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It seems the EU is moving on this issue with their usual tectonic speed.


Let's hope they also hit with their usual tectonic force.

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Us young men get the same treatment but with scumbags like Andrew Tate, go figure.

I feel the pain.

He learned his lesson /s

Cali is a hit or miss, the Cali privacy reg has been so watered down compared to the GDPR it feels like the ad industry got it in to prevent future harsher regulations.

Exactly, liberal means both German center-right CDU and the US Dem mainstream. They are on the same ideology.

What the hell is a debate supposed to be if not partisan? It's about the parties running is it not?

It's a historic railroad bridge that has not been used for a while, steel construction, and it has been taken apart and put together many times before, sometimes for maintenance. IIRC the current mayor promised the people not to do it again, and then came Bezos, and then they didn't take it apart, they installed the yacht's masts downstream instead.

This is the bridge in question: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Hef

How can this GaaS thing be sooo profitable and also such bad press that even mentioning it results in a "sorry we didn't mean that" article?

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Thank fuck tho, it will keep electric waste down, and I feel we are starting to figure out you don't need to spec your game to the newest graphics card for it to be fun.

VisegrΓ‘d don't mean shit these days, the journalist is Polish, and worked with Radio Free Europe.

If anything, she's Western-biased.

Their margins are very high on some items compared to the ingredients, their costs are more dominated by other factors like wages and the costs for the location.

Could they get out of kids pants and get to fixing the country?

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At this point, using Firefox and an ad blocker does more for the climate than paper straws or recycling.

Even with ad blocking, half of consumer internet traffic is ads. Google is contributing to increasing this ratio, where most traffic on the internet will be stuff the client did not request, contributing more to climate change than Bitcoin - not that this makes crypto look better, they are just a useful milestone to compare to with the press they get.

And this doesn't include the idiotic AI shit they do.

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He's really hurting in his ego about his lack of crowds, isn't he?

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Questions remain over the benefits of similar actions, aside from shock value and forcing parts of Russian troops to bolster their defences by moving troops from elsewhere.

Aside from that, sure. I wonder why Euronews would be against Ukraine retaliating against Russia, other then the fact that it has been bought by an Orban linked company las year.

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I just want to point out the irony that the UK is being fussy about a piece of their history being moved out of their country.

drug and pregnancy tests

What in the world necessitates those?

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I’ve said this over and over again, (...) Joe Biden was not picked in 2020 because he was the only person that could beat Trump. He was picked because he was the only person that could beat Bernie Sanders, rightly or wrongly. … That conclusion was made, okay? β€œOh my gosh, coming out of Nevada, Bernie Sanders is going to be the nominee!” And people, just like they are now, said, β€œAhhh, I don’t think that’s going to work,” so they were looking for an alternative.
- Adam Smith

I was an elite that supported (Biden) in 2020, (...) And said that we should do everything we possibly could do to advantage (Biden) against Bernie Sanders, because I thought Bernie Sanders’ politics were detrimental to the party and to the country.
- Harold Ford

This seems to be the gist of the article.

Not almost monopoly.

Google is a monopolist, and it has acted as one to maintain its monopoly,

- the US govt

From the linked Wikipedia article:

In 2022 the network was bought by a company linked to the Hungarian government of Viktor OrbΓ‘n. The acquisition was partly financed by funds from the Hungarian state.

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That's just the Netherlands.

  • wealth taxes βœ“
  • insanely good infrastructure βœ“
  • reasonable worker's rights βœ“
  • an actual swamp βœ“
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wanted to play superpower

As someone who is from that region, it's not even that. A whole lot of countries want to play superpower, and they are only mildly hated for it. The US, the French, even the Chinese are an abstract economic threat. The Russians want to play 18th century superpower and that makes them a concrete military threat.

The stupid thing is, just by looking at the state of the world right now, they totally would have won the long game if they went soft power only. Putin is a failure that way as well I guess.

When I think of cutting red tape, no unnecessary bullshit bureaucracy and fast acting government, I don't usually think of Germany. What happened?

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How is this not a crime that gets counterterrorist units involved immediately?

Its ranks included ... active-duty U.S. soldiers

How is this not a crime that gets the military police involved immediately?

"Don't mind us, we're just running a terrorist training camp here!"

Seriously, WTF?

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While Trump is the weird granddad who really went off the deep end, and Vance the creepy uncle who you don't trust leaving alone in your home with your couch.

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This war is one of the largest tragedies of our years, and none of the soldiers on either side deserve to die in those trenches, but Putin almost getting couped by Prigo, then Prigo getting killed by Putin was pretty funny.

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Precovid houses I could afford with a weeks pay. Now it’s the whole pay check.

You mean rent, right? Right?

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This is a common feeling with a lot of people. Not jailing rapists and other criminals just because their daddies were wealthy breaks down the social fabric. After all, if it's everyone for themselves, why shouldn't I steal from Walmart? Why should I not commit fraud against corps? Why should I not try and murder a presidential candidate?

The public not seeing that crimes against the social contract have consequences will be the actual thing that breaks society, not gay people loving each other.

The press doesn’t like him because he’s tough.

Orban is a bitch boy who never gives interviews to press he doesn't personally own.

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To be in compliance with copyright law, political campaigns must receive a public performance license from organizations like Broadcast Music Inc. or the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers.

So what are they going to do about it? Or if you're rich, they just let you do it?

Get him to do a church crowd shift

The comments here are weird TBH. No, Brazil will not start shooting down satellites. It can just simply outlaw and sanction Starlink, stop anyone from paying Starlink for their internet subscription, and have peeps go around and confiscate ground stations.

Also, they can just go and ask the US to help enforce their ruling, telling them "do you want to be friends with us or Musky boi?"

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Some countries use YYYY MM DD which is also sane.

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Is Harris even supporting the genocide? From what I've read, she's at least no Biden, and certainly no Trump.

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Bond... Jusuf Bond.

Stock valuations are based on Wall Street feefees, not the actual economic performance of a company. Even if said economic performance is shit, it only affects stock prices as much as institutional bankers feel like it should.

It's basically a casino run by the super rich, and people in the US get their retirements in its chips.

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That's the point, how will they indeed?

This forces Russia into a real dilemma. They can't just obliterate the Ukrainians with artillery, since doing so would destroy their own oil distribution hub and cut off their own income. They also can't not do it, since this is a major fiasco, and it becomes worse as time goes by.

So indeed, how will the Russians retaliate? All the risk is on their side now.

same logic

That's the point, it isn't. The good old version was built on logic where the browser would send the downloaded webpage to the extension, and uBO could weed out ads and trackers, and give you the sanitized version. uBOL works completely differently, as it has to ask the browser to clean it out, but the browser will ultimately decide what to actually do, and there are already limitations that impact ad blocking, as the browser won't accept enough changes to block all the different kinds of shit that comes through.

The other big difference in logic is distribution, uBO relies on outside blocklists to keep up with Google changing Youtube several times a day to keep sending you malware, in the new system, this is not allowed, so it's on Google to approve a new blocklist as fast as they do their changes - they won't.

It's going to be less capable, it's going to be exactly as capable as Google wants. It might as well be named the Google Ad Blocker if only that didn't discount the insane work the uBO team does to keep up with Google's shit.

As a European, way worse than GW. GW was bad, and there was a lot of shit going around with him trying to drag NATO into unjust wars of aggression, Trump basically made NATO seriously prepare for a future where the US is not a member.

This means a lot of things, from simple things like NATO might not buy the next American fighter jet that might tie them to an unstable country with military logistics, to more complicated and far-reaching ones like Europe not giving a flying fuck about US-China relationships and potentially being a neutral/independent party on that front.

If the US can't recover - and I'm not saying it can't, the 2016 Trump presidency might be referred to by historians as the point where the US jumped the shark on being the sole superpower on Earth. Wonder why tankies are shilling for Trump.