
2 Post – 94 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Even if you wanted to stay as a mod you'd have to have taken a shot to the heart after all of Reddits shinanigans lately. Years of free effort and this is the thanks you get. Absolutely disgusting betrayal of people who have done a mostly fantastic job keeping the wheels on the beast all these years and I'm absolutely stunned they did it.

RIP Reddit as we currently know it.

Please don't treat posting to Lemmy like a job and honestly do we really need a bunch of reposts anyway? I don't think so.

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Even if mods still want to continue modding their aubreddits you'd have to have taken a shot to the heart after years of free work with what Reddit is doing now. This has been one of the worst displays of ignorance and ungratefulness I've ever seen portrayed on an online forum that's supposedly operated by professionals.

This is probably true. Forum software is a lot more mature then Lemmy etc and probably a better overall option currently for a project like Jellyfin to operate. They just want something that works.

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I'm currently in the market for something like a Chromebook but I'm not buying one because of stuff like this.

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The problem is human nature. Content, activity and funding for development will drop off very hard and it'll likely become like XMPP is today, aka bloated, a mess of standards and basically forgotten about.

Meta just want to suck all they can out of a promising technology and it isn't their first trip at the rodeo. See Occulus as well. People are right to want to keep Meta at arms length.

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I think that a forced paid subscription will probably kill it anyway long term, who in their right mind would pay a subscription to access Reddit?

Also don't forget that thes app owners themselves are running a business and probably make a bunch of money from their apps that they don't want to see evaporate with the changes.

I'd be down for something like this on a PVE realm where your own actions are typically what lead to your death. I'm less enthusiastic on a PvP realm with permadeath but I understand the current version isn't for me and that's okay too.

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Goodbye Drop, nice knowing you.

Watch Corsair add maximum rainbow unicorn vomit while cutting every cost and quality aspect they can. Independent my arse.

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It isn't early access if anyone can buy it and they're charging money for it, it's a released product.

They just released the minimum viable product even though the actual devs probably told them not to.

Personally at least I had no expectations of your team moderating or otherwise being responsible for the content coming from those instances and thought it was enough to use the new icon set to clearly identify content from Beehaw vs the others.

It's a shame because such a move feels very anti-fediverse to me but I am new to the platform so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

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Beyond All Reason


It a grand scale RTS game with robots and insects loosely inspired by Total Annihilation.

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"And I think, on Reddit, the analogy is closer to the landed gentry: The people who get there first get to stay there and pass it down to their descendants, and that is not democratic.”

I love how this is suddenly only a problem for them now but has been something they defended for years previously.

From what I saw the lower mod probably contacted the admins to make this happen by claiming that the inactive head mod went against the wishes of the community.

It's happened before to other subs like /r/wow but back then it was a positive move to circumvent a man child making the sub private over an expansion release that didn't go so well because he couldn't log in and play the game. A lesser mod was made head and the original head striped of his position and all was made right again.

In this case it appears that the community overwhelmingly supported the blackout and move to go private instead. The mod that took over was the only loud voice against the blackout.

I'd talk to your SO and have them have that conversation with them.

It's okay to have boundaries in your house regardless of whether they are an adult or not.

Biggie knew. Treat everything like it’s your first day because nothing is guaranteed.

As long as I can still use all the current free functionality then I don't mind these things. It's when these things become the only option ala Reddit killing 3rd party apps that it becomes a problem.

Me for about 10 more days or so apparently.

Then it'll just be Jerboa on my phone because I refuse to reinstall that piece of crap official Reddit app entirely. If a Google search takes me to Reddit for an answer I'll just use my browser until they eventually kill that too probably.

The situation kind of reminds me of titty streamers on Twitch. Everybody seemingly "hates" them yet they make an absolute killing regardless, because the silent majority think it's perfectly fine.

I agree, which is why I understand that my opinion is ill-informed, but I still don't like the situation much because my experience has been mostly positive with those communities so far. I am not sure if I owe that to the otherwise excellent admins and mods we have here or luck so far though.

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That "play-to-earn" system ended up just being a means for people to exploit others in poorer counties to grind countless hours in the game for a pittance.

There's no value in cross-game sharing of assets, nether for the developer nor the players.

When the game dies so does anything of value related to the assets themselves. The blockchain will probably die too. Someone one day resurrecting the game is a pretty flimsy reason at best to justify all of the negatives that come with blockchain in games, because 2 decades later it wouldn't matter anyway.

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All those "conservative people" who don't support "the bad stuff" but then turn a blind eye to these kind of things make me sick.

If you try out an IDE don't feel obligated to have to use every feature of it just to justify using it. Just use it much like your text editor to start with and learn the extra features you go.

So too do far too many other games.

Usually because they want to sell you cosmetics and other junk and the only way to ensure you don't just mod it in for free is to make the game phone home and verify itself constantly.

Haha suck shit!

Realizes it's probably my data too.

I've never used Sync but I just installed it and it's pretty slick. This is fantastic news indeed.

Putnam has been such a huge blessing to this game since they took him them on.

With a Linux port I might have to install it again too. Ugh my sleep.

Edit: I was an idiot.

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I think if they just wanted to serve ads to third party apps they would have worked out a deal with them to revenue share at the very least and do this.

My guess is that they want to pitch Reddit as this huge datasource for AI in the upcoming IPO and they can't do that if they're giving it away for free.

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Rich people always do because society tells them they are great.

Look at Australia's former Prime Minister as a shining example of exactly this for just one.

The Android app supports multiple accounts so I just made one over there too and I can still enjoy the best of both worlds so yay fediverse!

Although it was nice to have everything on a single plain I'm glad to reduce the load on our mods and admins as I get how thankless and tiring the job is.

I'm glad it's this and not actually real tbh.

This is exactly why right here, cost aside.

I would not hand out hundreds of Chromebooks to kids running some Linux distro I installed even if I could. It's critical to have full manufacturer support in these types of environments.

Isn't this always going to be a problem though? They can just go to other servers with open registration and do the same thing, the only way to avoid that is to never federate at all with the current tools available.

A zombie building game like 7 Days to Die, but with the emphasis on building and not pogs per second on Twitch to drive sales.

Also No Man's Sky but built from the ground up for PC with HOTAS support and far more varied and better procedural generation.

Framework laptops are the exact opposite of what you'd want in a school environment. This is how you blow your schools IT budget out the window. Cheap, disposable, consistent configuration and manufacturer supported are the key concerns.

These are kids with various standards of computer literacy throwing them in their bags which they also kick around and treat pretty harshly all day long. A $4k Framework-style laptop is just silly.

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Reddit has done this before when it really wants to, there is past precedent, but usually it's been along with the communities wishes.

It's only purpose is to monetize your gameplay time with some kind of real world "value".

Everything else is just the lies they tell you to get away with enshitifying the game.

I'm happy to roll with it because you all seem to be doing an excellent job here in my experience so far. I've seen some otherwise great content come from those communities though too and ran into very little toxicity so it comes as a bit of a shock to me.