4 Post – 133 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Fuck Intuit and H&R Block, all my homies use FreeTaxUSA.

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I think we're all a bit disillusioned with it now. I feel like on the 2000's era internet we all were showing up bright eyed and optimistic about the possibilities. We lived in a world without the internet and having it felt like a superpower. But in the 2010's and especially around 2016, the misinformation pump got turned on hard and we saw the internet bring some truly sinister real world events to fruition. SEO started getting used more and more through the 2010's. Social media companies started finding nasty ways to profit off of us by being more selective in what we see. And now this has been the year of enshittification with big companies finally making moves that actively worsen our experiences in order to cash in on a lot of investment money that never turned into anything real. Basically I think what happened is a mixture of people becoming more cynical and the internet becoming over-automated and now this year businesses finally realizing that potential profit is worthless without acting on it.

With all that said though, the Fediverse feels like our chance to finally fight back. Lemmy still only has around 60k monthly active users. We need to try to bring that number up.

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Yeah, I get annoyed at the people acting like this place is perfectly fine as it is. It isn't. It lacks content. It has repetitive posts. And as far as I'm concerned, growth will iron out those problems over time. It doesn't need to be all at once, but I am looking forward to it. 60k active monthly users is nothing. Reddit has 450 million active users. It's hard to overstate how much larger Reddit is. Even if you're a hipster opposed to Lemmy growing to a Reddit size, it isn't even remotely close to being that large yet. And as far as I'm concerned it still hasn't reached the mass it needs to turn it into a super engaging community just yet. I'm rooting for it to become more engaging and I'm doing everything I can to increase that engagement, but we really don't need the smug in denial "it's perfect right now" attitude.

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It's shit like this that opens the door for fascists like Le Pen to get into positions of power by rightly criticizing the incumbent government for censoring speech. Macron is a fool, but he's a necessary barrier to keep fascism out of France and idiotic ideas like this only hand more kindling to those fascists. The free speech ideals of left or centrist candidates tend to be one of the more important appeals that pull voters away from authoritarian fascism. Remove that incentive by implementing authoritarian policies and suddenly there are a whole lot of people far more entranced by fascist arguments.

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Moved to Canada a year and a half ago. They made the process pretty smooth and easy all told. With that said, I haven't had a good time here and I regret moving. There's a lot of "grass is greener" rhetoric in the US right now, especially from the left. Be warned that a lot of that is misguided. I was underprepared for the host of unique issues that Canada itself has. Leaving the US will not fix all your political problems. It'll just reveal new ones that you aren't familiar with. But, after saying all of that, I certainly would never discourage anyone from trying to move. Seeing the world and opening your mind to new cultures are never bad things. For all my misery here, I have learned a lot about myself. Just make sure you go into it with open eyes. Have realistic expectations. Visit the places you want to move before you move to them.

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Unfortunately, steeply here doesn't really capture the size disparity between Lemmy and Reddit. Lemmy has 60k active monthly users. Reddit has 450 million active monthly users. We have a looong way to go before we can really compete. But we just have to keep pushing. Now that we exist and have a sustainable userbase, the next time Reddit does something idiotic we'll be here to attract disgruntled users. Something good that we can be doing is showing up to the threads on Reddit about the terrible things Reddit does and advertising Lemmy to people.

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My wife went to school for English lit and is a professional writer. I cannot get a plot twist past her notice. It sucks so much. There was a video game that featured a serial killer (no spoilers, so no title) and I NEVER would have guessed who it was. I played it and I was shocked at the twist. Then I had my wife play it and in the first five minutes of the game she was like "That man is evil and I don't trust him" and I was like WTF!!!!! He's like nice and friendly and stuff. How the fuck does she do it. I spent hours having to gaslight her about how correct her prediction was. She also always knows when someone is going to die. I have to tell her not to comment predictions about movies because she's correct at least 70% of the time.

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Not being able to open image in new tab and download them anymore has made it functionally useless for me.

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A lot of people here mentioning scientology's history of litigation and taking down the IRS and while that's true, I also think it's worth mentioning Waco. After the Waco seige the government lost a LOT of interest in going anywhere near cults. It's just a giant mess that nobody wants to put their ass on the line to deal with. When you're dealing with fanatics you never know what crazy shit is going to go down. As long as they aren't hurting people outside of their cult itself, many politicians would sooner keep away from them and avoid having something backfire. That's not to say that they're right to think that way. It's just the truth. Everything changed after Waco. Before Waco, the government was actually trying to do more about cults. The Jonestown massacre involved a sitting congressman getting gunned down. All the IRS shit with the scientologists went down before Waco too. IMO, Waco is the most important turning point to look at to understand why the government won't touch cults anymore.

Well, it's starting to look that way. They've reached the point of trying to overthrow our democratic institutions. The only thing left for them to do is openly advocate for the execution of political rivals.

I grew up Catholic, converted to Evangelicalism, and am now an atheist. The one thing I'll always give the Catholics that at least I grew up around is that they took the "feeding the poor message" pretty strongly to heart. They had a HUGE food pantry and they gave food to the local people in need of it every week. There were always drives happening for food and clothes and whatnot. It was enough of an institution that they had full time staff dedicated to it. I'm sure this isn't the case for many other Catholic churches, but my anecdotal experience of at least one midwestern Catholic Church was pretty good on feeding the homeless. Now, the transubstantiation (literal bread turning to body, etc) stuff was bullshit and played a key role in my deconversion. People in my community didn't even know that we believed that and when some of us kids found out, that was a bit of a reckoning 😆

Evangelicals, on the other hand, had their acts of charity but they were weak sauce compared to the Catholics. Occasional Christmas toy drives or whatever. They did free car washes. It was pretty inane compared to what the Catholics had been.

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If the contractual details of malt distribution were going to affect the quality of beers you were getting then you absolutely would care. Unity's pay scheme will lead to studios shutting down if there isn't pushback. Studios switching to a different engine like Godot will make their games feel different for better or for worse and efforts to help fund these alternate engines will help tip the scale towards that being "for better".

But most importantly of all, this is a company using toxic and predatory practices. Regardless of the industry (yes, malt distributors too), if we don't push back against toxic business practices, then companies in many different industries will see avenues they can take advantage of to make extra money. These ideas don't hang in isolation. If Unity's scheme works, other businesses will learn from it. This is the reality of capitalism. Whatever methods can turn a profit without generating negative attention will be employed. It's in the hands of consumers, competing businesses, and the government to keep those toxic practices in check. I mean, why the fuck are we on Lemmy? Ultimately Reddit's actions are not going to affect the majority of users on their platform. Most of us came here to protest shitty business practices.

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Germany in particular pisses me off so much. No country bought into the fear mongering about nuclear energy after Fukushima as much as Germany did. Shutting down nuclear power plants in the face of climate change is so incredibly irresponsible. For all of their faults, I give a lot of credit to the US and France for not shying away from using nuclear energy.

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I'm derailing this showerthought to point out that I think it should be "a unique", not "an unique". Say both out loud. Now you might think that doesn't make sense, because unique starts with a vowel. But not so fast! "Unique" is well... unique... because the "u" is actually pronounced like a "y". The "a vs an" decision is actually an issue of consonant/vowel sound and not literally whether it's a vowel or a consonant in the first letter of the following word. Remember the old list of vowels? a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y? This is one of those sometimes moments. Y sometimes behaves like a vowel, but for the "a vs an" decision, it behaves like a consonant. You wouldn't say "an yellow shirt". You'd say "a yellow shirt". And "unique" has the same sound at its start as "yellow" does.

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1000% look. Not even a question. Can you imagine how dope it would be if Jar Jar in the movies had a deep ass voice? Like shit, imagine if he was voiced by Samuel L Jackson or some shit. He would be chill as fuck. I'd want to smoke some weed with that funny looking guy. People who pick voice want to hide from this life changing experience, but bro you gotta own it.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you lima bean? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Beans, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Adzuki, and I have over 300 confirmed bowls cooked. I am trained in garbanzo warfare and I'm the top cook in the entire US bean forces. You are nothing to me but just another customer. I will feed you beans with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fava. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of bean providers across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, marrowfat. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your lentils. You're fucking cooked, kidney bean. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can feed you over seven hundred different recipes, and that's just with my black beans. Not only am I extensively trained in pinto combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Great Northern Bean Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little split pea. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have prepared your fucking mouth. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn soybean. I will shit beans all over you and you will drown in them. You're gonna be fucking full, baked bean.

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There was a time when men were kind When their voices were soft And their words inviting There was a time when love was blind And the world was a song And the song was exciting There was a time

Then it all went wrong

I memed a bean in times gone by When hope was high and life worth living I memed, that beans would never die I memed that Lemmy would be forgiving Then I was young and unafraid And beans were made and used and wasted There were no downvotes to be made No meme unposted, no bean untasted

But the haters come at night With their downvotes soft as thunder As they tear your memes apart As they turn your beans to shame Beans spent a summer by my side They filled my days with endless wonder They took my childhood in their stride But beans were gone when autumn came And still I meme they'll come to me That we will live the years together But there are beans that cannot be And there are storms we cannot weather I had a bean my life would be So different from this hell I'm living So different now from what it seemed Now life has killed the bean I meme

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I answered most of this in other comments, but long story short:

Housing prices and cost of living are insane compared to incomes here. And I work in STEM. Think California COL and housing prices with a midwestern salary.

The healthcare system is underfunded and struggling. You can spend a day on the phone calling every family doctor in an area and not find a single one accepting new patients. We did exactly that. Called 32 offices and nothing. The ER has nightmare wait times and walk-in clinics are not able to provide the care people need because they have such a large volume to work through.

No major political figures are offering good solutions to these problems. In fact, they're using wedge issues from the US to stir up their respective bases instead of even looking inwards at Canada. Conservative leader, Pierre Pollievre, recently called Trudeau a marxist! I've heard comservatives ranting and raving about trans people instead of caring about doing anything productive. Meanwhile, Trudeau's admin was focused on a toothless gun ban when guns aren't a major problem here like they are in the US. The lack of a gun culture is actually one of my big positives here, so I don't know why Trudeau is focusing on things like that when there are major crises at hand here related to the costs of living.

There's a lot of corruption too. Trudeau is in the pocket of big businesses including the telecom triopoly (Rogers, Bell Canada, and Telus). Trudeau placed a former telecom big wig in charge of the CRTC, the Canadian equivalent of the US FCC. They have refused to allow MVNOs into Canada. Those are those third party cell companies like Mint Mobile that allow cheaper phone plans in the US. This refusal is despite Canada famously having overexpensive internet and cell phone plans due to the tripoloy. The insanity creeps into everything related to cell phones and the internet here. As an example, I am allowed only 3 voice mail messages in my inbox unless I pay more. I also have to pay long distance for calls to the US, something that isn't true with US telecoms for calls to Canada. As someone who works in telecom, I can tell you that these kinds of fees are bullshit and cooked up given how modern cell networks work. I have had to pay $50 for an accidental one hour call to the US.

Anyways, that's all not even to mention Trudeau's scandals. Namely the SNC-Lavalin Affair and the Aga Khan Affair.

And all of that is just the liberals. The conservatives are no better. Particularly in Ontario, the premier (governor equivalent) here, Doug Ford, has been inundated with scandals. These include his scheme to give away preserved lands through under-the-table deals, his decision to put his unqualified nephew into a ministerial position in government, and an attempt to use an exception in the Constitution to freeze people's rights to strike.

These scandals are all so frustrating, but what makes them unbearable is that there just isn't the political willpower here to scrutinize these politicians and bring them to justice. Both Doug Ford and Trudeau were reelected despite their scandals. Parties aren't offering good alternatives and the candidate selection process for parties in Canada is far less transparent than it is in the US, so political activism is that much harder.

Unless Canada gets its shit together soon, you're going to be hearing negative big item stories coming from here not too long from now. Right now the conservatives are winning federal approval polls and there looks to be a good chance that their leader, Pierre Pollievre, could be PM come 2025. As much as I am not a fan of Trudeau, Pollievre would be even worse. Canada really needs there to be a political movement that realigns the current toxic party dynamics. People here just seem so disengaged from politics that I don't foresee anything changing anytime soon.

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Most of the world actually has legal marriage between first cousins. In many places it's not even taboo. And on top of that, the chances of genetic issues with it are actually pretty small. It's multiple generations of first cousins having kids where it becomes a problem.

My brain is powered by memes. Memory? More like memery.

All it's going to take is one scandal for these bullshit bills to cause overwhelming outrage that'll lead to lost elections. These old fucks are so out of touch with modern tech. It's a joke that they're in charge of regulating things like encryption. I can't wait until a generation of people that grew up with the internet ages into these legislative positions.

The US hacking Iran's centrifuges would have been preventable though with careful device management as far as I understand. The worm they used, Stuxnet, didn't come from nowhere. It either came from a USB that hadn't been properly sanitized or their systems were connected to an external, unprotected network when they definitely should have been isolated. That's a preventable virus and unrelated to conversations about backdoors being built into technology for governments to access.

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I don't even think this is necessarily an age issue. You can get Alzheimer's at 50 too. To me the issue is a shameful unwillingness from Democrats to acknowledge Feinstein's inability to fulfill her duties. Pelosi straight up called people sexist for suggesting Feinstein should step down. It's despicable. If I was in California, I'd be pretty fucking mad right now that my senator was being used as a tool to advance other people's interests by preying on her dementia.

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Wish I could go back and get all those lesbian A's.

I wonder where city municipal Twitter accounts will move to for emergency communications now that Twitter is quickly becoming useless and irrelevant.

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To me, the larger issue for the world outside of Russia is the ensuing chaos would be pretty scary when there are nukes sitting around. All it would take is one bad actor to get ahold of those for bad things to happen. I don't think it's likely and I can't currently see the motivations for using nukes on any other nations apart from Russia itself and Ukraine, but chaos is chaos and many would consider the evil we know to be safer than whatever else lurks around the corner.

Personally, though, despite being aware of this it would regardless please me so much to see Putin fall. I would especially love to see Russia democratize more, but I'm afraid that's probably a pipe dream anytime soon. Uncontrolled chaos generally doesn't lend itself to more democracy.

Yeah, honestly I'm a bit ashamed that I didn't realize just how stupid that man could be, even after hearing that he leaned over to his new wife while dancing at their wedding and whispered in her ear "I am the alpha". Like, for a long time I just assumed the guy was an arrogant incel-esque asshole who was visionary about things like electric cars and reusable rockets and stuff. Now I realize he's just a rich egomaniac who stood on the shoulders of scientists that he hired so that he could act like their work was his own. He's just another rich fool who gets to cosplay being smart.

Pollievre called Trudeau a marxist the other day. It's the same empty rhetorical bullshit that Republicans in the US love to throw around. The CPC is headed on the same exact path that US Republicans were on a decade ago or so.

Not only that. You no longer exist. As you were at birth, that is. And after some amount of time every so often in your life, you will continue to be unrecognizable to the version of you from x years in the past. Your cells die off and new cells are created until you are literally composed of different matter than you once were. The closest thing to a constant thing tying you together would be the electrical signals in your brain. Memories. Like computer code sent from one PC to another. Also the DNA determining how your body is built.

It's the classic Ship of Thesseus problem. If you replace a ship's parts one piece at a time over many years until the old parts of the ship no longer remain, is it still the same ship? And in the same way, are you still the same you? Maybe our lives are full of many different people tied together only by our thoughts, memories, and genetic code.

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Housing has been one of the top issues for me. That mixed with comparitvely low incomes. I have a bachelors in a STEM field and I struggle to find places offering more than $60k/yr CAD. In US dollars that's like $40kish/yr. Whereas I'm looking at close to a million dollars CAD for a house in some parts of Ontario. It's absurd.

The other big thing has been the healthcare system. It was the big draw for me. But it's severely underfunded and bursting at the seams. My wife called 32 family doctor's offices the other day and couldn't find one that would take us as patients. ER waits are a nightmare and walk in clinics are crowded and overworked.

There are also issues with government corruption and poor candidate choices in the major parties. I went into that in another comment so I won't right here.

The best thing about Canada has been the lack of a police state and the lack of a gun culture.

The LIBERALS want to REMOVE "Under Beans" from our PLEDGE. Those ASSHOLES are all going to get BAD GAS when the GREAT BEAN punishes them for their lack of FAITH.

You're not wrong and I'm happy that piracy communities exist in spaces where access is easily cheap and accessible if only for the days that those industries get greedier. But for now, I'm happy to pay when it's affordable and easy to access.

I half agree with what Gabe Newell said in regards to piracy being a service issue and not about price. I think it largely is a service issue. Access is the greater problem. Price is secondary as long as it's somewhat reasonable. I don't pirate video games because I can get them reasonably, but he is a smidge wrong insofar as I don't buy the outrageously expensive games. Steam's major success is having good sales that keep me away from pirating because the possibility of games I want going on discount at some point is realistic. It's telling that the only time I did dabble in video game piracy was to relive my childhood memories of Nazi Zombies from the Call of Duty video games. I dabbled in it then because Activision is selling their decades old games for outrageous prices considering their age and their "sales" are weak considering the already overinflated price. I refuse to pay for that. And so I sailed the high seas.

The music industry is still affordable and accessible, so I don't feel that pressure at all. Back when Limewire was around the pressure was there partially because I was a kid and didn't have much money and hunting down CDs I wanted for the obscure music I liked was challenging. It was mostly an accessibility issue that Spotify fixed. If their prices move beyond my means then that relationship will no longer benefit me and the sails will raise once more.

I am not a taxidermist (IANAT?), but if I had to guess dead animals look nothing like their living counterparts when given a few days to decay. Taxidermists probably do a ton of work reconstructing things like their faces and that requires knowing what the original face looked like for the model to be accurate. In the works of fiction where I've encountered taxidermy it tends to be treated as something of a morbid art.

For all his flaws I don't believe Macron is fundamentally a fascist. I think he's a corporate stooge appealing to the wealthy, the old, and the business types. France has indeed had fascism creeping in, especially with the likes of Le Pen. But France also has a long history of leftist movements and protests. So the pendulum could really swing either way at this point for them. Macron is shitty, but he's not Le Pen. Hopefully at the next election, people vote leftwards and don't fall for the typical fascist tactics of convincing people that immigrants and LGBT people are the real problem. Le Pen particularly scares me because she's very cozy with Putin and has isolationist, anti-NATO tendencies. The west is already struggling to maintain a united front in support of democracy and in opposition to global authoritarianism. If France elected Le Pen, pandora's box may be opened and there may be no coming back for France.

What you just said though contradicts itself. At the end of the day voting en masse for reform is "a mass movement". Things won't change when these politicians feel comfortable. Voting against them and being vocal about this as an issue will scare them. Voting absolutely works and all this rhetoric around "voting can't fix this" is exactly how we end up with this bullshit. Boomers learned decades ago how effective voting can be at changing everything and they have consistently turned out and shaped society around their needs as a result. If young people could get this through their heads then shit would actually change. Especially since millennials and gen z now make up the majority of the voting age population in the US.

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It's a mixed bag. Having moved to Canada, even modern constitutions can be a shitshow. For example, Canada's constitution allows premiers (the Canadian provincial version of state governors) to freeze certain rights from Canada's version of the Bill of Rights (the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms) on a whim until the next election. Ontario's premier, Doug Ford, recently tried to use this technicality to freeze the right to protest to stop a school workers' strike.

The reason this ability exists is because when Canada first became an independent nation and created its constitution (in the 1980's), the provinces would only sign onto it if these kinds of exemptions to their Charter of Rights and Freedoms were included. Looking at it from that perspective, the strength of the Bill of Rights actually looks pretty impressive by comparison.

The other factor I think is worth considering is that when it comes to the legitimacy of constitutions and governments, time is everything. When you reach around the age of a century old, the mere fact that your country had made it that long with that constitution starts to lend legitimacy and stability to it. Which is to say that if we had a brand spanking new constitution, everybody would be questioning it. Worst case scenario you get civil wars. Slightly better, but still bad scenario is a lot of disillusioned people that refuse to abide by the new document. America's constitution is old enough that it gets a lot of respect from even the most fierce of rivals. That's pretty invaluable, especially in times of political turmoil.

I believe that Trump would have had an easier time trampling over a newer constitution, regardless of how well thought out the document was. Having a constitution steeped in a national mythology and at the center of so many norms and traditions protects us from even some of the worst stress tests. The greater challenge isn't a crazy stress test like Trump, but the gradual decay of those norms. Which is to say that I really believe our norms have been protecting us even still, after so many things have been thrown out the window lately. Creating a new baby constitution in the midst of this messy era of politics would be one of the worst moves we could make.

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God, I love song mashups. It's sometimes shocking how much they slap. My favorite will always be Eye of the Tiger x Fireflies.

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I think it's easier to understand net neutrality as something ISP's can't do rather than something they must do, since we've never seen them really act on it before. It just means they can't speed up or slow down your internet based on what websites you're visiting. Under net neutrality, there can never be a deal with Google to give people faster speeds using Google searches than Bing or DuckDuckGo searches.

I've just stopped unsubscribing from email lists these days and instead I mark them as spam on Gmail so that Gmail can identify what they are for everyone else. Saw an article a while back with political fundraiser people begging people to stop marking them as spam and its just like, that's what happens when you keep subscribing me to new lists I never signed up for after I unsubscribe from the ones I'm on. If I go out of my way to inform you that email spam won't convince me to donate (which I do plenty of on my own without prompting) then you should listen to me.

This is complete speculation, but I wonder if the less common inverted title (eg Lake Michigan, River Thames, etc) comes from English's French influence. In French they usually invert the title in this way. For example, what we call the Eiffel Tower, they call the Tour Eiffel.

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