
2 Post – 218 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Yeah Biden fucking tanked. They should not have put him on that stage.

Um, seriously fuck that.

This man has not felt joy a single time in his life.

I just switched yesterday after learning more about why I should here in Lemmy.

The last time I tried FF (many years ago) it was incredibly slow, so I went with chrome. But the FF of today is actually noticably quicker.

Also, FF offered to import all of my bookmarks, autofills, passwords, history, and even my extensions (if a FF version exists of course, almost all of which did) and did so seamlessly. It was the easiest software switch ever.

11 more...

So it’s treason then?

5 more...

Ever notice how there's no such thing as a liberal hate crime?

"We are all domestic terrorists".

How much more do we have to put up with before we do something about this? Sadly I'm guessing it's a lot more.

Great! Now do President.

10 more...

Once most societies decided to use a base 10 counting system, evolutionarily it just made the most sense to have a corresponding number of digits to help with maths.

1 more...

The "counter-protestors" all wore black hoodies and white masks.

This was not a reaction to violence from the Gaza side. It was planned by the attackers.

So we've got people in favor of IDF being violent against peaceful protestors. I can't even begin with the irony of that.

We've also got police who were called immediately but did nothing to stop the violent attackers (some of those that work forces...).

This is what happens when we have democrats in office.

The republican party is a joke.

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Seems like the people who committed said war crimes should be the ones on trial.

Yep, both sides sure are the same.

The best gift ever is that my family all agreed not to buy unneeded things for each other. The gift of not stressing, not having to go shopping, and not spending money just keeps on giving.

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Anyone who votes for a party that supports racism, banning books, and trying to make it harder for people to vote is not "nice enough".

They are an evil piece of shit who is making the country a miserable place to live.

19 more...

This comment section is amazing.

TL;DR Most people don't know. The people who do know disagree with the other people who also know. There is a disconnect between whether we are talking about oven settings, temperatures, sauces, covers, dry heat, open flame, vegetables vs meat, the list goes on...

What a lovely chaotic discussion!

From now on whenever I hear him or someone else reference him as 45, I’m going to remember that what they really mean is that he’s at the bottom of all time presidents in the rankings, solidly at 45th place.

IMHO it's so much better. I've had better discussions, less stupid comments (no pun comment threads so far for example).

I don't want Lemmy to turn into Reddit.

Almost like you get what you vote for.

10 more...

Where there Angels emerging from the epicenter of the earthquakes?

We really need a new definition for these because it doesn't line up with how people think about them, and as a result the stats are easy to ignore.

1 more...

Well no shit.

I appreciated both sides of this discussion.

This man should have been president. Fuck Hillary and the DNC.

Bottled water should be illegal for so many reasons. The water use itself, the plastic waste, the tons of microplastics consumed, and the use of so much fossil fuel to ship a very heavy item around the country when it travels freely by pipe.

Exceptions for places with contaminated water of course.

Or that she said marriage is between a man and a woman. Just ignored that one didn't they(

Orgasm donation needs to be opt-out, not opt-in.

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It is. It was from people reusing passwords that were compromised.

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No, but you are still voting to support all those other things when you vote republican

Not a shower thought

How do people this stupid still exist? Or is it just a Russian troll?

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The only difference between a cult and a religion is number of followers.

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Amazing. Are you this good with needing to pee?

Something other than “Finder” for macOS

3 more...

Cool. Fuck Germany.

Is there any law stopping private citizens from maintaining such a list I wonder?

Conservatives also want to take away peoples rights, ban books, make it harder to vote, and hurt minorities.

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Trump didn't win the popular vote.

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Yes. Even for people who don't like reading the articles, this is not one to skip.

Save yourself some time: The mayo in the squeezer bottle is about 10% denser, probably to help it squeeze better.