Trump promotes false Harris AI crowd size conspiracy to politics – 258 points –
Trump promotes false Harris AI crowd size conspiracy

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He's really hurting in his ego about his lack of crowds, isn't he?

It’s incredible that crowd size is still such a touchy subject for him. It was the first lie that he had Sean Spicer tell, and it’s still a soft spot of his to this day. Gotta keep the Kamala fever up!

I don't think it's incredible at all. As a narcissist there are few things he values more than people liking him, and crowd size is (to him) the most direct representation or measure of it.

Liking him is secondary to paying attention to him, but yeah.

Poor little Donny. It's not the size that counts dude, it's the adulation of the crowd that you can muster.

He literally always is (any time it comes to his attention), and figuratively always has.