9 Post – 165 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Chaotic good or we can't be friends.

At-will state fantasies

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But, like, what happened?

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I have nothing intelligent or insightful to say. I just fucking hate this country.

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I'm also disabled. That doesn't mean you can just say/do anything without consequences.

Nobody said you owed them anything.

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Uh, maybe trans people feel ostracized and scared because half the world is actively trying to eradicate them? And you read that as attention seeking? That is some bizarre-ass victim-blaming.

Most trans people would very much enjoy not being recognized as trans.

Nothing here is cheap.

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Maybe they'll destroy one another.

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I'll get my gloves

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Please try

I am an idiot.

Not if they can convince people that his conviction is some kind of liberal plot to silence him.

One lobotomy, please.

Uhhhhh, fuck no. Some children invented this shit back in 1999. It was on Figure it Out. How fucking dare you.

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Thank you, genuinely.

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Knowing Republicans, Heather Scott has been craving some strange meat.

I think you may be overestimating him.

Not even then, I don't think. I'd sooner write-in Vermin Supreme, as would most people in Chicago. Luckily (?), the city is the reason why Illinois is blue. Go an hour away in any direction and you're in enemy territory - but an entire town out there has fewer people in it than there are people living on my block. So, it works out.

You hear that, mom? Go fuck yourself.

$11.99 here in Chicago.

Maybe somewhere dumb like Rock N Roll McDonald's or San Francisco.

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Excuse my ignorance, but how were you able to recognize the bots?

The repost bots were fairly easy to spot, but I sadly never found a situation like the one you're describing. I don't use reddit anymore, but the information may be useful elsewhere.

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You wouldn't care about a civil war in China?

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Why does it annoy you? He's a terrible human being with more money than God and he doesn't even pay taxes. His very existence is harmful to us all. At the bare minimum, he deserves ridicule.

My three favorite things ❤️

If you're anti-abortion, you're anti-woman. You can't say you care about women if you deny our right to healthcare. Sorry, but you suck.

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My 12 year son plays the trumpet. He'd love this meme.

But I will not show it to him.

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Came here for this and the previous comment. This is exceedingly common here. Now I want a double dog. I wish I wasn't poor.

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True. Additionally, the US doesn't even have an official language, English or otherwise. Americans don't have a monopoly on the language. No one does. Not even the English.

Either/or. Often times it's the primary disease, other times it's secondary. It is a disease of its own right, but can be the consequence of other diseases - whether psychological, neurological, or physical.

Tremor is maybe a more direct comparison than a cold. You can have essential tremor, in which tremors are idiopathic and the primary diagnosis. On the other hand, tremors can also be symptom of multiple sclerosis. It just depends on the individual.

Frequently, it's a chicken or the egg situation. Did the individual develop PTSD because they were already predisposed to/experiencing depression or did they become depressed after developing PTSD?

Sometimes depression is also just a natural consequence of being sick and/or disabled. Chronic pain, physical limitations, the inability to maintain a healthy social life, poverty as a consequence of disability - it can really take a toll on your mental health.

How dare they ask questions to find out more 🙄

Oh man, that's amazing. Thank you for that information

But not literally. They don't deserve your loins.

Oh, I'd say it's a matter of morality. No one in the Walton family is going to go hungry any time soon.

This is it. The US has gone so far right that centrism seems left wing. I have been generally comfortable with the tone of the conversation in the fediverse. Occasionally, I'd like to pull the conversations further left. I've been peeved or mildly disappointed, but never actually enraged or flabbergasted. Conversations have been pleasant and reasonable, even when I disagree with what's being said. It's been pleasant.

That website gave me cancer

Forget a word

Correct. Misleading wording like this is how they manage to trick ignorant people into supporting hateful laws like this one - assuming they're not supporting these laws precisely because they're hateful.

The LGBTQ+ community (including drag queens) absolutely and unequivocally does NOT support pedophilia in any form. This includes exposing children to pornographic material. That's fucking canon and you can quote me on that shit.

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What the fuck does that have to do with anything?

What an absolute motherfucker.

And, in the mean time, abuser shoots his ex-partner in the face, even with a restraining order, because guns make it extremely quick and easy to murder a person. That is exactly what they're designed to do, after all.