2 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I've got 14hrs played so far and I am enjoying it still. I am currently level 21 and have beaten the first story boss.

TL;DR Jack of all trades, master of none, but does a good job of mixing things together. 8.5/10 so far.

Palworld is kind of like fortnite imo: it didn't invent the monster capturing, exploration, crafting, or building, but it is one of the first games to mix them and it doesn't run like complete ass. The building is kind of basic, the exploration isn't too in depth but there is always something going on( you can find fast travel beacons, area 'boss' monsters, story bosses, dungeons, and there are pokemon throughout all of this), the monsters have some variety but they all feel like a mix of different asset grabs, and the crafting is simple (BUT, you can use your monsters to craft for you and take care of your base).

I'd say individually each of these things are rated 7/10 or 8/10, but when you put them all together it's pretty great. The crafting and the base building are there, but I just come back, build some things up, and then the monsters do all that for me while I go back to exploring. Last week I went through and beat Raft and Palworld is a breath of fresh air: I'm not spending hours grinding resources and crafting shit, instead I'm wandering around finding new monsters and locations and I come back and stuff is built. The crafting and resource finding isn't the entire game but it's a nice accessory. Similar to fortnites building + battle Royale, I didn't think monster capturing + base building would be that fun, but they have done a great job of mixing the 2. I find myself looking for certain monsters so that I can have them do certain tasks at base, and that's a win-win in a way.

The game is kind of janky in parts: I've had monsters fall through floors, some areas feel like they were ripped right out of other games (I swear some of the old, broken down churches look like they were stolen from elden ring), and the climbing mechanic isn't fully polished, but unlike other early access games it runs pretty well so far performance wise. I've gotten so used to games like valheim, cyberpunk, and starfield where the game comes out and just runs like complete ass (30fps or less) for the first few weeks. Hell, we were playing Raft last week and our host told us to stop building the boat more b/c he was scared the game would crash. I'm not running Palworld like I ran CS:GO, but it feels like a steady 60fps+ at all times which is really great. As a counter to that though, hosting a dedicated server is okay at best so far. There is a memory leak that has the game go from taking 2-4gb of ram up to 8gb+. After 8gb gets used the computer I have hosting it tends to crash and then I have to manually turn it off and on again to get things going.

In the end, I know I'm going to get my money's worth out of it (30+ hrs), maybe even double that(we'll see) and I'm happy with that. I'm not expecting this to be the next Skyrim/baldurs gate/fallout, I don't expect to play this for thousands of hours non-stop, and that's fine b/c there is other stuff out there I'd like to play anyways. Similar to Valheim (I have 58.2hrs of playtime as of writing this), I expect to play through palworld, shelve it, and if there are any updates in the future I might come back to it.

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Drunk at 3pm? Jesus.

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I love that this comic about Octopi/Squids is posted by Flying Squid

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Not excusing drunk driving, but based on the shape of the road I see how this happened. From Google maps, if the driver was coming from blanchett street there is a bend in the road right in front of the building. Here is what it looks like from street view. The driver was probably drunk and/or lost control of the vehicle and went speeding forward into the side of the building.

This is awesome, thank you!

I always love recap threads like this. It's an easy way for me to catch up the next day and make sure I didn't miss anything.

So, the Alaska Airlines door plug incident is more than likely Boeing's fault(we don't have the footage or a record of who did the repair because Boeing deleted/lost it....which makes me even more suspicious tbh), but this was a 25yr old 737-800 Boeing hasn't seen in decades. This looks like a united maintenance issue as do all the other united 737 issues.

Now, don't get me wrong, Boeing definitely has a plethora of issues going on, but I think the FAA might want to also look into United's maintenance department as well cause they're also having a plethora of issues.

When I used to manage people (for a call center) I would do that but via text. I didn't wanna catch anyone off guard with a phonecall where they agree to it without realizing they already had plans or something.

I also always tried to stress that this is optional, if there aren't enough people, that's on us, and we should have prepared better.

....is this not just a muffler/silencer for leaf blowers? Good on these kids! This definitely falls under the 'why didn't I think of that!' category for me.

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They could make more specialized robots, but I imagine the selling point is the versatility. A specialized robot can make food at a fast food restaurant, but can it also deliver food to customers, mop floors, and clean bathrooms? Adding a specialized robot to a kitchen or a factory floor may require you to completely re-design how the floor/room is set up, but adding a humanoid shaped robot would not require any extra setup (well, besides teaching it/programming it).

Spot has been used as a security guard/ inspector at some sites. Going up stairs/ladders would be extremely difficult for something on wheels/treads, but for a robot that works like a human it could be easy.

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I'm not big of naming anything after traitors, but out of all of them Confederate General Bragg arguably did more to help the union than the confederacy.

Bragg is generally considered among the worst generals of the Civil War. Most of the battles he engaged in ended in defeat. Bragg was extremely unpopular with both the officers and ordinary men under his command, who criticized him for numerous perceived faults, including poor battlefield strategy, a quick temper, and overzealous discipline. Bragg has a generally poor reputation with historians, though some point towards the failures of Bragg's subordinates, especially Major General and former Bishop Leonidas Polk—a close ally of Davis and known enemy of Bragg—as more significant factors in the many Confederate defeats under Bragg's command. The losses suffered by Bragg's forces are cited as highly consequential to the ultimate defeat of the Confederacy.

Went for 2 weeks in March, can 2nd this.

Not having soap drove me nuts! There was like 4-5 bathrooms I used that didn't have it.

Also wanted to drop a comment that this is awesome and a fantastic use of AI!

Currently it cannot. It does let you select which applications it records from though (ex: I have it set to record my game audio, discord, and my microphone, but not Spotify).

Wait till you see his van.

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Looks like he wrote this article for his book on this that is coming out on Oct 24th: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/217260/ours-was-the-shining-future-by-david-leonhardt/

I'm really disappointed on this one. The original star wars battlefront and battlefront 2 were some of my favorite games and I was looking for an excuse to go back and play the campaign, but with upgraded graphics

It's always nice to have a FRIEND that owns a boat. Hell, I'll even pay for gas, just fuck that maintenance/storage cost lol.

I'd say I missed out on this really cool map making period in gaming history (Wolfenstein, Doom, Quake, Half-life, counter-strike, etc.), but it kinda lived on a little when I was a teenager (countless, painful hours making halo 3 and halo: reach maps using a controller...fun times though). Kids nowadays have it the best though: When I was little we DREAMED of a lego video game and minecraft nails that (lego island and lego island 2 were awesome, but it wasn't infinite building awesome).

Thank You for experiencing this roller coaster so I don't have to

The Big Cat Public Safety Act was enacted last December and bans the importation, sale and possession of prohibited wildlife species, such as tigers, jaguars and leopards. Jaguars are also listed as an endangered and are therefore protected under the 50-year-old Endangered Species Act.

Thank you Tiger King?

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  1. Fuck Nazis

  2. Not defending a Nazi but let me give a little more context on the guns they found:

2a. Everything found in the car is pretty fucky. I highly doubt he actually had a Fully auto M4 rifle, it's probably just some variant of AR-15,but if it is a fully auto rifle, dude is extra fucked and could be looking at a 20yr prison sentence just for that. Ruger pistol could be anything, but is probably your typical handgun especially if he had 3 mags.

2b. The firearms at home are a mix. A Glock pistol is a Glock pistol, 9mm is no small caliber. The Smith and Wesson MP-15 rifle and Walther Pistol Model P22 sound/look scary (the MP-15 is even modeled after the AR-15), but these both shoot .22lr which is more of a sporting/target practice round. Here is a picture for comparison, the larger round on the right is .223 or 5.56 which is what the "m4a1" they found would shoot. Of course, these are still firearms and are still lethal, but it's kind of like the difference between a box cutter and a k-bar: both are deadly, but one is deadlier than the other. The Iver Johnson Arms & Cycle Works 12-gauge shotgun is probably your typical hunting shotgun. Shotguns have fallen out of favor with the military/ law enforcement as they aren't as effective as rifles, but they are still used for hunting/sport shooting.

All of this to say: of the 6 guns they found he has only 3 of them were the spooky/scary assault type. This guy (personally) wasn't trying to arm a small militia and is an even greater idiot because all of those guns/ammo/accessories he owned probably cost a couple thousand dollars and he just threw that all away.

He is a Nazi though, so he was already fucking stupid to begin with ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edit: formatting on browser

I'd say this is less on the ability of Russian assassin's and more on this guy for reaching out to his girlfriend back in Russia.

In Spain, Mr. Kuzminov lived “an indiscreet life,” the senior Guardia Civil official said. He went to bars popular with Russian and Ukrainian clientele, burning through the money he had received from the Ukrainian state. He drove around Villajoyosa in a black Mercedes S-Class.

Exactly how the killers found him has not been established, though two senior Ukrainian officials said he had reached out to a former girlfriend, still in Russia, and invited her to come see him in Spain.

“This was a grave mistake,” one of the officials said.

Regardless of truck size, I don't think tractor trailers are going anywhere. Even if we made trucks smaller those would still be out there

Smaller trucks would still get in accidents though, and I imagine they would be less deadly

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I would definitely get some ideas from the Internet, but verify them with a vet afterwards. If you feel like your current vets advice isn't working don't be afraid to get a second opinion from a different vet (it's what I would do with a human doctor as well).

Hell yes brother! Same. It's always nice when I'm on the bus or an airplane and I can just break out wired headphones. No worries about charging them, they just work!

That's what the golden parachute is supposed to be for: a payout long term so the CEO doesn't make a short term decision that fucks the company up but pays out big. Ex: offering a stock package that you can't sell for 5-10years.

A decision like this will pay out HUGE in the short term, but if they don't change it I doubt many will be using unity in a few years.

For those that haven't played it before, H3VR (Hot Dogs, Horseshoes, and Hand Grenades) is a VR shooter with some of the most detailed firearms in VR. It's not as detailed as Escape from Tarkov (unless you download some mods), but a ton of firearms built into the game have full functionality, from guns where you can add grips, grenade launchers, sights, scopes, etc. to a fully functional stinger MANPADS. The attention to detail is impressive!


I have a disturbing amount of hours in this specific game mode for this game. Something about moving through the levels, eliminating enemies, and getting better guns is a ton of fun.

I love this band and I love this song! It's always fun to watch people jamming out to the beat and then they start listening to the lyrics and are like 'what the fuck?!'

I am very hype for the release of this one. It hasn't been officially confirmed (besides some discord comments), but AI enemy changes may also be coming which would be great.

I wouldn't be shocked if they were already pinned down and the drone finished them off. Stand up and be shot by the Ukrainians, crawl and be killed by the drone.....

Helldivers 2 has taken over my life (when the servers aren't down)

Mods, I appreciate this bot!

Deciphering media bias is tough, and finding 1 site that will 'perfectly' identify biases is an impossible task, but at the minimum having this bot show up on posts 'gets people thinking' about the credibility of their news sources.

MBFC doesn't have to be the ultimate arbitrator either. If it is missing something about a specific article people can call it out in the comments. At the end of the day, the worst thing it does is add more data about a news source and I'm not gonna complain about that.

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Mods, I appreciate this bot!

Deciphering media bias is tough, and finding 1 site that will 'perfectly' identify biases is an impossible task, but at the minimum having this bot show up on posts 'gets people thinking' about the credibility of their news sources.

MBFC doesn't have to be the ultimate arbitrator either. If it is missing something about a specific article people can call it out in the comments. At the end of the day, the worst thing it does is add more data about a news source and I'm not gonna complain about that.