
0 Post – 147 Comments
Joined 5 months ago

When I was in 6th grade I was fucking cringe, little fucks these days acting like they ain't.

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Can we just go back to personal websites and forums?

Also fuck discord use mumble

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Golf = The game of the bourgeoisie. Mini Golf = The game of the proletariat.

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I wish a pox on these capitalist pigs.

Every day I get a step closer to dropping all this trash, going back to piracy.

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Yea cause kids totally wanna have a conversation with their shitty father.

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Always love this one, I'd do the same but there's to many fucking things to fix.

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Report them, and say don't recommend. It's our civic duty to spam reports so they get taken down automatically. That will increase the amount it suggests to you but to stop that make playlist that can run overnight, fill it with good shit you've already watched so you don't miss anything new and just let that run. It will hopefully clean that shit out a bit.

I'm cut and I don't need lube. Like don't just mash it bro/sis

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Nothing's real 😅😓

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More like escaping poverty rule.

Wow so we call downloading YouTube piracy?

I guess most content creators are pirates.

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I find the idea of "downloading new wash programs" to be absurd.

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I got banned for calling someone a pigeon, I left and didn't look back.

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Fuckin furries.

I would but due to capitalism there's not much of a choice in products.

I hate when companies just eat an entire industry.

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Horrible horrible things could happen to him and I'd just laugh. He's a spineless turd who doesn't even believe any of the bullshit he spews.

Just quote some "woke" passages and claim it's not in the "real" bible and tell them that they should check themselves as that seems to make them believe basically anything.

Why can't we go back to meeting people on BBS and forums. Shit I met my partner in 2009 on a forum. It was organic and real, no apps, no algorithms just good ol' fashion php with a dash of flame war.

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Mount that on a truck and sell it to the Russians, imagine how many conscripts and civilians that thing could fit.

Bro, you only got one sink?

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If only, I miss playing a catgirl on the internet.

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Like if my banking doesn't require a gender to make a transaction why should my driver's license.

Every time I visit my parents I go through their YouTube now and unsub from all the weird shit. I always get the same response from them "idk I didn't sub to that" children man, they come in all ages. I ask her "then why do you randomly drop dog whistles that line up with what's being currently spouted by the right?" 🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗

This is why I love the west coast of Canada, I can talk to the cops all I want, I can call them pigs, I can tell them they should learn to do their jobs, I can just straight up troll them and it's protected.

It doesn't mean they won't be absolutely shitty about it and try to start shit though.

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I call my wife bro and dude constantly.

But obviously if someone doesn't want to be called dude or bro they can let me know and I'll gladly change my terms when dealing with them.


My cat likes pizza so I'm going to agree.

Yea that checks out, I know a few that are that kinda crazy. Most are benign though. They party hard it's crazy.

Only raccoons truely understand consent.

It's because America is #1 baby!


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I miss when you didn't need a cell connection for remote start, like my fob can lock and unlock my car from the third floor of my building why can't I just have a button on my remote that does the same as unlocking my doors.

Although, the roadside kinda makes $60 a year worth it just for the peace of mind, gotta atleast give em that.

Very racist. It's a Whiteman

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Now if I could get condom packets but full of mayo that would be prime. I'd hand them out on the street corner.

Anyone who wonders why it's extra squishy gets a "it's extra lubricant"

Full page ad? Like a post that takes up the whole page or a legit popup like a mobile game?

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My grandparents are pretty fucking dumb, I love em but they are you're typical Trumpers, they only see the "good" like owning casinos and hotels alongside having many wives and children.

Trump is them, if you gave them hundreds of millions of dollars and said "have at er" while making sure fox news or Newsmax was always in the background.

This is why I do love that my PC is powered by renewable energy. It blows my mind how expensive power is everywhere else, plus I don't wanna game if it means I gotta roll coal like huge parts of the world.

If only we could just tell everyone living in the dark ages they get no say in anything if their say is shitting on someone they don't like.

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