FUCK u/spez

Graphine@lemmy.world to Lemmy.World Announcements@lemmy.world – 29 points –

Sup guys, veteran Reddit user here. I deleted my account on the day of the blackout and I am not going back unless they change the API guidelines.

So far this place seems pretty awesome I gotta say. I love the federated concept now that I understand it. Really cool stuff!

Obligatory FUCK u/spez


Even if they reverse their API guidelines, why go back and subject yourself to their unilateral control? It’s only a matter of time before the platform gets worse again.

That's a good point actually. Something to think about.

Spez has made it clear he doesn't give a shit about Reddit users and will always prioritize finances.

I like it here. It's actually much more my thing personally.

Yeah same, I really like how it's not an actual company so there's no big bad admins to rule over all the "subreddits". Plus everyone here seems so much more chill.

I know a lot of people struggle with understanding the concept of Mastodon and Lemmy, as did I. But when you understand it it's actually really cool.

I'm no fonder of his smug, libertarian prepper ass than you are, but personally the best way to make him feel the consequences of his actions is to leave that baggage where it is to rot and just concentrate on making Lemmy and any other alternatives you may be on the kind of community that Reddit used to be and people valued.

As much as I would enjoy watching it all burn, the reality is that it’ll likely continue chugging along, only as a shell of what it used to be. At least from my perspective I don’t see a reason for advertisers to leave.

Honestly thought The Twit was going to spiral out of control, but people can’t help themselves and/or don’t care what the platform is actually doing.