you put on the internet could stay there forever.

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For what its worth, if you have a decent PC wii U emulates flawlessly, to the point where you can play BotW at 60fps with no frame drops. GC is even easier although that might have some audio issues.

Honestly? Yes, kinda. Ancestry is a lot more a cultural phenomenon than a genetic one.

If your intention is to make games, I reccomend Gamemaker Studio 2. If the pricing model is something you're not willing to work around (and trust me im still kinda salty about the change so i get it) Godot seems to be the move for 2d development.

GMS2 works on its own scripting language called Gamemaker Language, or GML. I'm told its similar to JS kinda. I used to redirect people to the r/gamemaker discord, but if you're in the fediverse that might not be something you care to do. The community there rules though and is always happy to help people learn.

I think Godot is on c#? I haven't used it yet, but it's open source so if that's important to you go for it.

Personally, I use Unity3d now, but I wouldn't reccomend jumping right into that. C# can be kind of challenging (but highly rewarding once you know what you're doing. serialized variables ftw)

Power? Control? Indoctrination and lack of critical thinking skills to escape it? Some kind of latent fear where they think if they don't come out on top someone will, treating life as a zero sum game? There's lots of potential reasons for people to act this way but it probably depends on the individual. I'm not comfortable painting with a super wide brush here because its dehumanizing, and these people are human. Reprehensible? Perhaps, but still human.

We can wax philosophic about why anyone does the things they do, but in the end it doesn't matter why they do what they do, it matters what they do and what actions we can take to try and improve our own lives and the lives of the people we care about.

Disagree with the premise, but I get the feeling we'll start to see more of this sort of thing come out as more and more people reach "i will never travel" levels of poverty.

I disagree. You need to fix your relationship with your employees and overuse of crunch. I won't buy any of your shit until horror stories stop coming out of your studio. Same deal with Blizzard, did they even fire the rape guy?

So spez is the narwhal who gets his bacon cooked. The prophecy's revelation has come to pass!

This is a banger

CNY has felt pretty hostile since the 2016 election. We have so many trump flags, "dont tread on me" flags, and confederate flags that if you saw a picture you'd assume you were in florida. Don't even get me started on bumper stickers.

Lemmy Silver lol