8 Post – 126 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You're right, I apologize. This came from a place of frustration. I just don't understand how you could even reason with these people at this point if users are just gonna go back to the way things are and not give a shit.

The last thing I want is for Lemmy to turn toxic like Reddit did.

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Honestly, with Apple making it incredibly fucking hard to take out their batteries with excessive amounts of glue, I'm okay with this.

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The retards in the comments are giving me cancer.

Did we watch the same trailer? This looks fucking amazing. None of this is actual gameplay footage, and about two scenes actually look like cutscenes. but it’s all been rendered IN ENGINE. Just like every other fucking Rockstar trailer to ever exist. This looks freaking insane.

People are shitting on the 2025 release date like…..bruh. RDR2 took 8 years to develop. Rumors say this has been in development since 2019 or so, right after the release of RDR2. So 6-7 years which makes perfect sense. I’m not happy about the nearly two year wait but it fits with the development timeline.

Jesus christ I hope Rockstar parodies all of your asses to show how fucking negative the internet has become.

14 more...

Maybe stop releasing a new fucking game every god damn year

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See that's the thing. People keep saying that. But is that really what's happening? Because as I said, from a quick glance nothing has changed. There hasn't been a substantial drop in content, upvotes, comments. It looks EXACTLY the same as it did three days ago.

So, either the people that DID leave and took it seriously are a small minority, or the majority of Reddit is full of hypocritical liars. Right?

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Honestly I do understand why PC gamers are upset. But this isn’t exactly news. They’ve done this with every PC port. And given the clusterfuck that was GTA IV on PC I’m fine waiting another year for a GOOD PC port.

Again I get it. But I personally bought a Series X when PC gaming was too expensive to get into so I take it that’s who they’re gonna go for as well.

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You mentioned convenience. A big part of that is absolutely having a mobile client. And with so many freaking clients being developed across iOS and Android for Lemmy, that is going to attract so many users. Imagine a Lemmy client as fleshed out as Apollo for iOS, or Boost for Android. When casual users notice this and blows up, it's going to create a wave effect across the entire internet. I do have some hope because of this.

(Of course, does have some stability issues but I have no doubt they'll be ironed out)

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How to make your PC smell like ass 101

The secondary cover screen is pretty cool, don't get me wrong. And let's be real, modern flip phones LOOK fucking cool. But....from a user perspective, is there anything a flip phone can do that your average phone CAN'T do? Besides flipping?

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I don't have a problem with some mods being sold. My issue is when you price it initially for free and THEN decide later to charge money for it. That's within your rights of course, but don't expect people to not get pissed off enough to pirate it.

I mean, the "other priorities" comment does seem to be in bad taste. But as for the comment on the future of Lemmy, I dunno. I feel like they're just being realistic. I think the majority of us understand the devs have lives but if things don't get sorted out soon enough it could impact the future of Lemmy.

Dear YouTube,

Go fuck yourselves.

Sincerely, the 1% of people who actually use adblockers happily.

Good god these comments are cancer.

No he's fucking not. He's always liked Apple, just didn't really get into them until the 5S. Been watching him since 2014, and even then he still said recently on the waveform podcast he prefers Android.

Plenty of things to critique Marques over. This ain't one.

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They do, but they're incredibly prone to breaking when you pull and sometimes they're just hard as shit to grip so you have to use a screwdriver to twist and pull.

I don't think I need to explain why that's so dangerous.

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Thing is, if hypothetically only 20% of those subs that are still dark have over 500k subs, what difference does it make?

What I mean is, if most of those subs that are still dark are subs that are not thriving, then the impact would negligible I would aassume.

The bright side is that given the open nature of decentralized networks, nobody is forced to use whatever Meta shits out.

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Tbf I can't think of any instance where Marques has click baited. At most they're just obnoxious. But it's been proven to work, as dumb as it is. Also Marques's thumbnails are nowhere near as cringe as other Youtubers.

While I wish the days of 2007-2013 YouTube returned to the non clickbait and non garbage thumbnails, those days are over. I'd rather have the obnoxious thumbnails so I know which creators are trash.

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That's your opinion.

I don't really give a damn about the Apple vs Android argument anymore. I was there when the first iPhone came out in 2007 and I'm over it. This flame war has gotten old. There's pros and cons to each platform.

That being said, he has critiqued Apple many times in the past for specific things. Even said the dynamic island felt gimmicky at times and wasn't sure how well it would hold up. Also shat on the Touchbar for being useless.

So he has critiqued Apple. But let's be real, what the fuck are you seriously going to critique on a modern iPhone? The modern smartphone has evolved so much that what else is there to add beside new hardware and sometimes gimmicky technology? You'd be hard pressed to find a "bad" phone now. I don't get excited for iPhones anymore. Not because they're bad. And yes you can critique the small things. But at the end of the day, an an iPhone. It's not amazing or revolutionary anymore. There's nothing else to implement. These phones are what we dreamed of back in 2010. Just all fucking screen and nothing else. Basically, the iPhone just "is". And oh hey, here's a bigger battery this year. Cool.

Can confirm. Had COVID twice since 2020 and it absolutely fucking sucks. Never felt anything like it.

I feel sorry for ya. I have a low sperm count and my ex girl has PCOS. was all in for me. She never got pregnant for 4 years.

Anyhow. Stupidest thing I've done? Probably flashing gay porn to a random dude at a gas station at midnight, only to get chased by him in his car for over 3 miles.

I was 16. I can provide full context if requested. Me and my friend almost died that night.

7 more...

Lemmy is obviously getting bigger and bigger. Especially with the revolts against Reddit, and it seems currently we are in a similar state to where Reddit was when it was first started. Are there any tools you currently plan on implementing for server admins to prevent bot accounts, server toxicity, etc?

Also, do you guys have any worries about the fediverse devolving into a toxic cesspool of politics and unhinged users, like Reddit did? My worry is that over time, Lemmy as a whole will devolve into Reddit and be like one big virus that just spread over time due to growth. Once idiots find a platform to settle on they stay there. I think most people don't want that.

Oh please. We all know sex is just a legend.

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Honestly I'm considering leaving even .world. Mods have just been feeling too Reddit-like recently.

I guess that's the nice thing about the fediverse though.

When I was in middle school I walked in on two dudes taking a shit in the urinal....and another time there was a dude just casually busting to a video in the stall....very loudly.

So I understand the sentiment.

So me and my friend were driving around at night in his car and had this dumb as fuck idea to flash gay midget porn to people because har har gay sex = funny.

So we drove to this gas station, and to the first random guy I saw, I screamed at him to get his attention, turned the volume ALL THE WAY UP on my phone, and flashed this random ass shady gay midget porn video I found.

We sped off laughing, until we realized about two lights down the road there was a car speeding up rapidly behind us. We put two and two together and realized this crazy fuck was chasing us. So he FLOORS it on the gas, and we're going 70 mph on the backroads running light after light. Honestly surprised we didn't get hit. And this crazy fuck is still going.

I'm BEGGING him to pull up to the police station, but he was like, "No they'll tell our parents". I said who gives a flying fuck what our parents think as this dude wants to kill us. Better than being dead. His dumbass drives right past the station and we pull into a neighborhood to try and lose him....until we accidentally pull into one of those circular streets or whatever. We both stop, and he gets out the car with a knife not saying a word. We're both pleading and apologizing with the windows cracked until I finally figure out this guy isn't fucking around. He's not gonna warn us or intimate us. He wants blood. I starting telling my friend to lock the doors because they were fucking unlocked. Don't know why, but he's too freaked out. Finally I get in his face and tell his dumbass to lock the doors. RIGHT as he does this, the dude starts tugging on the door and we sped off. Never saw him again.

Honestly I think in another universe we both died that night. Had he not locked the doors he would've opened the doors and killed us.

I'm 23 now and looking back it was absolutely the dumbest thing I ever did. It takes the cake over doing ding dong ditch to a house multiple times and having a gun pointed at us. Even THAT wasn't as retarded.

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Starfield.....doesn't suck though.

I've sunk 20 hours into it so far and it's amazing. You people just have your expectations up the ass for a company that is great at one formula and expect them to do the other when they never said they would. It's ya'lls fucking fault for expecting No Mans Sky to be the greatest fucking game of all time at release over a company that made fucking Joe Danger.

Cyberpunk 2077 I can understand more as it was made from the guys who made The Witcher 3, so feature wise I can understand the betrayal and they fucked up by lying to us. But it's still ya'lls fault for expecting it to not be buggy and broken as fuck when it was delayed 3 fucking times. The red flags were there, and you STILL bought it.

Oblivion and Skyrim have the same basic formula with little differences sprinkled in here and there mechanics wise that make it feel different, but familiar. Starfield is the same way and I fully expect ES 6 to do the same. But that's fine. I don't want anything groundbreaking. I just want Skyrim but with modern graphics, animations, different setting, and some new mechanics.

Good god you people are negative.

6 more...

That does answer my question actually! So they are "subreddits" in a sense but they're called Communities. Cool!

And yeah I understood the concept of the fediverse pretty well before but I love the visualization here. Really well done. Will be sending this to my Reddit and Twitter friends to convince them to switch :)

The fact that they're not just banning user accounts but doing full on console bans is absolute bullshit. Come on guys.

TBH the faces look fine for me. At least on major NPCs that have a role. All of the NPCs out in the cities are the ones that look wonky. I give it a pass though considering you'd have to be fucking staring at them immensely to actually notice.

Either way, modders will take care of it. That's the beauty of these games. Anything remotely dumb that Bethesda overlooks, (which is every game) will be fixed.

Still having a ton of fun.

I think you're misremembering. It's called Windows 7.

I schlamed my pehnis in the cahr door

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It's nostalgic for sure, but from a UX perspective I am so happy with the edge to edge displays.

My only gripe is that they work best with at least a little Bezel. Too little side bezel especially, and the edges of your palms will give you false input. Incredibly annoying.

The iPhones have been really good with this thankfully.

That being said, I fucking love my Galaxy S5. I miss the days of rooting and custom roms on practically every android device.

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Thought I was the only one getting this!

Another one I keep getting is the timeout error.

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I've used the Reddit app. Switched between the official app and Apollo up until about a year ago. They've just kept making the app shittier and shittier to the point where the UI is fucking horrendous.

Of course the bugs and the broken video player stuck.

Okay okay. Ya got me.

But to my defense with Lemmy being a lot "cleaner" in a sense, it actually has improved my productivity in the real world. My habit of scrolling has subsided.

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And now hardly anyone uses microkernels, hilariously.

This is probably my favorite explanation for it.

It tries to be emotional, at least the main story. But it fucking fails miserably. I think the only part that actually got me feeling dread or interest was going to visit NASA on Earth. That shit was amazing it pisses me off we only spend ONE FUCKING MISSION on that planet and never go back for anything else.

See that's the part that trips me out. I understand the concept pretty well now. What I don't understand is how in the fuck you can interact with Kbin and Mastodon, even though they're built on instances.....I just don't get that. It's amazing.

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Well one of the other questions I had was, I'm seeing things in my feed like Android, catpics, therewasanattempt, and they all "look" like subreddits. They don't look like different instances from what I can tell. So of course I've subscribed to them the same way I would on Reddit.

Is the concept of those the same as subreddits? Or are they just different instances? Or are they affiliated with How does that even work? Hope that makes sense.

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