3 Post – 75 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


Part of the beauty and awe I get whenever I reread that famous excerpt from Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot is the sense of how ephemeral and delicate our existence, and even the very human concept of "existence", is. We are infinitesimally small and yet, through no fault of our own, our days, how we fill them, and the people we know hold some measure of importance to us. And it will all be gone - eventually. It's a very somber note yet it makes me feel a certain sense of peace.

"Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every 'superstar,' every 'supreme leader,' every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam."

In the Philippines, it's Juan and Maria dela Cruz, although those have fallen out of use due to the popularity of Western (aka US) culture. Interesting reading about every country's own names for their everyman.

Joke's on us, that's exactly what he thinks.

Not a lawyer, but that's defamation, isn't it? Mr. CEO's saying Christian is this and that bad thing, when Christian has proof otherwise. Mr. CEO repeats this lie about Christian, damaging his reputation. In Christian's own words, it's a "potentially career-ending lie".

What a top-tier tip. I'm one of those people who have uBlock Origin but never knew about this. Thank you!

I'd been smoking cigarettes for 11 years and just switched to vaping 2 months ago. My lungs feel much, much better. I can walk up multiple flights of stairs/longer distances without getting winded. My mouth also no longer has that eternal burnt paper taste, especially when I wake up in the mornings.

So for the purposes of what I switched to vaping for - to ease back on destroying my lungs - vaping/e-cigs work. I used to smoke 2 packs in about a week and a half. I'd say the amount I vape now is the equivalent of 1 pack every month (I don't constantly hit it throughout the day).

I have no doubt that inhaling vapor with that density is still not good, but it's better than what I was doing previously.

As for helping to quit the habit entirely, I think that's the opposite of their goal. All these fruity flavors they keep coming out with seem like they're designed to be popped like candy.

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I try to keep an open mind, especially because I'm immigrant who has other concerns outside the US sociopolitical sphere, but this is exactly one of the things I immediately saw happening given the demographic of people paying for Twitter Blue.

You seem to know a lot about putting boxes in bathrooms (for cooling purposes).

Great comment.

+1 vote for the Dishonored games. If you want a quick showcase of what's possible in this title or the whole series, StealthGamerBR is probably one of the best people to watch.

Yes, really. I was fortunate enough to be able to access the internet during the 90s. Was exposed to Geocities, webrings, and IRC mainly (the heyday of BBSes were juuust before I had access). Before Google, it was a real magical time when you never knew what lay in store as you surfed the information superhighway's hyperlinks. The "Old Internet" ruled.

In my opinion, the Fediverse is both like that, and unlike that. The idea of federation is really close to the unsiloed feel of the before times, yet we know much more about connectivity now than ever before. There's definitely magic in having something for the first time which you cannot 100% replicate even with something innovative.

But I have to admit the Fediverse does have that Brave New World feel (the concept, not the novel).

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Filipino here. Rice is a staple of our diet, and traditionally we've mostly eaten Dinorado or Sinandomeng rice. I'd say in the past 20-30 years though Jasmine and Basmati rice have also gained popularity in our dishes. I've always been taught this method:

  1. In a pot, rinse the rice 2-3 times, draining the water each time. Rinse just enough that most of the cloudiness of the water is gone, but some still remains. You'll want that starch.
  2. Fill the pot with enough water to cover the rice. Use enough so that if you dip your middle finger to touch the rice underneath, the water line hits the second joint on your finger (I believe the anatomical term is proximal interphalangeal joint lol). It'll be enough water for whatever amount of rice you have - everytime.
  3. Cover the pot, put it on the flame, let it boil. Once it's boiling, turn the heat down and let it simmer for about 15-20 minutes, until the water evaporates.
  4. ???
  5. Profit.
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The migration caused a large jump in the amount of users, and with that you will have disorder and confusion.

But in time, the communities/magazines where people actually congregate in will rise to the top of the lists. That's where you can find the most active discussions. Even now I found myself unsubbing from some of the quiet kbin magazines I found on my first day and subbing to the bigger communities on beehaw and lemmy instead, which works for me because I want that feel.

The beauty of duplicates is if you find that you're being drowned out, you can go to a place where you can have more of a voice, and discussions will be slower paced, or you can start your own. Most people crave simplicity though so realize that not every alternative will be alive; some of them are veritable ghost towns.

With regards to itself, I like that it's relatively open and neutral, instead giving users the access to block users/magazines/communities/whole instances as they see fit. As far as I know it hasn't been deferedated by other instances yet, and that's great because you can reach most anything in the Fediverse.

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That's such a trip. Only a 6 year difference between the two of you, yet you experienced the dawn of something and they didn't, and it shapes both of your perspectives so much.

Even though it technically applies to transistors, Moore's Law has been a good barometer for the increase of complexity and capabilities of technology in general. And now because of your comment I'm kinda thinking that since the applicability of that law seems to be nearing its end, it's either tech will stagnate in the next decade (possible, but I think unlikely), or we may be due for another leapfrog into a higher level of sophistication (more likely).

Others used RIF and Apollo, but I was firmly Team BaconReader from the moment I downloaded it a decade ago. I had deleted the application off my phone a few weeks back to help curb the habit, but seeing this now really hammered the nail into the coffin. At least it now has its own send off of sorts with one last update to the Play Store.

On the off chance that they see this, thank you BaconReader devs for 12 years of service!!

Apparently they go through bone like buttah!

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however it seems the original "kbin" name actually stems from unix's "sbin".

Oh so THAT'S why it's stylized as "/kbin" on And why the logo kinda looks like a folder. Interesting!

Oh man, I knew there were a lot but I had no idea.

I remember when Google Wave was demo'ed to a live audience, there were audible ooohs and aaahs from the crowd. It was such a mindblowing idea 14 years ago, shame it never really got off the ground.

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That's uncanny. How did you get it so close?

EDIT: Actually not close, bang on!

Sweet AW11! Before I bought my current car (a 2016 Honda Accord) I was on the hunt for an affordable SW20.

Officially, I lost the bidding on one by only $750, although I know that one bidder would have kept going if I elected to outbid him/her. I wonder where that '91 Crimson Red example is now...

Looks like a mix between Kirby and a Snoo. Very cute!

I forgot about that. We usually put pandan leaves in there from time to time to make it more fragrant. But otherwise, it's mostly plain rice. Our dishes usually have either a tomato-based sauce or broth anyway, so that takes care of additional flavor.

We call leftover, day-old rice "bahaw", and is usually made into "sinangag", which is literally garlic fried rice, and is usually cooked during the following day's breakfast.

Here's a nice blog post with pictures that made me hungry:

For sure! It's a rite of passage into the world of... even more chores and responsibilities lol

For me, the aesthetics. I've always thought the iPhone 4 looked GREAT with the flat front and back, and the straight-edged sides. The Phone (1) drew inspiration from that, and added transparent glass on top of it. Fast-forward to Phone (2), and although I'm not feeling the grey, I'm happy they're keeping the same ethos.

ActRaiser blew my mind the first time I played it. Having the chance to descend into your creation for some sidescrolling action was absolutely a surprise.

Still grinding away at Street Fighter 6, and currently starting another run of the FFVII Remake!

Haha, sometimes I do that, but when I'm cooking for myself, often no. I think most other households do though, since we (Pinoys in general) often serve rice on a separate plate and not straight from the pot, so that takes care of the fluffing part.

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Just curious since I just got into it... what other issues did you have? If you're comfy with saying, of course.

I've tried both as a forum admin. I think it's just a matter of preference at this point. phpBB is still sporting that old compact style, which kinda makes it look dated.

A cold one.

We must stay focused brothers... we must stay focused.

Mark Hanna: Number one rule of Wall Street. Nobody - and I don't care if you're Warren Buffet or if you're Jimmy Buffet - nobody knows if a stock is going to go up, down, sideways or in circles. You know what a fugazi is?

Jordan Belfort: Fugayzi, it's a fake.

Mark Hanna: Fugayzi, fugazi. It's a whazy. It's a woozie. It's fairy dust. It doesn't exist. It's never landed. It is no matter. It's not on the elemental chart. It's not fucking real.

OK, a couple of things I learned from poking around:

  1. Here on kbin, you're right that you can just append /m/ to the address bar to access and start interacting with that community/magazine. BUT, this doesn't always happen, sometimes you get a 404 error, because that community/magazine isn't federated to kbin yet. At least 1 kbin user must subscribe to the community/magazine for the address link to start working.

For example: I wanted to subscribe to the Knicks community on, but doing the address bar method just gave me a 404. Instead, I had to search for it as how @CodingAndCoffee described here.

So, now that I've subscribed to that community, it's going to visible for everyone else on kbin. But as was noted in that link, it's not retroactive: only new content that was posted after I subscribed will be federated to kbin. The older posts won't be visible here, but they will be in the original community on

  1. Again sticking with my example, if you go to, you'll see that @ernest is listed as the owner, but I believe that's only because he's the default setting of "Owner" in kbin's code. After the community got federated from, that's the value that was assigned to the Owner field. He didn't actually create that specific community; it was @tigerdactyl.

This is especially funny because @ernest is now listed as the owner of a LOT of NSFW magazines here on kbin. Dude's working his butt off on the site and now his name is plastered on the sidebar of nudes. I dunno, it's just hilarious to me.

  1. I'm not sure how the address bar method is supposed to work on the lemmy side. I've tried a bunch of different combinations (/c/, /m/, with and without @ signs) but none seem to work. At the same time I don't have a lemmy account to log in and check. So someone else will have to chime in for that.

My most memorable gaming moment would be when I beat Magus in Chrono Trigger for the first time. The build-up to this bad-ass of a character was intense. The whole first part of the game had you thinking he was the final boss. He had everything: a cult worshiping him in 600 AD, ominous music, bumbling henchmen and a castle surrounded in shadows and mists.

For those who've played the game, who can forget when you first come to his room? Everything's black, there's this scary weird chanting in the background, you're running into the darkness. Suddenly, blue flames burst to life on either side of your party. Oh yeah, this is it.

You find him facing an altar, in bad-ass pose mode, arms outstretched. A few exchanges of short, characteristic dialogue. Cue in music.

"The black wind begins to blow..."

And it begins.

I died like 5 times before I beat him. But getting beat by Magus, especially when you're around 13-14 years old and really into CT's story, could not get any more exhilarating and jarring at the same time. Of course, after I got Crono's Luminaire, it was all over. Still, one of my best memories growing up, especially since I loved the archetype of the anti-hero.

Second best gaming moment would be when I found him again after the fall of Zeal, only to find out you can have him as a party member! I never thought twice about what I wanted. In fact, I don't think I've ever done a playthrough of CT without choosing Magus to fight alongside me, even to this day.

What a fucking glowing recommendation and endorsement from an absolutely reputable organization. /s

On the other hand, I feel for those engineers at Twitter. Yeah they are choosing to stay, but one, for those of them who really believe in Twitter as a tool, it's not so easy to leave it behind all because corporate leadership is acting dumb, and two, even though Twitter still looks great on a resume, switching jobs is not as easy as stopping to go work for one place on one day and starting in another the next.

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I bought the Mustang Alpha and Avenger Titan pledges last year and played for quite a bit. Ran around naked in the cold of New Babbage. Passed out and woke up in Brentworth. Suited up and did some mining with my multitool. Flew the ships. Did some fetch quests. Fired a gun or two. Blew up the ships (multiple times). Had a blast.

I really think it will take years at this point to get it to where they want it to be, but in the meantime I enjoyed how the players treated it seriously, and not seriously at the same time, if that makes sense.

BTW, there's a pretty active community on !

I've heard that kbin supports blocking entire instances at a user level

Yes, to do this, go to, then block from there.

I think this is one of the strengths of kbin, because kbin itself can be open and neutral as much as possible and let each user decide the content they want/don't want to see. Of course this doesn't stop bad actors from coming over, making accounts, and start giving the instance a bad reputation, making it increasingly likely for it to be defederated by other instances...

You can already do this by clicking on the photo icon right next to the "X comments" link. You can also do this with video.

Is that what you were looking for?

Good standard features, I like the extra functions on the power button. But it lacks oomph. It just looks... meh, for me.

I'm gonna wait for US carriers to fully support the Nothing Phone (2). I was tempted to replace my 4-year-old Galaxy S10+ early this year with the Phone (1) since I've been hearing stories of it working on T-Mobile, but I can wait a few more months for an upgrade (and a black colorway).

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I made an account in Lemmy as well, so this is very useful. Thanks!

Debate bro culture is real. It has permeated every form of social media we currently have, and in time it will be here as well, if it isn't already. The best thing to do is to figure out when people are being disingenuous when engaging with you, and if they are, ignore them. Of course that's easier said than done.

I usually leave the lid on, but not fully covering the pot so I can keep an eye on it.