Reddit communities adopt alternative forms of protest as the company threats action on moderators

the to – 490 points –
Reddit communities adopt alternative forms of protest as the company threats action on moderators

Excellent work


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Wow that's a classic! I haven't seen that video in the wild since the early internet!

There might be something wrong with me for that to be nostalgic...

I feel you. Someone in another comment on here mentioned something along the lines of how clicking through a post on Reddit marked NSFW as part of the protest could be anything, like a wonderful guide to self hosting, ooorr it could be goatse...and I felt nostalgic reading that and remembering the days when that was a lot more common.

Then I felt it again reading the description of that video. So I'm right there with ya, fellow 'damaged by the wild west internet days of old' weirdo. ;)

Is that what "2 girls 1 cup" was?

I'm actually good at not going and looking at these things, so I end up out of the loop. Which decision I am 99.9% happy with lol. But a text description would not be amiss.

Hehe no the cereal stuff is rather innocent compared to 2 girls 1 cup.

I was going to explain what 2 girls 1 cup was, then i thought better of it as it is better off not being explained