
4 Post – 273 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Mush didn't found Tesla. He bought it later and put in the contract that he was able to call himself a founder

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"Landlords entering the party were greeted with shouts of “Parasite!” and “Get a job!”"
Some good news for today.

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Another narrative: employment was up and workers were gaining power. Out of nowhere, JP Morgan Chase chairperson started going to meetings and talking about a recession, over and over. Other businesses took his lead and started raising prices. After a while we're no closer to a recession, but we have lost a lot in standard of living.

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I thought we all agreed web3 was dead and killed by shills and get rich quick schemes. Why are people still on this bandwagon?

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Meanwhile, a city clerk can't accept a box of chocolates from the public, for fear of an ethics violation

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Please don't color part of a word blue and part of a word black

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Someone would make a killing of they created an easy to use home dashboard with an eink display. Low power, 8x11, customizable with Android apps. Refreshes once a minute. Has weather and traffic and calendar in the morning, and displays photos in the afternoon.
LCDs are terrible in terms of power consumption. But a big, slow eink would be great.

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The moment that copyright is granted to AI art is the moment that the war against corporations loses. Getty images is just going to generate endless images, copyright them all, and sue any small artist that starts having an independent thought

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Cameras not being allowed is actually really good in this case. Using a court hearing as a campaign event isn't how things should be done

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Elect a clown, expect a circus

I have an issue when the same people who were cheering during the Bush years, gave grudging acceptance at drone strikes during Obama, and were silent during the Trump years, pipe up and say drone strikes are bad now.
Progressives have been saying this the whole time.

Also, a reminder that Obama tried to write regs limiting the use of drone strikes at the end of his presidency. Trump promptly threw them out on entering.

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Where's the gofundme

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You learn a special type of Spanish and somehow you make MS Word come out

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'I'm implicated in too many felonies' should not be a valid excuse

Sell them used and reduce the cost of entry to other people

The Florida of California strikes again

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Complaining about the number of objects in orbit as you persist in putting thousands of additional objects in orbit seems hypocritical

Let's find out: 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0[

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Make your resume focused on the job you want. Dont make your resume about the job you have already had.

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Confidential for them to tell other people what your pay is.
Completely free for you to say what it is if you choose to.
Dno if that changes if you're a contractor of some kind.

Next time that I'm caught speeding, I'll just claim that I didn't know that speeding was illegal. That should work.

So is trader joes

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Fucking WSJ. Yes, a population that doesn't care about upholding an arbitrary 40 hr workweek is the problem. Not increasing wealth gaps or deteriorations in social services.

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Growing up I also learned that violence begets violence and hate leads to more hate. Then I grew up and realized nobody cares about that.

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If you're from New Zealand and you see this, is it like cannibalinception?

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How do you look at an election defeat and think: "That's what we need. More of exactly the same."

  1. Progressive vacancy tax - the longer a commercial site sits empty, the more the tax is.
  2. Abolish most residential height and density limits.
  3. Rent control
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A brand new pixel 6a is $349. A brand new 7/7a is 449.
I don't think it's worth the hassle

You know a show is trash when a character saying some jargon is somehow a laugh line

These all seem like nitpicks. Maps transit is still the best way to figure out to go between points and it works in multiple countries with the same interface.

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Synology is more closed down but they make it very easy to use. Note that nas prices don't include the hard drives - that could be $250 alone. Recommend finding one from past generation.

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If kevin wanted someone to uphold a deal he should have put it in writing

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The latter half of the quote again just shows how shitty this comparison is. Didn't Trump threaten to withhold funding from Ukraine, to be used in the event that Russia attacked (unthinkable!), unless they gave up dirt that could be used against Biden?

I've played a night so far and prob got my $26 of value in the next few days.
It's fun and think I can spend some time on it. What else is there to ask?
Also, you know there's going to be mods to add licensed chars to the game so that should add another level of fun when you can ride Thomas the train to run over legally distinct pikachus

Not selling? Drop the price.
Already dropped the price? Keep on dropping til it sells.

More boob related shit posts plz

Ive been having a lot of fun with Dyson sphere. Good entry if you're interested in factory games.

Fucking boomers. Like 50 % of the worlds problems

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The guy works on software for like a decade and it's completely free with regular updates, and you insult his ethnicity? Wtf is wrong with you

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Kind of weird everyone was pushing for the limited edition when it's currently still in stock 4 days after release.
Good on valve for crushing scalpers dreams.

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