
1 Post – 73 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm okay with that if they're willing to stone themselves to death for adultery as well.

Usually the people who want to stone others don't want themselves included in the stoning.

I'm sure there's a high percentage of adulterers in that group.

They're not the same.

Natural gas is composed of a few different things like butane methane even propane and a few others.

Propane is just propane.

For environmental purposes, propane is cleaner than natural gas.

I don't think the article distinguished the two.

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Going to lose a family friend to pancreatic cancer in a few months. The life expectancy after symptoms is like 6months. It's brutally fast.

The problem is the speed. This research might not "stop" this form of cancer, but if it opens up roads to makes it more detectable? So we can get to it earlier to treat it or manage it. I'll take that.

Maybe we can move that number from 6 months life expectancy to something that would give some more time. Maybe we could stop it all together. Whatever it is, all information is useful in the fight. I just hope we get some mileage out of this soon before it takes more loved ones.

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Is Kim running low on food again? I feel I read something about a missile being fired every other week.

"What the fuck is livestock inversion studies?", my mother exclaimed with tears in her eyes while her shaking hands grasped the course syllabus.


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I think it's more the psychology of the nofap group themselves that's hurtful. I've seen many/most discussions that are fine, but others are just wildly toxic with a cult-like "discipline".

You're either with us or against us.

Us vs. the system/females/people in power.

You're better than others. Or, if you trip up, you're garbage.

There's no in-between and no room for mistakes.

That's not good for you in the long run and it'll hurt more than it helps.

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Why not pay creators directly through Patreon PayPal or equivalent instead of Google as well?

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You can still be beautiful on the inside

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Daily commuting can also go.

If they ever do a second season, I'd love it if they refrained from trying to shoehorn in any radical changes.

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Trying to hop on that ADHD train.

For sure the quantity of posts is the same, but the quality has gone down.

You can just feel it all over. My frontpage has little to no good topics anymore. I used to peruse for at least 30 mins easily losing myself. I barely get 5 now before getting irritated with the low effort material.

It's because they dissolve within 5 minutes of use after poking them through the plastic lid.

I was gifted a metal collapsible one recently because of my bitching about it and it's a better experience.

Maybe the devs want Reddit to implode.

I agree, I studied abroad with a 12 hour difference and during the day there, when I browsed Reddit, most of the posts were lower quality because most people were asleep. (Sorry euro peeps)

It's when the evening came that the posts picked up quality and engaged me.

Now that I'm stateside, I feel like Reddit posters are completely and perpetually asleep (or just gone).

It's really wild to see reposts over and over. Like some Redditbot constantly spamming the same thing hoping to get some traction going for conversation.

You underestimate the power of thirst

Randomly have green lights on my commute so I don't have to slow down goddamnit.

Finally a good argument, thank you.

I agree that premium splits the percentage of my cash equally and easily but only 55% bugs me. That's an arbitrary number based off of some black box calculation.

I do not trust YouTube to have my or the creators best interest in mind.

If this number was 90% for creators I would consider it fair. The majority of the work comes from creators and is the reason YouTube has any people at its doorstep.

In the meantime, I can still far less effectively make use of my money the way I want to until a better alternative comes around.

I'll just have the sweat it and try harder to be a better consumer, I guess.

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Exactly, you can't control when it happens. So hello spawning thousands of bills at the local swimming pool.

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We do take med holidays for other conditions.

Taking a holiday from stimulant adhd meds allows our body to come down to "normal" chemical levels again so that when we really need to take it, the effect from the meds is better.

Im not your doctor but maybe non-stim might work better? Or every other day dose timing with extended release formulas. There are ways to get the meds you need and live normally. No need to feel like some crazy animal for weeks on end.

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If you haven't seen a medical provider about it, I suggest doing so. Sleep is important. This could be asthma, sleep apnea, GERD or a bunch of other things (long COVID among them). But if you can get a fix to it quickly, you'll absolutely feel better.

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I only enjoy it after I'm done with it. Never before or during the workout. I still do it, just it's pulling teeth everyday.

Oh bipolar meds aren't the same as adhd stims, totally different, you're absolutely right.

It's the same thing every season. Cold, flu, RSV, mycoplasma, hundreds of other viruses and bacteria, now COVID all go up when people congregate. We've known this since grade school.

Why the news is being sensationalist, who really knows? /s

I would be fine if YouTube crumbled and was put into second place by a better platform or two.

Yes it's the best option currently which is why they can do such ridiculous practices.

But once they have actual competition, I expect them to bend over backwards for my attention. Because if they don't change the current trajectory, they'll go the way of the other digital giants of the past.

Do not worry about having a viable platform in a future without YouTube. I am 100% sure there will be one.

Not really. It's more like:

Everyone ending

One innocent ending to keep everyone else alive

That's more challenging.

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That's kind of the mystery, isn't it?

It won't be a terminator style takeover by AI, mankind will simply lend all of our trust and capability to it rendering us dependant. Even to the point of liking our computer overlords.

I think that particular apocalypse is a long time off and can be avoided, but it's coming.

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What phone or service is this? Not in the states right?

There are definitely conditions and reasons to do drug holidays with medications. They are recommended, I know this.

For sure, with everything, it's different for everyone. And everyone's needs need to be catered.

Which religion isn't poisonous?

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I mean, traffic cameras are a thing...and robot dogs with guns are now a thing. So we're not too far off from a drone performing a no-knock raid for an unpaid traffic ticket.

Bigger plot twist it applies too well and you use it once and go to jail.

Absolutely this.

Too few role models on how to act like a well-adjusted and reasonable person. When the smallest social misconduct happens today it's like people want to either explode into a fit of rage or implode into this crying mess.

Getting a good eye on priority comes from socializing out in the world and or volunteering your time and energy for something that doesn't pay you money but helps someone in need. It can teach so much at such a young age because you're surrounded by some of the best and worst people you'll ever meet.

My grandma called it the doodely-woodely music.

I will agree that no guns = no gun violence if you can say it also = no gun defense. If guns take lives, they also preserve and defend them even without firing a shot.

I dont want hurt to come to anyone but it can happen regardless of the best intentions. Media and politicians happily ignore this because they have people with guns standing next to them at all times. I don't have enough money for a personal bodyguard. I do not live across from the police station. I only have myself same goes for my family.

But it doesn't matter.

If you could remove all guns, would you? I wouldn't because I know we would still be faced with the same level of violent people. It'll shift from guns to something else but now, my elderly parents, my wife and I wouldn't be able to defend ourselves apparently. I'll say that children in schools will still be targeted by violent people even without guns.

I lament the loss of life that has been brought by the use of guns. But there must be a way to allow law abiding citizens unrestricted access for defense while removing access to would-be criminals for violence.

If you get your way, I'd like to know how you propose I defend my kin from a person or persons who wish me harm? Because I know you won't be there for me, personally.

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I agree it's insane 😅

That's the dream! Congrats!

Elon and Tesla are damn near perfect.