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Joined 1 years ago

Because the instructions, “draw a brick here, a pipe there, here are the rules for how jumping works, etc.” are smaller than “these pixels are blue, that one is orange, that one is white, etc.”

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No. I just don’t kid myself, I know I’ll never read it.

They’re using it as a euphemism for poop. For some reason.

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They produced episodes IV-VI. Mark Hammill and Anthony Daniel’s were among the film cast who reprised their roles.

It’s really good.


Better title: “Photographers complain when their use of AI is identified as such”

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Because other cities didn’t have a large black neighborhood to knock down.

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I hate these clickbait headlines.

Saving you a click: because pandemic aid funding is ending, and enrollment is lower in some places.

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Saving you a click:

Open the Settings app, scroll to Face ID & Passcode, then to Stolen Device Protection, and turn the switch on.

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You missed incessant “place your item in the bagging area” and failing/requiring “assistance” if you scan too fast.

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Oh, I didn’t know he went by his middle name

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Because genocide plus fascism is worse than genocide alone. Is this even a real question or are you just trolling?

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I assume they’re going to ignore the ruling and use the maps anyway.

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I say we go all the way and use even smaller numbers of extremely large trucks, and put them on specialized roads made out of two metal rails. I bet the efficiency of these “rail roads” would be far far superior!

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What’s wrong with vulva?

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Unfortunately, Wikipedia continued to grow, and Encarta sales declined.

Not seeing the unfortunate angle to this…

What a confusing headline.

No…”An action that would justify the initiation of hostilities against the perpetrator”

Mexico could use this event to justify war against the US. As you say, they will not — but they could if they wanted.

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…Barbra Streisand?

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Yup, About 100 years later. What’s old is new again.

Not just Florida but yes.

Ignore the ruling until it is ”too late” then shrug and say, “Sowwy we ran out of time, guess we’ll have to just use the only maps we have”.

Disgusting ratfuckery.

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the thread still showed a score of around 1,300 points, meaning that it had been believed to be real by quite a few users.

Someone doesn’t understand belief or how upvotes, downvotes, or Reddit work.

What the fuck are you even talking about?

They are vague so they can be enforced arbitrarily and ignored when desired.

I think the distinction is what a human sees as “something unexpected happened” vs something that the bot sees… is the bot seeing something that isn’t there, or is the human missing something that the bot noticed?

Or did they both notice something and the bot handled it in an unexpected way?

Number one rule of safe driving is to be predictable…

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Cars (and seatbelts) are the biggest reason I see. Cloaks:

  • get caught in the door,
  • take up a lot of space,
  • get tangled in seatbelts,
  • limit seatbelt effectiveness by padding the wearer with the excess cloth

They’re great for pedestrians but not so much for motorists, cyclists, and motorcyclists.

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I have YouTube premium

Wow, so you pay them and they still screw you? Glad that’s a product I’ll never buy then!

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Assholes are especially bad at recognizing that they’re assholes.

Pretty sure they’re taking about the presidency. The three branches are president, congress, and Supreme Court.

Nuclear war. 80s kid here, so past the nuclear close calls and “duck and cover” of the 60s but the Cold War and nuclear arms race were pretty scary to me.

It’s never gone away and Putin’s current saber-rattling have not helped, but it calmed down in the 1990s and 2000s.

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There are many instances like that. Systemd vs system V init, x vs Wayland, ed vs vim, Tex vs latex vs lyx vs context, OpenOffice vs libreoffice.

Usually someone identifies a problem or a new way of doing things… then a lot of people adapt and some people don’t. Sometimes the new improvement is worse, sometimes it inspires a revival of the old system for the better…

It’s almost never catastrophic for anyone involved.

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Since it doesn’t mention it I’ll assume it was the cops.

Nah, fuck ‘em for hating on Linux too. If they put as much effort into supporting it as they do to opposing it there’d be a lot more love for Epic.

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Probably one thousandth of an inch.

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It’s not the cargo trains that make the system worse, it’s the prioritization of cargo over passenger rail along with lack of investment. If they spent even half the money on rail that they do on automobile roads we’d have one hell of a good rail system.

The highway system costs 200-400 billion dollars a year split between state and federal government.

Meanwhile Amtrak gets about 1.5 billion dollars from the federal government.

Sure, and they can regulate it by blocking access to Mozilla. That’d be within their authority.

That doesn’t mean Mozilla has to answer to them. Mozilla would be within their rights to ignore Roskomnador.

Whether they should is another matter but they don’t have to respond.

Read the first paragraph or the headline of your link again, and then read what you wrote again. Slowly, If it will help.

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Xkcd “standards”


Wow, literal victim blaming. Impressive.

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When your walls are level, you have a problem. Usually you want your walls to be plumb.