catgirl rule to – 334 points –

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If only, I miss playing a catgirl on the internet.

What's stopping you

In my case, I became a better person. I was a massive troll, I used my catgirlness to fuck with people and manipulate them. It was only when I met my partner that I started to understand my actions have consequences, and thoese consequences are not always physical.

If I got back into it id be better, stronger and more powerful than ever, but also full of empathy. It was also alot of effort and that's what I put in all day at work now, so fuck effort at home.

Ah yeah, that's very fair.

You are always allowed to be a catgirl for fun if that's what you want though! It doesn't have to be anything beyond that! As long as, yeah, you're not making life worse for others haha